Friday 30 March 2012

Manifestation Anniversary of Medical Lord Bao Sheng 2012 (壬辰年保生大帝聖誕吉慶)

15th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月十五日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Medical Lord Bao Sheng aka Bao Sheng Da Di (保生大帝聖誕吉慶).

This Year, 2012, it falls on 05 Apr, a Thursday.

In Singapore, Oneself can visit the following Temples to pay respect to Bao Sheng Da Di:

1 - Zhen Ren Gong (真人宮) aka Zhen Long Gong (真龍宮) located at Redhill Close
2 – Wan Shou Shan Guan Yin Temple (萬壽山觀音堂) located at Telok Blangah Height, infront of Blk 54
3 – Peng Hong Temple (鵬峰宮) located at 432 Geylang Lor 3

More info on Bao Sheng Da Di:

Pics of Bao Sheng:

Honouring Intro:

For Higher Res Picture of the Poster, please proceed to this link:

Sunday 25 March 2012

JB Old Temple Celebration & Teochew Cultural Festival 2012 (壬辰年新山柔佛古廟元天上帝聖誕及潮州文化表演)

On the 3rd Day of Lunar 3 Month (壬辰年農曆三月初三日), after LSM had completed our Honouring Ceremony dedicated to Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝), Vabien & Jave set off for JB Old Temple (新山柔佛古廟) to participate in their Teochew Cultural Festival 2012.

At about 7.00Pm, we arrived at the Temple. Upon arriving, we noticed that there were quite a number of Devotees waiting eagerly for the Teochew Cultural Performance to begin.

While we were waiting for the Show to start, Vabien & Jave used the 30minutes to pay our respect to Yuan Tian Shang Di (元天上帝) and took some pictures of the Temple. As usual, once we entered into the Temple, we were being warmly welcomed by the Members.

At 7.30Pm, the Performance started, so both of us proceed out to the main foyer of the Temple to watch the performance, in between, we met up with familiar faces and friends from the Cultural Groups.

By 9.00Pm, we had to make our leave as we needed to rush back to Singapore.

It was a wonderful & fruitful trip; we had learnt a lot of different cultures and knowledge.

Thanks to one of the Teochew Cultural Association for inviting LSM to this great Festival & also, thanks to Vabien for sharing with us the pictures.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Manifestation Anniversary of Xuan Tian Shang Di 2012 (壬辰年玉虛師相玄天上帝千秋聖誕)

3rd Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月初三日) is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Xuan Tian aka Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝千秋聖誕) – the Star Lord Deity that In-charge of Spiritual Skills in Taoism.

For Year 2012, it falls on 24 March, a Saturday.

More info on Manifestation Anniversary of Xuan Tian Shang Di:

Pictures of Xuan Tian Shang Di:

Paintings of the Story of Xuan Tian Shang Di:

Pictures of Parent of Xuan Tian Shang Di:

Monday 5 March 2012

Taoist Mission Taoist Day Worldwide Celebration 2012 (新加坡道教協會壬辰年國際道教節慶典)

On the 12th Day of Lunar 2 Month (壬辰年農曆二月十二日), which was 04 March 2012, a Sunday, Singapore Taoist Mission (新加坡道教協會) had conducted their Annual Taoist Day Celebration (國際道教節慶典).

This Year, the Celebration was held at Kallang Theatre, the Fond Garden Restaurant (嘉龍劇院天滿樓).

Due to Jave was being engaged in another appointment, at 5.00Pm, Royce had to represent LSM to participate in the Honouring of Lao Zi, the Founder of Taoism's Anniversary Honouring Ceremony led by High Priest Master Li Zhi Wang (高功李志旺大道長帶領道祖聖誕上壽儀式).

By 7.00Pm, the Annual Gala Dinner started and during the Dinner, a Taoist Cultural Dialogue was conducted in-order for more people to understand about Taoism.

In here, Jave will like to express my Sincerest Thank to Taoist Mission for the Invitation and also, Thanks Royce for sharing with us the wonderful pictures.

Sunday 4 March 2012

What is Filial Piety? (何為孝)


Dear All,

Lunar New Year just over and soon, we will be ready to honour our Ancestors during Qing Ming Festival Period.

So what is Filial Piety to you?

You can be a very well-educated person, you can be a CEO of an Listed Company or you can be High-recognised Religious Leader, but if you are not being known as a Filial person, you are nothing in this World.

In the attachment is a picture of a 40 years old ++ married-man whom carried his ill-mother to the hospital for consultation on 2nd March 2012.

This picture was taken by one of the family members of a patient in the hospital and from her description, when the crowd saw that this man came into the hospital with his mother cruddled in the arms, many people couldnt stop their tears rolling down.

In the modern World today, is Monetary more important that many of us had forgotten about what is Filial Piety?

By looking at this picture, ponder over this question - Have I did my best to assist my own Mum when she encounters problem?

Saturday 3 March 2012

Manifestation Anniversary of Duke Kai Zhang 2012 (壬辰年大唐開漳聖王聖誕吉慶)

15th Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月十五日) is also known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Duke Kai Zhang Chen Yuan Guang of Tang Dynasty (大唐開漳聖王陳元光) – the Ancestor Patron of the Hokkien Tan Clan (閩南陳姓先祖).

In same Places/Context, Duke Kai Zhang’s Manifestation Anniversary will be celebrated on the 16th Day of Lunar 2 Month (有其他記載記錄開漳聖王聖誕為農曆二月十六日).

For Year 2012, it falls on 07 March, a Wednesday.

To know more info on Duke Kai Zhang, feel free to visit the following links:

Pictures of Duke Kai Zhang:

Bao Gao aka Praising Incantation of Duke Kai Zhang:

Pictures of Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂) Celebrating Duke Kai Zhang Anni:

Thursday 1 March 2012

Manifestation Anniversary of Supreme Lord Lao Zi 2012 (壬辰年太上道祖萬壽聖誕吉慶)

15th Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆花月十五日) is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Supreme Lord Lao Zi aka Tai Shang Dao De Tian Zun (太上道德天尊) – the Main Manifestation Source of Taoism.

This Day, is considered as one of the few Most Important Day for the Taoists and those whom are learning Taoist Skills.

For Year 2012, it falls on 07 March, a Wednesday.

To know more info on Supreme Lord Lao Zi, feel free to visit the following links:

Pictures of Lao Zi / Lao Jun:

Scriptures on Lao Zi: