Sunday 31 August 2008

Spiritual Encounter for the 7th Month (農曆七月之靈異說)


Lunar 7th Month of Year 2008 is considered officially over, for those who are extremely anxious and afraid of the Month, I’m sure by now, you shall have felt relief and relax.

Okay, just to share with you all on what had happened today.

On Saturday Morning, just before I leave home for one of the appointment made with one of our French Friends, an urgent call came, saying that one of the family members was being haunted by the Wanderings. And so, immediately after putting down the call, I dashed over to the caller’s home to take a look and possible, provide my necessary assistance.

Upon reaching the premises, the other family members looked extremely worried, after finding out more from them and I noticed that the case was not that serious as so-called being haunted by the Wanderings.

The case goes like this:

The daughter of one of my brother’s friends, went to sing karaoke with another girl-friend on last Thursday evening.

After the singing duration was up, the 2 girls called for the waiter to make their bill.

Upon receiving the bill slip, the 2 girls were shocked to release that on the bill slip, it stated payment for 3 people.

And so, after a short clarification with the waiter, the 2 girls went over to the main counter to make another round of clarification with the Manager. After a short commotion, the Manager decided to show them the Video-clip of their Cabinet to them to prove that there were 3 people inside the room and so, the girls agreed.

Immediately after the Video-clip was being rewind and play, the 2 girls turned pale and without a second word, they made their payment and left the Karaoke Lounge.

So what did they saw?

The 2 girls, the Manager and the waiter saw another guy sitting besides the 2 girls, looking at them while they were singing and playing with each other.

After the daughter reached home, on that very night, she started to have fever and in her sleep, she keep mumbling to herself, which the other family members were not able to understand what languages the daughter was speaking.

1 Day passed and on the Friday Night, the daughter seems to have calmed down but again, the fever was still there and so, on Saturday Morning, the parent decided to call me to check-up with me on what had really happened.

After taking a short observation on the daughter, everything seems to be okay, just that, she got a very terrible shock from the images that she saw in the Video-clip (as long as oneself is Upright, need not worry of such encounters. These Wanderings are just there to join in the fun, they wont harm anyone unless someone harm them. Do not mistaken that only in this Month, then oneself will encountered such issue).

With my minimal assistance of advising the parent to prepare the necessary stuffs to offer to the Wanderings, the daughter had recovered and able to leave the bed.

Soon after the daughter woke up and I found that it was time for me to make a move. Just before I left the Premises, I checked the timing and was shocked to notice that, it was almost Evening time.

Again, I missed a few appointments today.

Sorry to my dearest friends.

Saturday 30 August 2008

Deities Birthday & Celebration of Wu Zi Year Lunar 8 Month (戊子年八月神誕及慶典)

According to Chinese Deity Systems Record, here are the Birthday of the various Taoist Deities, Patrons, Sages & Immortals in the Lunar Eight Month.

3rd Day of Lunar 8 Month: Star Lord Bei Dou

3rd Day of Lunar 8 Month: Deity of Kitchen

3rd Day of Lunar 8 Month: Premier Jiang Zi Ya

5th Day of Lunar 8 Month: Heavenly Lord Pu Hua

15th Day of Lunar 8 Month: Madam Lin Shui Enlightenment Day

15th Day of Lunar 8 Month: Lord of the Moon

18th Day of Lunar 8 Month: Maiden Lord of Ninth Heaven

22nd Day of Lunar 8 Month: Duke Guang Ze

23rd Day of Lunar 8 Month: Duke Zhang Fei

Pictures of Qing Jing Jing Scripture/Stone-Carving (太上清靜經手抄及碑文)

In the following are a few pictures of Qing Jing Jing hand-written Scriptures and Stone-carving.

Some of them are written by Masters.

A very rare and precious collection.

Friday 29 August 2008

Old Posters created for Deities Birthday (舊版神明誕辰海報)

In the following are some Old Posters that I have created for a Group in the Past for some of the Deities Birthday Celebration.

Video on Hokkien Qing Jing Jing (閩南語清靜經歌唱短片)

Dear All, this is the Video Clip that I created based on the Hokkien Qing Jing Jing song (sang by a Taiwanese Lady Singer).

Qing Jing Jing, a Basic Taoist Scripture that All Taoists needed to know and master and also the first Scripture that needed to be chanted on any Taoist Ritual/Ceremony.

Hope you all enjoy.

PS: For those who cant watch the Video here can proceed to this link:

Divination Lots of the 60 Jia Zi Cycle (六十甲子聖籤)

60 Jia Zi Cycle aka 60 Years or 60 Days Cycle.

This is a set of Divination Lots that being created according to the Jia Zi Cycle, it can considered as a very Rare and Precious set of Lots that can be found in the Modern Days now.

