Sunday 30 September 2007

Pictures of Assistant of Lord Guang Ze – Huang Tai Fu (崇德尊侯黃太傅)

Huang Tai Fu (黃太傅)/Tai Wei (太尉) aka Imperial Teacher or Imperial Guardian Huang and Chong De Zun Hou (崇德尊侯), one of the Assistants of Guang Ze Zun Wang (廣澤尊王) aka Lord Guang Ze (in some records, Huang Tai Fu was known as Zhang Bang Chang (張邦昌), a famous Officer in Song Dynasty 宋朝名臣).

Huang Tai Fu was born in Northern Song Dynasty (AD1086), on 23rd Day of Lunar 11 Month (北宋天祐戊辰三年六月廿七日).

According to records, Huang Tai Fu got his enlightenment on AD1159, 27th Day of Lunar 8 Month (得道於南宋紹興已卯廿九年農曆八月廿七日).

Pictures of Assistant of Lord Guang Ze - Chen Qin Chai (顯佑尊侯陳欽差)

Chen Qin Chai aka Imperial Envoy Chen (陳欽差) and Xian You Zun Hou (顯佑尊侯), one of the Assistants of Guang Ze Zun Wang (廣澤尊王) aka Lord Guang Ze (in some records, Chen Qin Chai was known as Zhao Pu (趙普), a famous General in Song Dynasty 宋朝名將).

Chen Qin Chai was born in Northern Song Dynasty 北宋天祐戊辰三年 (AD1088), on 27th Day of Lunar 6 Month (農曆六月二十七日).

According to records, Chen Qin Chai got his enlightenment on AD1159, 27th Day of Lunar 8 Month (得道與南宋紹興已卯廿九年農曆八月廿七日).

Friday 28 September 2007

Pictures of Jiu Tian Xuan Nv (青鳥幻化九天玄女)

Jiu Tian Xuan Nv (九天玄女) aka Jiu Tian Xuan Mu (九天玄姆) or Jiu Tian Niang Niang (九天娘娘), some address her as Jiu Tian Yuan Nv (九天元女) – meaning the Spiritual Maiden of the Heavenly Realm.

From ancient records, Xuan Nv's previous form is a form of a bird which has beautiful green-rainbow-like color feathers (青鳥/彩青玄鳥), due to her initial form, many people treated her as a form of Message-delivery-agent (玄音傳達).

And according to some Deities System Records, Xuan Nv was one of Xi Wang Mu's disciple (西王母之徒) that assist Xi Wang Mu in delivery important messages to the Mortals and also, passing down of Spiritual Skills to those who have affinity with the Immortal Realms (傳玄密法門與有緣人), or, she's the disciple of Tai Yuan Sheng Mu 太元聖母 (which is a very old ancient Female Deity.)

In Folks Belief, she's the Military Master of Yellow Emperor (黃帝師) and also a Female Deity who is excellence in Medical-consultation (草藥祖).

Xuan Nv's Birthday Celebration (玄女華誕) falls on 18day of Lunar 8 Month (農曆八月十八日) and 9day of Lunar 9 Month (農曆九月初九日).

High Res-Pics at:

Pictures of General Golden Rooster & Silver Dog (金雞銀犬將軍)

Golden Rooster and Silver Dog aka Jin Ji Yin Quan (金雞銀犬將軍), they are the assistants of Marshal Tian Du aka Tian Du Yuan Shuai (田都元帥), the Patron Deity of Hokkien Opera (閩南戲曲守護神).

From records, they are known as the young playmates of Marshal Tian Du (兒時玩伴).

Thursday 27 September 2007

Pictures of Yu Huang Da Tian Zun (萬天主宰玉皇大天尊)

Yu Huang Da Di (玉皇大帝) aka Yu Huang Shang Di (玉皇上帝), translated as Jade Emperor, in certain contexts, we also address him as Wan Tian Zhu Zai Yu Huang Tian Zun (萬天主宰玉皇天尊), in hokkien, we called him Tian Gong aka Tee Kong or Tee Kong Pek (天公/天公伯).

In Taoism (道教), besides San Qing (三清), Yu Huang is the 2nd highest in ranking of all the Deities. He's the one who is being chosen to be the Leader of the whole Universe, taking charge of the 3 Realms 三界領袖 (Heavenly, Earth and Water).

Yu Huang's Manifestation Anniversary or Birthday (玉皇萬壽日) falls on the 9th Day of Lunar 1st Month (農曆正月初九日), on this day, Taoists will visit Temples to pay respect to Yu Huang or set up their own temporary altars outside their homes to honour Yu Huang.

In Folks Culture, Yu Huang's Manifestation Anniversary or Birthday also falls on 5th Day of Lunar 5 Month (民間一般亦相信玉皇大天尊之萬壽為農曆五月初五日) or 5th Day of Lunar 9 Month (或農曆九月初五日﹐取意為中央之主或九五之尊).

