Saturday 1 December 2007

Pictures of different forms of Tian Shi Fu aka Talisman of Heavenly Master (天師符)

Here are few pictures of Tian Shi Fu aka Talisman of Heavenly Master.

Most of such Talismans are kept in the Holy Place of Taoism in Long Hu Shan aka Mt Dragon & Tiger in China (道教聖地龍虎山).

Each of such Talisman has their own function.

Usually laymen wont be taught to draw such Talismans.


  1. this fu is for what purpose ..sifu??

  2. I will PM you the purpose :P

  3. Very familar , tink saw before at defu lane feng shan gong altar during ninth mth.

  4. Yup, in Spore, a few old Temples do own them, most of them are from China Long Hu Shan.


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