In some of the Temples or Taoist Organisations, they are using quite a similar Set of Lots like the one here, but again, some of the Lots are not that accurate and so, the Sets that they using might not be able to give the accurate or actual explanation, etc.

For those who wished to use this Set of Lots in their Temple or Religious Group, a certain Ceremony and Reporting will be needed to be done.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Video on Taoist Ritual Diao Ying (閭山調營科儀短片)

In the following, you will be able to see the Traditional Way of doing the Summoning of Spiritual Armies during Taoist Rituals/Ceremonies.

This type of Traditional Way of Summoning, Rewarding, Releasing of Spiritual Armies is Rarely seen in Singapore, neither in South East Asia.


Wednesday 27 August 2008

Video on Taoist Ritual Jing Tan Qing Sheng Ke Yi (道教淨壇請聖科儀短片)

This is a Taoist Ritual that All Priests needed to conduct before the Ritual of inviting Deities.

In Taoism, we addressed this Ritual as Jing Tan (淨壇) aka Cleansing of the Surrounding.

Due to different teaching from different Schools, different Taoist Groups will have different style of conducting this Ritual.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Video on Cantonese Qing Jing Jing (粵語清靜經歌唱短片)

This Cantonese Qing Jing Jing singing is presented by the China Guang Zhou Taoist Priests, a very nicely sang Qing Jing Jing.

Do enjoy.

Pictures of Wan Fa Zu Shi (九侯仙公萬法祖師)


Wan Fa Zu Shi (萬法祖師) aka Spiritual Master of Taoist Skills, in Chinese also known as Bing Ling Gong (炳靈公 got the same title as the Son of Dong Yue Da Di 東嶽大帝). Full title known as Tai Xuan Du Sheng San Shan Jiu Hou Xian Shi (泰玄都省三山九侯仙師).

According to the minimal records, Wan Fa Zu Shi was recorded to be born in Han Dynasty (date unknown), 15th Day of Lunar 12 Month, with name of Wo Li Fu (臥立夫).

Since young, Wan Fa Zu Shi had been showing great interest in learning the various Spiritual Skills of Taoism. After he grown-up, Wan Fa Zu Shi went around the whole country to seek Mastership under various Taoist Priests, Masters and Teachers of the various Schools (at that time, Tian Shi Sect 天師道 aka Wu Dou Mi Jiao 五斗米教 was the leading Sect).

By spending many years of learning & training, finally, Wan Fa Zu Shi was able to create another set of Theory and Teaching out from the skills that he had learnt to merge the various important Energies and Power together to form the Skill of Wan Fa Gui Zong (萬法皈宗 compressing the Positive Energies together to gain the maximum effect).

In Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Shun Period (AD130 東漢順帝年間), 19th Day of Lunar 2 Month, Wan Fa Zu Shi got his Enlightenment at Mountain Kong Dong (得道於崆峒山). From then, his disciples and students took over his task of spreading the imparting of the Spiritual Skills of the Theory of Wan Fa Gui Zong.

Now due to the various imported Non-Taoist Religions into China, many other Religions are trying to use the term of Wan Fa Gui Zong to represent that we, the Taoism is classified under their belief, which is not True. So do not mix our Taoism Wan Fa Gui Zong with the Non-Taoist Theory.

Another record on Wan Fa Zu Shi is:

Wan Fa Zu Shi, born in Eastern Jin Dynasty Period (AD317-420, date unknown 生于東晉時期). With a surname of Wan (俗姓萬).

Since young, had been influenced by his family members on Spiritual Skills and Taoist Teachings.

After growing up, Wan Fa Zu Shi made his way to Mao Shan (茅山習道) to do training and learning on the Various Skills and last, got his Enlightenment.

Upon getting his Enlightenment, Wan Fa Zu Shi was being bestowed with the Spiritual Sword known as Seven Star Sword (Qi Xing Jian 七星劍) and a Commanding Block of Mao Shan (茅山號令). By then, he traveled around the Whole Mortal Realm to eliminate the Negative Forces and performed his Salvation Task.

Monday 25 August 2008

Video on Taoist Music Qi Tai Ping (姑蘇祈太平道樂短片)

This is a Taoist Ritual Music presented by the Gu Su Taoist Musical Troupe.

A very nice piece of Taoist Ritual Music, do enjoy.

Sunday 24 August 2008

Deities Scrolls/Paintings used in Rituals/Ceremonies 4 (法會畫軸)

In the following are a few Antique Scrolls that being used in Taoist Rituals/Ceremonies.

Do enjoy.

Saturday 23 August 2008

Pictures of Maiden Lord of Eye-Sight aka Yan Guang Niang Niang (佑童視力眼光娘娘)

Yan Guang Niang Niang (眼光娘娘), aka Yan Guang Sheng Mu (眼光聖母), translated as Maiden Lord of Eye-Sight. Official title known as Yan Guang Sheng Mu Hui Zhao Ming Mu Yuan Jun (眼光聖母惠照明目元君). A very Rare Deity to be seen in South East Asia.