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Tuesday 25 September 2007

Pictures of Wu Ying aka Five Directional Marshals (五營神將)

Wu Ying Shen Jiang (五營神將) aka Wu Ying Yuan Shuai (五營元帥) or Wu Fang Jiang Shuai (五方將帥), meaning the Five Directional Camp Generals or Marshals.

Usually this group of Marshals will only appeared in Folks Culture Contexts or Folks Deities System (民間信仰/民間神明文化), whereas in Main-Stream Taoism (正統道教), we have other groups of Marshals or Generals who are appointed as the Protectors for an Area or Ritual/Ceremony areas.

So who are they (五營為何人)?

For Five Directional Camp Generals or Marshals, there are a few groups being recorded, here's some brief introduction on them:

1 - From Feng Shen Bang (Creation of Deities) 由封神榜演變而來

East: Lei Zhen Zi (東營雷震子)
South: Nan Gong Shi or Nan Gong Que (南營南宮適/南宮闕)
West: Yang Jian (西營楊戩)
North: Wu Ji (北營武吉)
Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)

East: Lei Zhen Zi (東營雷震子)
South: Huang Fei Hu (南營黃飛虎)
West: Yang Jian (西營楊戩)
North: Chong Hei Hu (北營崇黑虎)
Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)

2 – From the Record of 36 Generals 由三十六將演變而來

East to North: Zhang, Xiao, Lian, Liu (東至北營:張/蕭/連/劉)
Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)

3 – From Buddhist Context 由佛教護法演變而來

East to North: The Four Heavenly King aka Si Da Jin Gang
(東至北營:魔禮青/紅/海/壽 - 俗稱四大金剛)
Central: Pagoda King Li Jing (中央托塔天王李靖)

Besides these few groups, there are some other groups, but after going thru the details, I found that, they are not suitable for releasing or putting-up, so please forgive me for that.

Here are some introductions on Rituals/Ceremonies that involved in the Marshals/Armies (與五營兵將相關法事):

1 – Diao Bing Qian Jiang (調兵遣將), this is a procedure that ALL groups that needed to perform before any Events commence

2 – Fa Bing Dian Jiang (發兵點將), this is a procedure to summon, gather and appoint tasks to the Marshals and their respective subordinates

3 – Jie Jie Ding Fang (結界定方), this is a procedure to set the Territory for the Marshals and Armies to stand guard, etc (mend for External and Internal Camps 外內界營相同)

4 – Gao Shang Jun Ma (犒賞軍馬), this is a procedure to reward the Marshals and Armies after a certain Ritual/Ceremony ended

5 – Dian Jiang Shou Ying (點將收營), this procedure only occurred at the end of the whole Ritual/Ceremony, this is to send back all the Marshals and their Armies to their respective posts (各營皆回各自崗位).

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Monday 24 September 2007

Pictures of Lord Yue Lao (千里紅線牽月老星君)

Lord Yue Lao (月老) aka Yue Lao Xing Jun (月老星君), sometime in Chinese, we also address him as Yue Xia Lao Ren (月下老人) - meaning the Old Lord who perform his task under the movement of the Lunar Moon.

So what's he task (月老職責)?

Hahaha, he's one of our Chinese Deities who is being appointed as the Match-maker for relationship and marriages (牽紅線/結姻緣).

In the ancient era, when guys couldnt get any love-ones, they would usually visit Temples that were dedicated to Yue Lao to request for a relationship (not necessary to be life-lasting one) or a good marriage.

Whereas in the modern-days now (with the help of many form of medias), Yue Lao has been forgotten by a lot of our "un-match-make" people.

Besides Yue Lao, in our Chinese Beliefs, there are another few Deities who will assist him in the match-making-task, they are:

1) Hong Luan Xing Jun (紅鸞星君)
2) Tian Xi Xing Jun (天喜星君)

So when is the best timing to pay respect to our dearest Yue Lao?

The best timing will be on his birthday (月老聖誕), which is on the 15th Day of Lunar 8 Month 農曆八月十五日 (Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節).

Yue Xia Lao Ren Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)

Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

Tuan Yuan Yue Xia. Xiang Si Shu Di

Ding Hun Dian Zhong

Zhi Zhang Tian Xia Zhi Hun Du

Wei Xi Qian Li Zhi Yin Yuan

Ci Mei Yi Dian

You Qing Ren Zhong Cheng Juan Shu

Hong Xian Yi Qian

Tao Bu Guo San Shi Su Yuan

Zhu Zhang Jin Nang

Ben Bo Kai Yan Wu Yun Xia Jian

Tong Yan He Fa

Chao Tuo Yu Ai Hen Qing Chou Wai

Da Sheng Da Ci. Da Ren Da Yuan

San Jie Jiu Tian Zhi Xia

Yue Xia Lao Ren Da Ci Zhe

He Hun Lian Yin. Zheng Yuan Zun Shen

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Saturday 22 September 2007

Pictures of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘簡介)

Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) aka Zhu Sheng Ma (注生媽), a Taoist female Deity that is being appointed as the Protector Patron for Baby delivery or Baby-sitting (嬰兒守護神).

