Thursday 31 January 2019






Ushering in the Spring - Li Chun Day 2019

A Year is about to End and a New Year is around the corner to allow us to usher in.

Time flashes like Lighting. Now we are already in Year 2019 and for Lunar Year will be Ji Hai Pig Year (己亥豬).

So what is Li Chun Day?

A lot of people might not know that, actually our Lunar New Year will start on Li Chun Day or Lunar New Year will only be consider as Officially Arrived only after Li Chun Day.

Li Chun Day is a day to mark the start of a New Lunar Year and also, to mark the Arrival of the Spring Season.

Usually after Li Chun Day, most of the plants will start to grow again, snow will slowly cease and accumulated-ice will start to melt, etc.

So how to know when is Li Chun Day?

According to the Ancient Calculation, Li Chun Day will be within 49days after Dong Zhi (冬至) aka Winter Solstice or +/- 9 days from Lunar New Year (except for special Lunar Calendar Year).

In Solar Calendar (陽曆), usually Li Chun Day will fall within 3rd, 4th or 5th of every February.

For Year 2019, it falls on 04 Feb, a Sunday (己亥豬年農曆三十), starts at 1114 Hr (一刻).

So what are the events that will happen on Li Chun Day?

In the past, on Li Chun Day, Emperor would led the Officers of the Imperial Court to the Eastern Field (東郊 out from the Capital City) to usher the Spring or Deity of Spring (迎春神), this represent the Spring Deity was there to perform his task, etc.

As for commoners, they would visit Temples to pay respect to Deities for blessing for the New Year.

Some Folks Organisations would organize Traditional performances, Lion Dances, Guessing-games, etc.

For the modern day now, due to works, education, etc, a lot of such Traditional Dates/Festivals are being forgotten. This is indeed a pity sad thing.

Besides the above mentioned Events, Li Chun Day is also a Day to usher in Lord Tai Sui of the New Lunar Year (值年太歲星君).

For those who are being affected by the Confliction of Lord Tai Sui, Oneself or the Family can visit Old Temples with Proper Altar set-up dedicating to Lord Tai Sui to pay their respect. After the paying respect to Lord Tai Sui, everything will be fine and if Oneself is Sincere & Upright, that Year will usually turn out Good & Peaceful.

So when is the Best Timing to visit Temple to pay respect to Lord Tai Sui?

For those who are Not working, you can start to visit Temple to honour Lord Tai Sui after Li Chun Day (next day), for those who are working, then you can choose to visit the Temple on Weekends, but remember to do it before the Lunar New Year arrives.

Last of All, an Advise for ALL. For those who are able to visit 3 Temples on Li Chun Day, it will be Great. This action is to eliminate ALL un-necessary Negative Energies that have pestered Oneself for the past 1 Year. As for those who cant make it, Family Members or Friends can assist in paying respect to the Deities on-behalf of them.

For those who needed to Replenish their Spiritual Coffer (消災改運添補庫), Li Chun Day is also a Good Day to perform this Ceremony.

相關資訊  More info on Li Chun Day:

立春點燈  Lighting Blessing Lamp on Li Chun Day -

立春開春習俗之咬春 Li Chun consuming of Spring Roll

立春開春旺財法 Multiplying the Wealth on Li Chun Day








Annual Inspection of Lord Nan Bei Dou before New Lunar Year

With the completion of the Inspection conducted by Heavenly Supreme Emperor Yu Huang (玉皇大天尊), it’s the turn for Star Lord Nan Bei Dou (南北斗星君) to conduct their Annual Inspection for the Year.

Upon completion of this Annual Inspection, Individual’s Conduct will be recorded and the Records will be used to Grade the Blessing for the Individual for the Old Year (年察巡天下以定福禍).

This Year, the Inspection falls on 29th Day of Lunar 12 Month (臘月廿九日), which is 03 Feb, a Sunday.

For more detailed info on how to prepare for this Day, please refer to the following;

In Taoist Culture, 1 Day before the Lunar New Year’s Eve, is considered as the Inspection Day of Lord Nan Bei Dou (南北斗星君).

On this Day, Taoists will visit Temples or Set-up Altar at Home to usher in Lord Nan Bei Dou in-order to request for the Necessary Blessing for the Lunar New Year.

So what is the Main Purpose of this Inspection?

On the 25th Day of Lunar 12 Month, Heavenly Supreme Emperor Yu Huang (玉皇大天尊) had made his Inspection on the Mortal World to check on the on-going activities that Mortals are involved in and during this Inspection, Heavenly Supreme Emperor Yu Huang will definitely be there to check on the Good & Evil Doings of Mortals. And so, after this Inspection, Heavenly Supreme Emperor Yu Huang will need a Follow-up Inspection by the Associated Officers to do the Recording and so, before a New Lunar Year arrives, Lord Nan Bei Dou will be appointed to do the Inspection in-order for them to do the necessary Recording on the Credits, Merits, Sins & Debts of Mortals and from there, the equality-blessing will be bestowed upon the Mortal accordingly.