She is one of the many Female Deities that look into issues of Blessing Little Kids & Babies and also, curing any forms of Eyes Diseases.

According to Records, Yan Guang Niang Niang is one of the 8 Assistants of Bi Xia Yuan Jun (碧霞元君) aka Maiden Lord of Mt Tai aka Dong Yue (東嶽泰山聖母). In some other contexts, Yan Guang Niang Niang is also known as one of the 8 manifestations of Bi Xia Yuan Jun.

So who are the other 7 Assistants/Manifestations?

Here they are:

Maiden Lord of Prolonging the Family Lineage (子孫聖母育德廣嗣元君)  
Maiden Lord of Curing Infants Poxes Infection (痘疹聖母立毓隱形元君)
Maiden Lord of Curing Infants Rashes Infection (斑疹聖母保佑和慈元君)  
Maiden Lord of Destiny-Delivery of Infants (送生聖母錫慶保產元君)
Maiden Lord of Safe-Delivery of Infants (催生聖母順度保幼元君)  
Maiden Lord of Natural-Feeding for Infants (乳母聖母哺嬰養幼元君)
Maiden Lord of Wisdom-Opening for Infants (引蒙聖母通穎導幼元君)

PS: Info on Bi Xia Yuan Jun at

In the Ancient Era, whenever Little Kids being infected by Eye-diseases such as Sore-eyes or Swollen-eyes, Parents would bring their Kids to Temples that dedicated Altars to Yan Guang Niang Niang to request for Blessing. Some of them would even traveled to Mt Tai aka Dong Yue to pay respect to Yan Guang Niang Niang at the Rear Hall (till today, the Altar is still there).

For Ladies who found infected with Eye-diseases, by paying respect to Yan Guang Niang Niang, the diseases would also be cured in very short period.

On 20th Day of Lunar 4 Month, the Followers of Yan Guang Niang Niang will celebrate her Manifestation Anniversary (眼光娘娘華誕).

And on the 9th Day of Lunar 9 Month (農曆九月初九日), at Mt Tai, the Hall that dedicated Altar to Yan Guang Niang Niang, would held Grand Ceremony to honour her for returning Gratitude to her for providing the necessary Blessing for Little Kids and the Ladies. Due to Political reasons and the Change of Cultural Belief, such Ceremony was being forced to end.

For Higher Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:

Friday 22 August 2008

Pictures of Jin Sha Tang in Hokkien Province (金沙堂-福建閩清法主公祖廟)

In the following are pictures of Jin Sha Tang, which is known as the Ancestor Temple of Zhang Gong Sheng Jun aka Fa Zhu Gong (張公聖君法主公) in China Hokkien Province, Min Qing Area (中國福建閩清).

In the Temple, you are able to see the various spots that Zhang Gong Sheng Jun used to perform his Cultivation and last, gaining Enlightenment.

Do enjoy.

Video on Taoist Salvation Ritual (中國道教超度短片)

This is a Video on the Taoist Ritual - Salvation of the Souls, by the Taoist Group in China.


Thursday 21 August 2008

Video on Taoist Music Shan Po Yang (天師府山坡羊樂短片)

In here is another Taoist Ritual Music that commonly used by the Zheng Yi Taoist Groups.

A very nice and joyous Music.

Do enjoy.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Video on Taoist Music Xiao Kai Men (天師府小開門樂短片)

This is a Taoist Ritual Music that being commonly used in Zheng Yi Rituals/Ceremonies.

Do enjoy.

Pictures of Hundred Years Old Temple Bao Chi Gong (新加坡百年老廟保赤宮)

Yesterday, while I was in the Temple paying my Birthday Respect to Lord Tai Sui of the Year in the Rear Hall of Bao Chi Gong, suddenly something strike me in the head of – why not take some pictures of this Temple and then shared with the rest of the people?

And so, after the 1st round of my offering of Incenses, I went around to take some pictures (the un-usual me, cos I’m a Photography-idiot).

At the main Hall, the Main Altar is dedicated to Kai Zhang Sheng Wang (開漳聖王), which is the Ancestor of the Tan Clan and also, the Zhang Zhou People (漳州人).

On the Right Hall, you will be able to see the Altar that dedicated to Jade Emperor of Heaven (玉皇大天尊).

On the Left Hall, you will be able to see Altars dedicated to Ma Zu (媽祖), Guan Gong (關公), Tu Di Gong (土地公) & Tiger Deity (虎爺).

And at the end of the Temple, which is the Rear Hall, you will see Altar dedicated to Dou Mu Yuan Jun (斗母元君) and the 60 Lord Tai Sui (六十甲子太歲).