In the olden days, when a lady confirmed being pregnant, she and her family would have to visit Temples dedicated to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang to pay respect to her in-order to get her blessing for smooth delivery of the baby (順產臨盆).

For those who didnt have a chance to get any baby (after long period of trying), they could also visit Zhu Sheng Niang Niang Temples to request for babies. The couple just needed to prepare the following items:

For Baby Boy, prepared White Flowers 白花 (of any type), white flowers represent positive or Yang (代表陽), after offering this to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang, she will get the message and blessed accordingly and;

For Baby Girl, prepared Red Flowers 紅花 (of any type), red flowers represent negative or Yin (代表陰), after offering this to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang, she will get the message and blessed accordingly.

Under Zhu Sheng Niang Niang, she got a few assistants to assist her in the performing of the Baby-sitting tasks, they are:

1 – Hua Gong Hua Po (花公花婆), to delivery the correct form of babies to couples
2 – 12 to 72 Nannies (奶娘), to take care of new born babies till the age of 12 years old

And this is the reason, in our Folks Practice, when a kid reaches 12 years old (some 14 years old), the parent will arranged for a Ritual/Ceremony to thank the Deities for looking after the kids for so many years, etc.

For High Res Pics, please proceed to this link:

Friday 21 September 2007

Our Root Language - Hokkien


Hokkien - a Dialect, a very familiar, close, warm and touching type of language that our fore-fathers passed down to ALL of us.

Due to the fast-pace changes happened around us, this language has been eliminated by a lot of the people - a lot of ignorant people - it's totally sad and disappointed to see and know that.

Is it important to keep it going?

My reply is Yes, Definitely Yes and a MUST YES.

Hope that by introducing the various songs in my web, by putting in the Pin Yin and brief explanation on the songs, it can somehow create a small awareness to those who have yet to THROW away this language to come back to learn a little bit more on our precious language - Hokkien.

Your support will make this culture go a longer journey.

Here's the link to the web:

Million thanks.

Jave Wu made my kowtow.

Pictures of Cai Shen - Deity of Wealth (各路財神)

Cai Shen (財神) aka Deity of Wealth, from the name we shall know, they are Deities that are able to control the wealth or fortune for the mortals.

Since the day when mortal knew how to use money to exchange for other stuffs, Deity of Wealth appeared, not for blessing for mortals to become extremely rich, but to control the flow and movement of the money that involved in the mortals' activities.

So how many Deity of Wealth are there?

Haha, in this World, there are a lot, in folks culture, we have different type of Deity of Wealth, such as Military Wealth (武財), Scholarly Wealth (文財), Directly-Associated Wealth (正財), Physically-Associated Wealth (偏財), Wealth of Sudden Wealth (橫財), etc. Each type of Wealth is being in-charge by one Deity of Wealth.

So who are the famous Historical Characters that are being made to become a Deity of Wealth?

They are:

1) Guan Yu (關羽)
2) Bi Gan (比干)
3) Tao Zhu Gong (陶朱公)

Here, let see who they are....

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Thursday 20 September 2007

Pictures of Master Lu Ban (工匠始祖魯班先師)

Lu Ban (魯班) aka Master Patron of Architecture and Carpenter (工匠始祖). Actual name known as Gong Shu Ban (公輸班), due to he was a citizen of the Lu Kingdom (魯國) during the Spring-Autumn Era (春秋時), he was also known as Lu Ban.

Lu Ban, born in the 7th Day of Lunar 5th Month (農曆五月初七日). Father known as Gong Shu Xian (父諱賢) and mother known as Madam Wu (母吳氏).

Since young, Lu Ban showed great interest in construction stuffs, at the age of 15, he went to seek mastership under Master Duan Mu Qi - 端木起 (some said Bao Zhi - 鮑志).

Not long after his training under the Master, Lu Ban was able to use whatever he learnt in real-time-construction.

After many years of trying and learning, finally, Lu Ban able to create a lot of new stuffs that were closely associated with constructions and design.

From then, he got all the respects from the folks.

According to records, the olden-day-style-wax-umbrella was invented by his wife, Madam Yun (妻雲氏).

Till today, the Carpenter and Architecture (Construction) Association in Singapore still pay respect to Master Lu Ban.

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Pictures of Cang Jie (造字先聖倉頡)

Cang Jie (倉頡) aka The Master of Chinese Culture, in Chinese we address him as Zhong Hua Wen Zu (中華文祖) - meaning the one who started the Culture of Writing, etc.

In Chinese History, there's no much records on him, but from certain contexts, we can find out that actually Cang Jie exist far before Huang Di - Yellow Emperor (黃帝) exist.

So what he's famous for?

He's the first person to create all the Chinese Characters/Words for writing (倉頡造字).


Due to his credit in creating all the characters, people pay respect to him as a form of respect.

PS: The 4 or 6 eyes represent the power of creating characters or words.

Video on Jiu Tian Xuan Nv (九天玄女短片)

In this video clip, it shows the ritual song on praising Jiu Tian Xuan Nv before the a ritual or ceremony ends.

Introduction of Shen Nong (中華炎皇神農大帝)


Shen Nong (神農) aka Sheng Nong Da Di (神農大帝), one of the Three Ancient Kings 遠古三皇 (Ancestors of the Chinese 華夏祖先), in some contexts, we also addressed him as Yan Di (炎帝) – Emperor Yan or Wu Gu Da Di (五穀大帝) - meaning Lord of the Five Grains.

Due to the place where he stayed, he also got a surname of Jiang 姜 (staying around the Jiang River 姜水).

In records, Shen Nong was the son of Shao Dian (少典) and his mother was known as Fang Deng (方登). After his mother got a dream of a dragon (望龍而育有神農), she got pregnant with Shen Nong.

After Shen Nong grow-up, he tend to show a lot of interests in the different types of plants/herbs/green-living-stuffs. Slowly, he went into the tasting of the different types of plants/etc and ever got poison up to 70 times in a day (神農嘗百草).

Due to his braveness, a lot of the people were being benefited, and from then, he was being respected as a Great Person – slowly became a Deity.

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Tuesday 18 September 2007

Long Shan Men Founder's Enlightenment Day (龍山門祖師羽化日)


9th Day of Lunar 8th Month is consider as an important day for all Long Shan Men disciples.

It's the day of our First Master (Founder) - Lord Long Yi's Enlightenment Day.

During the chaotic period of Tang Dynasty (ending period), Lord Long Yi founded Long Shan Men in-order to assist the refugees to find a place for home and help in calming the mind/soul/physical emotions of all frightening commoners.

After not long of setting-up of his Sect - Long Shan Men, Tang Dynasty fall and from then, Long Shan Men entered a dark-period (hidding from all enemies and attacks from the other invaders), only till Song Dynasty, Long Shan Men started to get into functioning.

Till today, Long Shan Men had passed-down the Leadership to 34 Leaders, the 35th Leader, which is me - Jave, still trying my best to promote the Culture of Taoism and the Culture of assisting people when they are in need (Spirit of Long Shan Men).

Hope that my Ancestor - Lord Zhen Yi in the Eastern Palace can blessed on us, blessed on us to complete our Tasks and keep the Culture of Taoism going.

Wu Liang Shou.

Pictures of Lord Tai Sui (值年太歲至德星君)

Tai Sui (太歲) aka Lord of the Year and Age (太歲星君), in Chinese, sometime we address him as Dang Nian Tai Sui (當年太歲) or Zhi Nian Tai Sui (值年太歲) – meaning Tai Sui on Duty for that Year (in some context, Tai Sui is known as Jupiter – Mu Xing 木星).

In Taoism, Tai Sui can be considered as a very important Deity. Besides giving the necessary blessing to the Mortals, the different Tai Sui are used to mark the Lunar Year (夏曆農曆年) too.

In whole, for the cycle of the Lunar Year, there are 60 Tai Sui (六十太歲) to look after every individual year. Out of all these 60 Tai Sui, there's an Overall In-charge of all Tai Sui, he's name as Yin Jiao (殷郊) – son of the Evil King Zhou of Shang Dynasty 商朝紂王之子 (with 3 Heads and 6 Arms 生有三頭六臂).

Till today, a lot of people only pay respect or know that there's only 60 Tai Sui, but to be exact, there shall be 61 Tai Sui (nowadays, he is being illustrated as the Little Boy holding the Banner with Dang Nian Tai Sui written on it, etc).

In whole, there are 5 Sets of 60 Tai Sui since the 1st day where our Chinese Ancestors fixed the Lunar Calendar.

The oldest set of 60 Tai Sui had been forgotten by the people and now the one we using might not be that accurate. In-order to get back the oldest set of 60 Tai Sui, you all will have to look back at the Old Lunar Calendar or Tong Shu (老黃曆/通書).

For High Res Pics, please proceed to this link:

Monday 17 September 2007

Pictures of Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中壇元帥李哪吒)

Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中壇元帥) aka Third Prince of the Li (李府三太子) or the Central Marshal of the Spiritual Armies.

Chinese name known as Li Na Zha (李哪吒), 3rd son of Heavenly Pagoda King Li Jing (托塔天王李靖).

In Hinduism, he's known as Nalakuvara, one of the Dharma Protector.

In Folks Belief, Li Na Zha was regard as the Disciple of Tai Yi Zhen Ren of Jin Guang Dong (金光洞太乙真人).

After he got his new lotus body (蓮花化身) from his Master, he was being sent off to assist Master Jiang Tai Gong (姜子牙太公) to fight against the Evil King Zhou (殷紂王), after Master Jiang Tai Gong won the battle, he got bestowed by Master Jiang as the Central Heaven General - to look after all Spiritual Armies and guard against all negative entities, etc.

Whereas in Main Stream Taoism rituals/ceremonies, he wont or seldom be invited.

Sunday 16 September 2007

No Relationship doesn't equal to No Feeling (無情或無義)


A lot of Spiritual People (including Priests, Monks, Leaders, Masters/etc) keep emphasizing this to me: "when you reach a certain level of learning on your religion (or so-called Cultivation), you will find yourself enclosed-up against all un-necessary feelings or saying-of-you or soon, you become Alone".

At first, I don't really take that seriously and important, cos I'm always a person who will go against certain planning or so-called rules/regulations to seek for a "New beam of light", but to this, I totally surrendered.

I must admit that the saying they told me is true and perfectly true.

This morning, while taking a slow stroll in the cold drizzling, one question pop-up in my mind, "What is a relationship?"

I couldn't answer and I couldn't find a suitable word/phrase to satisfy myself for this question.

The immediate reaction that reacts in my mind, after the question appeared and searching for answer, is NULL. NULL not as in nothings, but in a form of NULL that I know and yet in a form that I can't get hold of or used words to describe.

Or this is what the Spiritual People told me – Alone.

Alone, after many rounds of digging out the meaning of this word and retrieving back all what I had learned in the past and all the sayings I got, FINALLY, I found out that actually the word Alone could mean a lot...

(All the following thoughts only appeared after I agreed to let go of the word "Relationship (in certain contexts)" in Chinese - Qing 情)

A lot of people might think that Alone is a form of physical action that a person will closed-up him/herself from all the physical contacts/interactions of other mortals, but actually such action is not accurate or I can say it shall be vice-versa – getting oneself to get more physical contacts/interactions with other mortals and felt how they felt, their immediate reactions or emotions, etc.

Alone, in here, is not a physical action but a form of mind-disciple/soul-disciple/physical-action-disciple of oneself actions against certain issues or events (may it be major or minor, may it be life or death).

Example, like making oneself to think properly before react or after reacting to a certain issue, oneself will have to bear the consequences, etc (in Buddhism called Karma, in Taoism called Cheng (乘) – Continue or take-over and Fu (負) – carried forward or passing-down).

Even though, we have to put down or sacrifice our certain Relationships, but in Taoism, Three Relationships that one shall not give-up or sacrifice, they are:

1 – Parent's Relationship
2 – Master & Disciple Relationship
3 – Loyalty to a Kingdom/Empire/Country Relationship

Once a person give-up the above 3 mentioned Relationships, he/she will not be eligible to call him/herself a Taoist, cos in Taoism, giving up the relationships of the any above is consider as Deeply Sinful.

Back to my issue, so am I a NO Relationship or so-called Cold-blooded person now?

If you think that I'm one, I cant really denied, but if you don't think that way, you may think then who am I?

This is easy, in-order to see things in a more optimistic way/having a clearer view, you have to try to put down the un-necessary relationships, only by putting them down, your burden will be lessen and the pathway that you taking to reach the peak will be much more easier and lighter.

Don't you feel that way too?

Let's ponder on the whole question again, do you find something out from that?

If yes, you gain something.

If no, no worry, in time to come, you gain more things then we do.

Wu Liang Shou

Saturday 15 September 2007

Pictures of Taoist 28 Constellations - Er Shi Ba Xiu (道教四天二十八宿)

Er Shi Ba Xiu (二十八宿) aka The 28 Constellation Stars.

In Taoism, they are conisder as a group of Guardians/Protectors or Generals of the Heavenly Realm (天界衛護神祇).

In most of the Taoist Temples overseas, usually you can see them being made into General form and guide against Temple Gates or Main Hall other then the normal Door Deities.