After the necessary Recordings are being made and being reported to Heavenly Supreme Emperor Yu Huang, on the 15th Day of Lunar 1 Month (農曆正月十五日), Heavenly Lord of Heavenly Realm aka Tian Guan Da Di (天官大帝) will be there to perform the Inspection and Distributing of Fortune & Prosperity to the Mortals (賜福人間) who have gained the necessary Blessing according to their Accumulated Credits & Merits.

Before that, On the Eve of Lunar New Year (大年除夕), Fu Lu Shou (福祿壽) the Three Prosperity Stars will be there to distribute the necessary Blessing to the Mortals for the Lunar New Year. Due to this piece of Info is not being widely share among the Taoists & Chinese, a lot of People tend to mistaken that on the Eve of Lunar New Year is a Day to usher in the Deity of Wealth (財神), which is Wrong and this is just a Commercial Trick that Modern People had planned.

So what to do on this Day?

For Lord Nan Bei Dou’s Inspection Day, usually some simple Honouring being done will do.

Main Purpose of this Honouring is to Sincerely & Faithfully making Self-reflection & Reprimanding of One’s Wrong Doing for the past 1 Year and hoping by doing so, Lord Nan Bei Dou will be there to provide the necessary Guidance for Oneself and Oneself will be able to be Blessed by the Heaven for the next 12 Months.

Besides that, this is also to remind Oneself that from this Day onwards, Oneself shall be more Kind, Compassionate and Caring towards the others and also, Oneself must be responsible in ALL Physical & Verbal actions that Oneself has made.

So what to Prepare for the Honouring?

For the Offerings, Oneself can prepare the following:

1 3 cups of Chinese Tea or Water (三杯清茶/)

2 5 Longevity Buns (五個壽桃包)

3 1 packet of Longevity Noodles (一份長壽面)

4 1 Huat Kueh (一個發糕)

5 1 Nian Gao (一個年糕)

6 1 set of Red Candles (一對紅燭)

7 3 Long Incenses (三支長壽香)

Once all the Offerings are Ready, just proceed to any nearby Temples to do the Honouring.

So what to Say during the Honouring?

Before Oneself make any form of Requests, remember to make 3 Sincere Bow and then Kneel down.

Upon Kneeling down, report Oneself’s Name, DOB, Residing Address, Today’s Date and the Request that Oneself making. After the Requesting, make 3 Bows and then stand up.

Remember, do not make any form of Un-realistic Requesting, especially to Lord Nan Bei Dou, San Guan Da Di (三官大帝), etc.


Nan Bei Dou Xing Jun Zai Shang


Dao Men Di Zi XXX


Sheng Yu X Nian X Yue X Ri X Shi




Jin La Yue Nian Jiu Ri


Xi Feng Nan Bei Dou Xing Jun Xun Cha Tian Xia


Dao Men Di Zi XXX Yu Ci Qi Qiu XXXXXXXX


Zai Ci Xian Shang San Bai Jing Li


Yi Da Xie Nan Bei Dou Xing Jun Bi You Zhi En (三拜 Three Bows)

After the Honouring, what to do with the Offerings?

Do remember to bring back the Offerings, if Oneself got Altar at Home, place them on the Altar, if not, the Offerings can be shared among the Family Members.

Last of ALL, wishes ALL of You having a Nice Communication with Lord Nan Bei Dou before Lunar New Year arrives.

Wednesday 30 January 2019













Tuesday 29 January 2019





































1 – 新的黃及紅布

2 – 兩份黃表紙上朱書【封印大吉】及【黃道日封】,之後得交叉貼在印上

3 – 兩份立牌,上書【封印監督元帥】及【守印仙官兵吏】,牌下蓋上【道經師寶】

4 – 兩張【封印符】

5 – 五樣水果

6 – 茶酒水各三杯

7 –金紙/黃錢甲馬

















Monday 28 January 2019










1 – 十二/十五杯香茶

2 – 道教五供或十供

3 – 大香

4 – 明燈





Jade Emperor of Heaven Inspecting Mortal Realm

After Zao Jun (灶君) aka Kitchen Deity went back to do his Annual Reporting to Jade Emperor of Heaven (玉皇大天尊), Yu Huang will conduct the Final/3rd Annual Inspection on the Mortals & other Beings in the Mortal Realm for the Bestowing of Blessing for the New Lunar Year.

And this Day falls on 25th Day of Lunar 12 Month (臘月廿五日), which in 2019, its on 30 Jan.