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Video on Taoist Music San Gui Yi (天師府三皈依樂短片)

This is a Music presented by Long Hu Shan Tian Shi Fu Taoist Music Troupe.

This is a Music to represent the Grandness and Highest Respect of taking Refuge under our San Qing aka Three Pure Ones.


Monday 18 August 2008

Manifestation Anniversary (Birthday) of Lord Tai Sui of the Year (值年太歲聖誕)


Lord Tai Sui aka Star Lord Tai Sui, the Lord that being appointed to look into the issues that are associated with Human and other Beings, in Taoism, Lord Tai Sui can be considered as a very High-Position or Important Deity.

Lord Tai Sui is another Deity that being manifested from the Natural Star/Planet in the Universe.

So where this Star located in the Universe?

According to Records, the Initial Form of Lord Tai Sui’s Star was situated directly Opposite the Planet Jupiter (木星).

So what are the actual Tasks that Lord Tai Sui being appointed to take-charge of?

The more accurate and exact Tasks that Lord Tai Sui being appointed to look after shall be, the Fortune, Life & Death issues that related with all the Living Beings..

Okay, now back to the main Topic.

Lord Tai Sui of the Year’s Manifestation Anniversary falls on the 19th Day of Lunar 7 Month (in 2008, it falls on 19 Aug, Tuesday).

On this Day, Taoists will visit Temples that dedicate Altars or Statues to Lord Tai Sui to make their respect to him in-order to get the necessary Blessings.

More info here:

And so, what to prepare?

According to our Chinese Custom & Folks Practice, here are some recommended items to be prepared for the paying respect:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Longevity Noodles (壽麵)
3 Longevity Peaches (壽桃)
4 Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿)
5 Huat Kueh (發糕)
6 Rice Wine (米酒)
7 Chinese Tea (茶)
8 Paper Offerings (紙料)
9 Candles (蠟燭)
10 Flowers or Lotus (鮮花或蓮花)
11 Tai Sui Robe (太歲袍 Blue or Brown Color) – as shown below:

The following is the Paper printed with the Headgear, Boots and Whisk. It can be found in the Paper Robe, so look out for it before you pay for the Robe.

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, then one self can proceed to the Temple.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & the Main Deities in the Temple and then last, proceed to the Altar that honoured Lord Tai Sui.

Make a Bow in front of the Altar and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage (for those who know how to recite the Bao Gao of Lord Tai Sui):

Jin Feng.

Zhi Nian Tai Sui Xing Jun (Bow)

Qian Qiu Sheng Dan Zhi Qi.

南洋新加坡共和國。 (你的住址) 。
Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo. (Your Address)

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

Zhi Nian Tai Sui Xing Jun (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

Zhi Nian Tai Sui Xing Jun (Bow)

Tai Kang Sheng Jian Qi Sheng Xian. Sui He Tian Ling Wan Wu Qian

Xing Yuan Zhi Zhong Ming Chang Bao. Jun Lu Bu Zhong Ming Deng Xian

Yi You.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yi Nian Ping An Chang Zai. Yue Yue Fu You Bu Dai.

Si Ji Shen Guang Pu Zhao. Wan Shi Sui Xin An Zai.

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

Zhi Nian Tai Sui Xing Jun (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai. Zai Bai. San Bai. Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

Once the Paper-offerings are being burnt, go back to the Altar, make another sincere Bow and then retrieve back the Offerings, bring them back home and share with the other members in the Family.

And so, the whole Paying Respect to Lord Tai Sui is considered end.

Video on Taoist Music San Qing Sheng Jing (道教三清勝境樂短片)

This is a piece of Taoist Music performed by the Taiwanese Taoist Music Troupe.

This Music is named as San Qing Sheng Jing, meaning the Holy & Celestial Areas where our Taoist Three Supreme Pure Ones stayed.

From the Music, you are able to feel the Peacefulness, the Calm and the Grandness of the Areas.


Friday 15 August 2008

Zhang Gong Sheng Jun Forum (法主公論壇)

This is a Special and Useful Forum that being dedicated to Zhang Gong Sheng Jun aka Fa Zhu Gong.

This Forum was created by our Taoist Bro Pat.

Thanks to him for All the effort.

Introduction on the Using of Gui Ren Paper (百解貴人紙使用簡介)




A lot of the Taoists and Chinese might have used Gui Ren Zhi before, but from survey, not much people really know how to use these Papers correctly or properly.

Are they to blame? Of cos not, cos most of them are not taught to use the Paper correctly and secondly, people are confused by the Great amount of different types of Papers in the Market.

And so upon request, in here, I will do a quick and brief intro on the using of Gui Ren Paper.