In our Chinese Study, these 28 stars are being separated into 4 Groups (7 Stars each, and they are also used to represent the 4 Direction of this Universe). A Spiritual Animal (神獸) is used to represent each group:

East (Green): The Green Dragon (東方青龍)
South (Red): The Firey Sparrow (南方朱雀)
West (White): The White Tiger (西方白虎)
North (Black/Grey): The combination of Tortise and Snake (北方玄武)


The movement of these 4 groups of Stars (二十八宿運行):

In Chinese Religion/Taoism, the North Pole - 北極 (where Bei Dou 北斗, Zi Wei 紫微, Zhong Tian 中天 are) is the center of all movements in the Universe, and so all these groups of Stars will rotate around the North Pole in-order for them to carry-out their tasks, etc.

And so, in another word, these four groups of Stars are closely related with the North Pole or Bei Dou, etc.

For High Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:

Thursday 13 September 2007

Pictures of Dong Hua Di Jun (東華帝君木王公)

Dong Hua Di Jun (東華帝君) aka Dong Wang Gong (東王公) or Mu Gong (木公), in Taoism, he is the representative of Extreme Positive Energy (極陽之氣) of the whole Universe (萬物宇宙).

In some Taoist Context, it recorded that, every Male Immortal (男仙登位) would had to go through his endorsement before they could get a position in the Heavenly Realm (天界).

Besides that, Dong Hua Di Jun is also one of the few Deities that control the flow of Energies in the Universe.

Here some short intros on Dong Hua Di Jun (東華帝君原由):

1 – An unknown character in the Deities record, but knew that he got a surname of Wang (姓王). He got his learning from Tai Shang Lao Jun (授道與太上道祖) and stayed in Mt Kun Lun (崑崙山) and later shifted to Mt Wu Tai (五臺山)to do his self-cultivation.

After he got his enlightenment, he passed-down his skills to Zhong Li Quan (授徒鐘離權) in Han Dynasty (漢朝).

2 – In Han Dynasty (AD155, 6 Day of Lunar 2 Month), Dong Hua Di Jun got his reborn into the Mortal World as Wang Cheng (王誠) aka Wang Xuan Fu (王玄甫).

After getting his learning from Tai Shang Lao Jun, he got his enlightenment and got his position in the Heavenly Realm.

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Wednesday 12 September 2007

Birthday of Bei Dou Xing Jun (北斗星君誕辰)

3rd Day of 8 Lunar Month (農曆八月初三日) is consider as the Birthday of Bei Dou Xing Jun 北斗星君 (The Lord of the Great Northern Dipper), which in our Taoist Context, he's one of the few Deities that can set/control one's life and death, fortune, luck, etc.


In the Taoist Scripture "Bei Dou Jing 北斗經" describes, on the day of Bei Dou Xing Jun's birthday and other Feast Day of the Dou (齋日), if you will to recite Bei Dou Scripture (北斗經) or the mantra (寶誥), one will get his blessing and if someone will to pay respect to Bei Dou on behalf of his/her parent (父母求壽) or their love-one, the whole family will be blessed with Longevity and good fortune for the year.


If you are keen and sincere enough, after 11.00pm (Chinese Hour - Hai) tonight (2 Day of 8 Lunar 農曆八月初二亥時后), just prepare 3 cups of good tea (三杯香茗) and some simple offerings (5 oranges or Tea Leaves and Jian Hup 桔子或餞盒), place them at the Altar where you pay respect to the Heaven (天公桌/天官案), sincerely kneel down before the Urn and made your request to Bei Dou Xing Jun (best if you can recite his Praise Mantra 寶誥), Bei Dou Xing Jun will definitely be able to get your message and blessed you accordingly (paying respect on behalf of Parents, remember to recite their chinese name and Ba Zi).


Remember hor, must be sincere and respectful, if not your requests won't be answered.


Good Luck & Wu Liang Shou.




Bei Dou Xing Jun Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)


Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

開明三景 迴度五常 

Kai Ming San Jing, Hui Du Wu Chang



Wei Zao Hua Zhi Shu Ji



Wei Ren Shen Zhi Zhu Zai


宣威三界 統御萬靈 

Xuan Wei San Jie, Yu Tong Wan Ling



Pan Ren Jian Shan E Zhi Qi



Si Yin Fu Shi Fei Zhi Mu



Neng Jie Yi Qie Zui



She Fu Zhu Mo Jing


大悲大願 大聖大慈 

Da Bei Da Yuan, Da Sheng Da Ci



Zhong Tian Da Sheng



Bei Dou Jiu Huang Ci Fu Xing Jun

Introduction of Bi Xia Yuan Jun (泰山玉女碧霞元君)


Bi Xia Yuan Jun (碧霞元君) aka Jade Maiden of the Heavenly (天仙玉女) or Empress of Mt Tai Shan (泰山娘娘).