Details as followed:

After Sending Off our Dearest Kitchen Deity (灶君) back to Heaven for the Annual-Round-Off Reporting, on the 25th Day of Lunar 12 Month, the Big Boss - Jade Emperor of Heaven will be conducting an Inspection on the Mortal Realm.

Last Year, I had touched on the Simple & Basic Info on this Important Day (you can read the intro at:, this Year, I will like to concentrate more on the Spiritual or so-called Religious Side of the Thanksgiving Ceremony.

For us as the Zheng Yi Taoists or Priests (正一門徒及道士), usually we will start the Offering or Ushering of Jade Emperor of Heaven's arrival on the 24th Night (around 11.00Pm in Singapore).

If oneself is not able to perform the Ushering on the 24th Night, then oneself can do it in the Morning on the 25th Day.

For those who does not have an Altar at Home and yet you wished to Usher-in the Deities to do Inspection & Blessing at your Home, remember to clean your home and switch-on most of the Lights at Home on the 24th Night. Make sure that your House is Clean and Smell-nice. Try to keep the Door (remember to lock your Gate as to prevent Thiefs coming in) & Window open. On the 25th Day, just visit any Official Temples to pay respect to the Deities to request for Blessing.

Do not argue or quarrel after 10.00Pm on the 24th Night. Try to stay Peace and Calm for the Day. Once the Deities arrived and the Inspection is being Done, certain Remarks will be made and recorded and this will contribute to the Luck-distribution for the Next New Lunar Year.


So what do we need to prepare (in whole)?

For those who does not have any Altar at home, then oneself wont need to prepare any Offerings.

For those who have Altars and wished to perform the Ushering Ceremony, in the following is a List of suggested Items that you and your Family can prepares:

Food Offerings

1) 1 Set of Fruits (一份水果 )

2) Nian Gao aka New Year Glutinous Rice Cake (年糕)

3) Fa Gao aka Huat Kueh (發糕)

4) 12 Bowls of Vegetarian Items (十二菜碗 6 Vege & 6 Cookie Items) - Hokkien Clan

5) Rice Wine aka Bai Mi Jiu (白米酒)

6) Chinese Tea (上等茶)

Incenses & Paper Offerings

1) 1 Set of Good Quality Long Incenses (長壽香 about 48 cm)

2) 1 Pack of Good Quality Short Incenses (平安香)

3) 1 Pair of Red Candles or Dou Zhu (紅燭/斗燭)

4) 1 Pair of Huang Gao Qian aka Diao Qian (黃高錢/吊錢)

5) 3 Stacks of Tian Gong Jin aka Tai Ji Jin (三份天公金/太極金 )

6) 3 Stacks of Shou Jin aka San Bao Jin (三份壽金/三寶金 )

7) 3 Stacks/Packs Da Gui Ren aka Men Wai Gui Ren Lu Ma Zhi (三份大貴人/門外貴人祿馬祇 )

8) 3 Stacks/Packs Gui Ren Zhi (三份貴人紙 )

9) 1 Set of San Jie Deng Liao (三界燈料/天公燈料)

10) 1 Set of Dou Jin aka Dipper Offering (一份斗金)

11) 1 Set of Jin Gong or Jin Tong aka Golden Basket (一份金貢/金桶)

12) Huang Qian Jia Ma (黃錢鉀馬)

Once All the necessary Offerings are being prepared, on the 24th Afternoon, you can actually lay them out onto the Altar.

When the timing strikes 11.00Pm, you can start to make Usher in the Deities.

For those who prefer to pay respect on the 25th Day Morning, you are encouraged to do that too. Remember to do it before 11.00Am. Best timing to start the honouring will be at 9.00Am.

Due to this time round, you are conducting the Ushering Ceremony, do not send off the Paper-offerings after 15 minutes. You shall at least serve 3 rounds of Tea & Wine before sending off the Paper Offerings.

Each round of the Tea & Wine shall be 15 minutes apart. After every round of Offering the Tea & Wine, make 3 kowtows to the Deities, request your Blessing while you are making your Respect. Do not make any Un-necessary Un-realistic Requests.

Once the 3 rounds of Tea & Wine are being Offered, send off the Paper-offerings. After sending off of the Paper-offerings, retrieved the Food items and distribute them out to Family Members and Friends. Allowed them to get the necessary Blessings too.

Remain the Nian Gao, Fa Gao and 1 set of Oranges on the Altar, only retrieved them on the 26th Day.

Once all these are being done, the Ushering Ceremony for the Year will considered Fully & Smoothly ended.

For more detailed info on how to prepare for this Day, please refer to the following link for the intro:




常來 – 送

戶陽 – 灶

上行 – 登

不立 – 座


歡牙 – 迎

戶陽 – 灶

反來 – 囘

宅家 – 府


Saturday 26 January 2019