Usually people always have the idea of – the more they burn such Gui Ren Paper, the more Blessings they will get from the Gui Ren or the Deities of Prosperities & Fortune.

If oneself will to have such thinking, then I must said that you are Greedily making Requesting and NOT Sincerely paying your Respect to the Heaven or Deities and so such people wont be able to get the necessary Spiritual assistances.

Gui Ren Paper, only burn One Set each time (for each individual) and after making the necessary Respect to the Heaven & Deities, oneself shall bring the Red-colored Gui Ren Paper (usually the 1st piece) to the Main Urn and make 3 rounds above the Incenses Fume to gather the Positive Energies and Blessing from the Deities and then, keep it in a Red-packet and bring it everywhere oneself goes. This is the Actual meaning of Jie Ying Gui Ren Fu (接引貴人符) aka Talisman of Ushering-in the Deities of Prosperities & Fortunes.

And then, fill in the necessary personal data onto the other Yellow Gui Ren Paper before burning off (some will do it at Home before visiting any Temples or 1st & 15th Day, different countries will have different number of pages, so do not worry about that).

Here it goes with the steps of the Filling in of the Data:

This is the “Jin Pai (金牌)” aka Golden Medal that being issued by the Heavenly Realm for one self to call upon the Blessing from the Various Departments, such as Eliminating of Sins & Debts, Calling for Fortune, etc.

Normally we don’t write anything on it.

The following are the 2 Spiritual Petitions (in Singapore Version) that needed to be filled up with the Personal Data.

For the 1st Piece,

On Circle Number 1, the Resident Address & Name of oneself must be fill-in.


On Circle Number 2, the Date of the Day when oneself make the Offering,


For the 2nd Piece,

On Circle Number 1, the Resident Address & Name of oneself must be fill-in.


On Circle Number 2, the Date of the Day when oneself make the Offering,


Once all the Data are being fill-up correctly, the Paper is ready for burning.

Thursday 14 August 2008

Manifestation Anniversary or Inspection Day of Emperor Lord Di Guan (中元地官大帝聖誕/校考朝)


Emperor Lord Di Guan aka Di Guan Da Di or Emperor Lord of the Earthly Realm, is considered as a very important Taoist Deity that is being bestowed to take charge of the issues that are related to Mortals and also other Beings that stayed in the Earthly Realm, such as Mountainous Beings, Nether World Beings, etc.

On the 15th Day of Lunar 7 Month, Taoists & Chinese will visit Temples to pay respect to Di Guan Da Di, as a lot of people tend to mistaken this Day as the Birthday of Di Guan Da Di, which is not that accurate. This Day shall be considered as the Day of Inspection for Di Guan Da Di.

On the 15th Day of Lunar 7 Month, Di Guan Da Di will descend into the Mortal World with his subordinates to do recording and checking on the Credits & Merits of the various Being Groups and then from there, issued the necessary orders to eliminate the Debts & Sins accordingly to the records.

And so, in Taoism, this is a Day that can be classified as a Very Important Day or Festival to remember and take certain actions.

Okay, back to the main Topic.

Emperor Lord Di Guan’s Manifestation Anniversary falls on the 15th Day of Lunar 7 Month (in 2008, it falls on 15 Aug, Friday).

On this Day, remember to visit Temples that dedicate Altars or Statues to Di Guan Da Di to make your respect.

In Singapore, you are able to find the Altars at:

1) Havelock Road Tian Gong Temple (合樂律玉皇殿)
2) Bukit Merah View Lei Yin Temple (紅山景雷音寺)
3) Sin Ming Road Tian Hou Temple (新民路天后廟)

More info here:

And so, what to prepare?

According to our Chinese Custom & Folks Practice, here are some recommended items to be prepared for the paying respect:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Longevity Noodles (壽麵)
3 Longevity Peaches (壽桃)
4 Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿)
5 Huat Kueh (發糕)
6 Rice Wine (米酒)
7 Chinese Tea (茶)
8 Paper Offerings (紙料)
9 Candles (蠟燭)
10 Flowers or Lotus (鮮花或蓮花)
11 Di Guan She Zui Paper (地官赦罪紙馬)

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, then one self can proceed to the Temple.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & the Main Deities in the Temple and then last, proceed to the Altar that honoured Di Guan Da Di.

Make a Bow in front of the Altar and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage (for those who know how to recite the Bao Gao of Di Guan Da Di / Bao Gao Banner:

Jin Feng.

Zhong Yuan Di Guan Da Di (Bow)

Qian Qiu Sheng Dan Zhi Qi.

南洋新加坡共和國。 (你的住址) 。
Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo. (Your Address)

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

Zhong Yuan Di Guan Da Di (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

Zhong Yuan Di Guan Da Di (Bow)

Di Sheng Huang Jin Fu Gui Zhi. Guan Feng Yi Pin Ren Shang Ren

Da Wei Sheng Ling Chang You Hu. Di Zun She Zui Shan Yong Cun

Yi You.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yi Nian Ping An Chang Zai. Yue Yue Fu You Bu Dai.