In Records, there are a few versions of her origin, here they are (碧霞元君來由):

1 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was a Pre-Heavenly-Formed Deity (先天神祇) that assisted Yellow Emperor (黃帝) while he went for Inspection at Mt Tai Shan (東獄泰山) and later Yellow Emperor bestowed her as one of the Deity of Mt Tai Shan (泰山之神).

2 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was the only Daughter of Dong Yu Da Di - 東獄大帝 (Emperor Lord of Mt Tai Shan)

3 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was one of the manifestations of Dong Yu Da Di (東獄大帝之化身) to assist him in looking after the movements and issues that were associated with Mt Tai Shan.

4 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was born in Han Dynasty (漢朝), after she grew-up, she did her self-cultivation and later was being bestowed by Mother Queen of the West (西王母) to become a Lady Immortal in the Heavenly Realm (天界女真).

Till today, in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, there's still a large number of devotees pay respect to her for blessings. The blessings are as follow:

A – Requesting for babies (求嗣)
B – Requesting for Good luck (祈福)
C – Requesting for Illness/Sicknesses to be cured (解災化厄除病)

In Singapore, it's quite rare to see her or even heard of her.

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Tuesday 11 September 2007

The 10 Generations of the Yang Warrior (楊家將)

The Yang Warriors aka Yang Jia Jiang (楊家將), a famous Loyalty Family that assist the Song Dynasty Emperors (宋朝帝王) to fight against the invaders.

According to Chinese History, the Father of the Yang Warriors does exist, his name is known as Yang Ye (楊業) or Yang Ji Ye (楊繼業), follow by the son, Yang Yan Zhao (楊延昭) aka Yang Liu Lang (楊六郎).

During the battle at Jin Sha Tan (金沙灘), a few of the sons sacrisficed themselves to rescue their father out from the danger, but sad to say, their mission failed, cos at the end, their father - Yang Ji Ye, killed himself infront of Su Wu Temple (蘇武廟) by knocking himself on the Tomb stone of Li Ling - 李陵碑 (a old historical character who surrender himself after many years of capture by the barbarians).

To know more about the lineage of the 10 Generations (楊家十代英雄榜), please do perform a download on the following link for the Document.

Pictures of the Nether World 24 Department Officers (冥府六曹二十四司)

The 24 Department Officers that assist Lord Cheng Huang, in Chinese known as Er Shi Si (二十四司) or Si Ye (司爺).

Reason for them to exist in the Deities System is to assist Lord Cheng Huang aka Sheng Hong (城隍) or some-say the Ten Lords of the Manifested Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (十宮冥王) to do recording on individual issues that associated with Living Beings in the Mortal World in the Six main Departments known as Liu Cao (六曹).

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Monday 10 September 2007

NUS Research Gallery: Singapore, a modern but religious country


Thanks to Ms Ailin of Singapore Heritage eGroup for sharing with us on the following Article

Singapore, a modern but religious country

People are treating religion more intellectually now for they no longer follow religion blindly. In the past, they would just do the rituals blindly. Nowadays, they want to understand the meaning behind the rituals."
— Asst Prof Alexius A Pereira, Department of Sociology

A secular state but not a secularised society — an apt description for Singapore as religion still has its place here despite modernisation and economic development. This seems to be contradictory to some economic theories which suggest that people's need for religious assurances diminishes as industrialisation improves their economic security.

According to the World Values Survey, over 70 per cent of Singaporeans still feel that religion is important in their lives; believe in metaphysical concepts of god, soul, heaven and hell; and actively participate in religious activities, fulfilling religious obligations. The survey was conducted by the Department of Sociology with a sample size of over 1,500 Singaporeans in 2002. Asst Prof Alexius A Pereira, who is part of the team which conducted the survey, was tasked to examine religiosity in relation with economic development in the city-state.

Asst Prof Alexius said the "rationalisation" of religion is probably the most important reason why Singaporeans today are still deeply religious. The ability of religion to adapt to the changing profile of the society ensures that people do not drop out of a religion, but rather switch to a different religion. For instance, to shed its perceived image as a superstitious religion for the old, Taoism has started translating its scriptures into palpable prose in English for the younger generation.

"People are treating religion more intellectually now for they no longer follow religion blindly. In the past, they would just do the rituals blindly. Nowadays, they want to understand the meaning behind the rituals. So they switched to religions perceived as 'more modern and rational' such as Buddhism and Christianity. In modern society, people are free to choose their religion. Hence religions have to make themselves relevant so as to retain their 'market share' in the 'religion economy'," said Asst Prof Alexius.

Interestingly, Asst Prof Alexius said the secular Singapore government ironically discouraged secularisation through its policies. For instance, the "cultural preservation" policies to encourage Singaporeans to retain their cultural heritage, in turn, contribute to the preservation of religion.

