Wednesday 19 December 2007

Manifestation Anniversary Day of Lord Tai Yi (太乙天尊化身下降日)

Manifestation Anniversary in folks belief known as Birthday (誕辰).


Every lunar year, the 11 Day of Lunar 11 Month (曆十一月十一日 in year 2007, it falls on 20 Dec) is consider as the Manifestation Anniversary Day of Lord Tai Yi, which mean this is the day where Lord Tai Yi is being manifested by San Qing (三清道祖) aka The Three Pure One to assist Jade Emperor (玉皇大天尊) in looking into the task of Salvation the Suffering Souls & Spirits (超度魂靈).


Lord Tai Yi is the Only Initial ONE Heavenly Lord, in Main Stream & Folks Taoism, that being appointed to look into the Salvation of Suffering Souls & Spirits task.


So on this day, what shall one self do?


In order to show one self’s gratitude to Lord Tai Yi, for his hardship in Salvation of the Suffering Souls & Spirits, one self can prepare simple offerings and called upon his title for blessings or recite Mantras/Scriptures that are dedicated to Lord Tai Yi.


Offerings can be the Taoist Five Offerings (道教五供) or Taoist Ten Offerings (道教十供) or just simply 3 sets of Fruits (三色鮮果).


On the day of the Anniversary, one self just needed to place the Offerings on the Main Altar at home (for those who wished to set up a separate Altar, it is encouraged), sincerely light 3 sticks of incenses, pay respect to the Heaven first and then kneel down in front of the Main Altar to initial the Ceremony.


After kneeling, recite the Praise Mantra of Lord Tai Yi (Qing Hua Bao Gao 青華寶誥) to evoke the energy of Lord Tai Yi and by doing so, hope that the one self can be connected with Lord Tai Yi.


After reciting the Mantra, sincerely place the incenses into the Urn and then, start to call upon Lord Tai Yi’s Official Title: Tai Yi Xun Sheng Shi Fang Jiu Ku Tian Zun (太乙尋聲十方救苦天尊). Before calling upon the Official Title, make a short request to Lord Tai Yi for giving blessing to any passed-away relatives or family members of one self (mention their names) and then start calling the Title.


Usually by calling upon the Official Titles and asking for the blessings, the passed-away will be blessed by Lord Tai Yi and he will salvage the souls accordingly.


In Chinese Culture or Taoism, Filial Piety (孝道) is one of the most important practices that one self shall withhold and practiced. Once one self is sincere and filially requested Lord Tai Yi to give the blessing to the death, Lord Tai Yi will be able to fulfill the request.


Wu Liang Shou


  1. Thank you shifu! This is a bright pearl of wisdom I hope everybody would follow the procedures in order to help their love ones and exercise filial piety. May everyone be blessed by Lord Tai Yi.


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