Si Ji Shen Guang Pu Zhao. Wan Shi Sui Xin An Zai.

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

Zhong Yuan Di Guan Da Di (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai. Zai Bai. San Bai. Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

Once the Paper-offerings are being burnt, go back to the Altar, make another sincere Bow and then retrieve back the Offerings, bring them back home and share with the other members in the Family.

And so, the whole Paying Respect to Di Guan Da Di is considered end.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Banner of Wu Fu Qian Sui Bao Gao (五府千歲寶誥)

In the following is a Bao Gao Banner dedicating to Wu Fu Qian Sui aka The Five Dukes of Sui & Tang Dynasty. A very Precious & Rare Bao Gao.

In Dukes Belief and Practice, as a Follower or the Devotee of these Five Dukes, one self must mastered and memorised this Bao Gao, if not, oneself shall not claimed as the Official Follower of Wu Fu Qian Sui. So for those who are faithful & sincere in promoting the Culture and Spirit of them, oneself must put in effort to do the learning.

These are the Five Dukes that being bestowed by the Heaven to look after the various diseases & illnesses. Till today, when a disaster of unknown illnesses or viruses outbreak, Taoists and Folks will visit Temples to pay respect to them and/or engaged Trained Zheng Yi Priests to conduct a Grand-Ritual to request for Blessings from the Five Dukes.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Pictures of Bai Jie Talisman (道教百解消災符)

In here, you will see the various types of Taoist Bai Jie Fu aka Talisman for Getting-rid/Warding-off of any form of Negative Entities and Luck.

In Tong Shu (通書), you will be able to see this Talisman being printed together with the Picture of Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (正一天師張道陵).

Besides that, you are able to see this Fu in Gui Ren Paper (貴人紙) too.

In the past, when oneself's luck is down, the person will take the Bai Jie Fu from the Tong Shu and then visit any Temple to get the Fu to be enhanced and then, bring it around with oneself for protection.

Monday 11 August 2008

Grand Talisman of Guang Ze Zun Wang (廣澤尊王大符)

In the following is a very nicely design and drawn picture of Guang Ze Zun Wang, that some Temples or Taoist Organisations will used as the Blueprint for Guang Ze's Talisman aka Da Fu (大符).

For those who are interested in downloading it and then used it in your Temple or Organisation, please do so.

PS: More info on Guang Ze Zun Wang -

Sunday 10 August 2008

Video on Taoist Ritual of Dotting Enhancement (天師府開光法事短片)

In the following Video, you will be able to see the Dotting Ceremony conducted in Long Hu Shan Tian Shi Fu.

Do enjoy.

Saturday 9 August 2008

Video on Taoist Ritual Nao Ting (道教科儀鬧庭短片)

This is a Video Clip on the Taoist Ritual Nao Ting.

This Nao Ting is usually without any Leading Priest or Chanting, just only Music playing to create a Joyous and Celebrating atmosphere.

Do enjoy.

Friday 8 August 2008

Blessing Requesting for National Day (一國之慶祈願禮)


National Day, a Day to mark the “Birthday” of a Country and also, to show our Appreciation and Gratitude to our Forefathers who had strive their best to Built the Country.

On this Day, people may enjoy themselves by joining in the National Day Celebration or gather around with the other Family Members to strengthen the bonding of the Family.

Besides All these, what can oneself or the Whole Family do?

If oneself and the Whole Family is willingly to visit Temples or any Religious Premises to Pay Respect to the Heavens and Deities to request for Blessing for the Nation and the Commoners. This will be a Great National Day oneself or the Family can have for the year.

So on this Day, what shall be prepared for the Blessing Requesting?

Here it goes:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Rice Wine (米酒)
3 Chinese Tea (茶)
4 Paper Offerings (紙料)
5 Candles (蠟燭)

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, then one self can proceed to the Temple.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & the Main Deities in the Temple and then last, proceed to the Main Altar of the Temple.

Make a Bow in front of the Altar and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage:

Jin Feng.

Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo.

Jian Li Guo Jiang Ji Nian Zhi Qi

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

San Qing San Jing Dao Zu (Bow)

Yu Huang Da Tian Zun (Bow)

Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun (Bow)

Tai Yi Jiu Ku Tian Zun (Bow)

Zi Guang Dou Mu Yuan Jun (Bow)

Yan Shou Nan Dou Xing Jun (Bow)

Xiao Zai Bei Dou Xing Jun (Bow)

Yu Xu Xuan Tian Shang Di (Bow)

Zheng Yi Zhang Fu Tian Shi (Bow)

Shang Cang San Tian Zhu Sheng (Bow)

Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Ben Jiang Zhu Ling (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

San Tian Zhu Sheng Zhu Zhen Zhu Shen (Bow)

Yi You.

Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo.

Guo Tai Min An Min Chang Le

Feng Diao Yu Shun Shi Shi Chun

Si Ji Wu Zai Wu Yang Xiang

Ba Jie Yu Qing Guo Yun Feng

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

San Tian Zhu Sheng Zhu Zhen Zhu Shen (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai

Zhu Yuan Guo Yun Chang Long

Zai Bai

Zhu Yuan Guo Min Feng Shou

San Bai

Zhu Yuan Guo Jiang Yong Bao

Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

Once the Paper-offerings are being burnt, go back to the Altar, make another sincere Bow and then retrieve back the Offerings, bring them back home and share with the other members in the Family.

And so, the whole Paying Respect for the Country is considered end.

Thursday 7 August 2008

Pictures of Mt Long Hu Tian Shi Fu 2 (中國龍虎山天師府)

In here, you will see pictures taken in China Mt Long Hu Tian Shi Fu.

This is a Taoist Holy Place for the Zheng Yi Sect.

Thanks to a Taoist Senior of Taiwan who shared these photos with us.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

The Celebration for Maiden Immortal Qi Xing (七星娘娘七夕情)

Maiden Immortal Qi Xing aka Qi Xing Niang (七星娘) or Qi Xing Ma (七星媽), an individual or a Group of Female Deities whom being manifested from the Natural Stars in the Universe.


According to Myths and Folks Records, Qi Xing Ma was considered as the Seven Daughters of the Jade Emperor of Heaven and Mother Queen (玉皇與王母之女). Since the day these Seven Maidens were born, they were good in doing weaving and sewing and so, in the Heavenly Realm, whenever there were Big Occasions or Celebration, these Seven Maidens would be put-in-charge to create various Precious Gifts and Banners for the Immortals & Deities.


One year, while Mother Queen was having some preparation for her Manifestation Anniversary Celebration on the 18th Day of Lunar 7 Month, the Seven Maidens were being called upon to Mother Queen’s Palace for presenting ideas of how should the Celebration be held on that year.


One of the Seven Maidens suggested that maybe they could descend into the Mortal World to do some searching for various Gems or Treasures and so, Mother Queen agreed.


On the way to search for the Gifts and Ideas, the Seven Maidens passed by a Village near to one of the Holy Mountain. Looking at the nice and cooling Lake, the Seven Maidens stopped by the Lake and started to play with the Clear Water. Just at the moment of the Seven Maidens were playing with the Water, a young guy known as Dong Yong (董永) passed-by.


With the laughter sound, Dong Yong was being attracted to the Lakeside and took a peek at the Seven Maidens and he was deeply attracted by the youngest Maiden known as Qi Niang (七娘) or Zhi Nv (織女).


Just at the moment, the Seven Maidens started to leave the Lake and immediately, Dong Yong went over to Qi Niang and pulled on her sleeve, Qi Niang was shocked and started to call out for her Sisters.


Worrying of getting bashed up, Dong Yong explained to Qi Niang and the rest of the Maidens of how he got attracted by Qi Niang and his background, the Seven Maidens were moved by Dong Yong and so, they stayed for awhile to assist Dong Yong in overcoming his problems.


At the period of assisting Dong Yong, Qi Niang fell in love with him and after the problems solved, Qi Niang reluctantly wanted to return to the Celestial Palace. Just at the moment, the Heavenly Gong sounds for the Celebration and the other Maidens were worried of getting reprimanded and so, they started to leave the premises of Dong Yong, leaving Qi Niang and Dong Yong behind.


A year had passed and Qi Niang gave birth to a Twin for Dong Yong.


Just at the period of Mother Queen’s Manifestation Anniversary getting near, one day, the Sky turned extremely dark and Thunder was roaring everywhere. At this moment, Qi Niang knew that the Heavenly Generals were there to capture her back and so, she told Dong Yong that she was actually an Immortal Maiden of the Heavenly Realm. After hearing that, Dong Yong was shocked and moved, but just so co-incidence, the Heavenly Generals descended on the Ground and captured Qi Niang back to the Heavenly Realm.


Upon reaching the Heavenly Realm, Mother Queen was extremely upset by Qi Niang and of cos, Qi Niang was begging sincerely for Mother Queen’s forgiveness and also, allowing her and Dong Yong of not being separated apart.


After seeing how sincere and pitiful Qi Niang was, Mother Queen agreed to let them meet-up on evern 7th Day of Lunar 7 Month before the Manifestation Anniversary of Mother Queen. Qi Niang was delighted and kowtow to Mother Queen for her mercies.


So after then, every year, on the 7th Day of Lunar 7 Month, Qi Niang and Dong Yong were meet-up and during the meeting up, Dong Yong would carried his Two Children along.


Due to the Motherly-love that Qi Niang showed for her Children, in Folks Customs, on this Day, Grandparents or Parents were request blessing for the young children. And during the honoring, names and age of the Children were being reported to Qi Niang for her looking-care.


Tuesday 5 August 2008

Manifestation Anniversary (Birthday) of Lord Kui Xing (魁星帝君聖誕)


Lord Kui Xing aka Star Lord Kui Xing, in Chinese known as Da Cheng Kui Xing or Kui Xing Di Jun.

This is a Deity that being manifested from the Natural Star in the Universe.

So where this Star located in the Universe?

According to some contexts, Da Cheng Kui Xing is located in the Middle-range of this Globe, meaning that, along the Equator.

So what Kui Xing is being appointed to in-charge?

Kui Xing, besides Lord Wen Chang, he is the next and Only Taoist Deity that looked into the issues that are associated with Academic Study.

A lot of other Non-Taoist Religions and/or some Folks Belief Groups have been using other Deities to relate with the Academic Study, but to be more accurate, they are just using such Deities to make Money or Earn extra-income from the ignorant and Lost Followers. Do be careful while making your respect and paying the money for such Honoring.

Okay, back to the main Topic.

Lord Kui Xing’s Manifestation Anniversary falls on the 7th Day of Lunar 7 Month (in 2008, it falls on 7 Aug, Thursday).

On this Day, remember to visit Temples that dedicate Altars or Statues to Lord Kui Xing to make your respect.

More info here:

And so, what to prepare?

According to our Chinese Custom & Folks Practice, here are some recommended items to be prepared for the paying respect:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Longevity Noodles (壽麵)
3 Longevity Peaches (壽桃)
4 Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿)
5 Huat Kueh (發糕)
6 Rice Wine (米酒)
7 Chinese Tea (茶)
8 Paper Offerings (紙料)
9 Candles (蠟燭)
10 Flowers or Lotus (鮮花或蓮花)
11 A bunch of Spring Onion (青蔥)
12 A bunch of Chives (韭菜)
13 A piece of Beancurd (豆干)
14 A handful of Beansprout (豆芽)

For Spring Onion & Chives, remember to use Red-string or Red-paper to tie them up.

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, then one self can proceed to the Temple.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & the Main Deities in the Temple and then last, proceed to the Altar that honoured Kui Xing.

Make a Bow in front of the Altar and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage (for those who know how to recite the Bao Gao of Kui Xing):

Jin Feng.

Kui Xing Di Jun (Bow)

Qian Qiu Sheng Dan Zhi Qi.

南洋新加坡共和國。 (你的住址) 。
Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo. (Your Address)

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

Kui Xing Di Jun (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

Kui Xing Di Jun (Bow)

Kui Wei Jin Dian Shou Xi Chen. Xing Guang Chang Zhao Hu Ling Shen

Di Dan An Qian Xian Jing Yi. Jun You Shi Ren Fu Gui Fan

Yi You.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yi Nian Ping An Chang Zai. Yue Yue Fu You Bu Dai.

Si Ji Shen Guang Pu Zhao. Wan Shi Sui Xin An Zai.

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

Kui Xing Di Jun (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai. Zai Bai. San Bai. Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

Once the Paper-offerings are being burnt, go back to the Altar, make another sincere Bow and then retrieve back the Offerings, bring them back home and share with the other members in the Family.

Cooked the Spring Onion, Chives, Beansprout and Beancurd together. Shared the dish with any students, this is to request for Blessing for Good Result from Lord Kui Xing.

And so, the whole Paying Respect to Kui Xing is considered end.

Pictures of Mt Long Hu Tian Shi Fu 1 (中國龍虎山天師府)

In here, you will see pictures taken in China Mt Long Hu Tian Shi Fu.

This is a Taoist Holy Place for the Zheng Yi Sect.

Thanks to a Taoist Senior of Taiwan who shared these photos with us.

Monday 4 August 2008

Wen Zhou Funeral Ritual (溫州道教喪禮法事)

This is a rare Video Clip on the Funeral Ritual of China Wen Zhou Area.

In certain part of the Video Clip, you are able to see some familiar practices.

For those who do not feel good at watching such Video Clips, please accept my apologies.

Wu Liang Guan
Wu Liang Shou

Saturday 2 August 2008

Deities Scrolls/Paintings used in Rituals/Ceremonies 3 (法會畫軸)

In here are a few Scroll-paintings of the various Deities. Such Scrolls are being used during Taoist Rituals/Ceremonies.

Different Deities are being drawn to represent that different Realms, such as Heavenly, Earthly or Watery.