Explained Asst Prof Alexius: "The government tried to preserve ethnicity. It did so by preserving religious life as well because religion was viewed by people as being an important component of ethnicity. Religion is very much a part of people's identity and is central in their life. Being Muslim is part of being Malay, being Buddhists is part of being Chinese, and being Hindu is part of being Indian.

"The Singapore government also believes people who are religious are morally good people. Religious studies were even made mandatory in secondary education in the 1980s. Although they were replaced by civics and moral education later in the 1990s, the government's principle for basis of morality was clear. And they take the views of religion leaders seriously. By and large, the government does not help to promote secularisation with its policies."

New age religions

In other modern societies, there has been an emergence of "new age" religions. These new beliefs preach individual spirituality which is radically different from the traditional form of religion that adheres to an organised religious body or authority. Sociologists explain that people's increasing rationality means that they are less likely to depend on traditional religious body or authority for assurances. At the same time, rationality and science however, still cannot provide answers for existential and morality issues. Hence "new age" religions are here to fill such areas.

"But Singaporeans are unlikely to embrace such new religions," said Asst Prof Alexius. "We found that 'new age' religions are almost negligible in Singapore. Most people belong to a 'regular' religion or have no religion. So my gut feeling is that these newer religions will not take hold in Singapore. Standard religions are giving people what they need, and they have evolved with them to meet their needs, and will continue to do so."

However, Asst Prof Alexius said that religiosity in Singapore will change over time as society continues to evolve. He hopes the Sociology Department will have the opportunity to take part in the next edition of the World Values Survey — Singapore in 2010 to identity any changes in the state of religiosity in Singapore.

"This study gives us a somewhat big overall picture of the state of religiosity in Singapore now. Hopefully the study will lead to other strands of research, for instance, delving deeper into the daily religious habits of people," he said.


Ending of the 7th Month Festival (農曆七月尾)


Ending of 7th Month Festival (in folks culture, it's called the Qi Yue Wei (七月尾) or closing of Hade Gate 鬼門關), during this day, All Folks will tend to send off the "Good Brothers & Sisters (好兄弟)" by offering the last round of offerings (joss-papers, incenses, food, clothing, etc).

So does all "Souls" (in Folks Belief context) report back to the Hade?

Usually not "ALL" will "Returned back" to Hade.

Only those "Law-followers" or "Good Souls" will returned back for reporting, whereas those mischievous one or those who eagerly wanting to go for a Reborn will stayed or deliberately hide-up at certain "dark corners".

So wont "they" got caught?

Definitely the "Hade Constables" will need to go around the Whole Mortal World to do inspection after the so-called Hade Gate Closed.

For those being caught during this period, usually the Souls will get sever punishments after returning or immediately, the souls will be "Destroyed".

Due to this reason, to certain Religious Group, they wont performed Rituals/Ceremonies on the 1st few days of the 8th Month, trying to avoid any "left-over Good Brothers and Sisters" come to disturb or look for a refuge place.

In-order to avoid coming across any of such "Left-over", to certain group of people, they will try not to go into/near any "Dark Corners" on the 1st few days of the 8th Month.

Pictures of Dong Yue Da Di (天齊仁聖東嶽大帝)

Dong Yue Da Di (東嶽大帝) aka Lord Emperor of Mt Tai, in chinese, we also addressed him as Dong Yue Da Di (東岳大帝) or Tai Shen Shen (泰山神), Official Title for Dong Yu Da Di is Tai Shan Tian Qi Ren Sheng Da Di (泰山天齊仁聖大帝).

According to his position as the Eastern Mountain Lord of the total of the 5 Main Mountains (五岳) and with the element of East (東方), he was being appointed as one of the High Ranking Deities that were able to set/arrange for one's Life and Death 注生死 (and this is why he's being closely associated with the Deities of the Hade).

In some contexts, he's consider as the "Main Boss" of all the Hade Deities (陰司神祇) besides Feng Du Da Di (酆都大帝) - till today, a lot of people still cant differentiate Dong Yu and Feng Du.

The Origin of Dong Yu Da Di (東嶽大帝由來)

In Chinese Deities System, there's 2 saying on Dong Yu's origin, here they are:

1) He's the descedant of Lord Pan Gu (盤古大帝) - the one who open-up Heaven and Earth, named as Jin Hong Shi 金虹氏 (Brother of Dong Hua Di Jun 東華帝君).

2) He was Wu Cheng Wang Huang Fei Hu (武成王黃飛虎) - a General in Shang Dynasty (商朝大將), after he passed-away, he was being appointed as Dong Yu Da Di to look after the issues that were related to all movements of the Mountains, Hills and the Life and Death issues of all Living Beings.

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Saturday 8 September 2007

Introduction of Lord Cheng Huang (水庸防堤城隍爺)


Lord Cheng Huang (城隍公) aka Duke Cheng Huang (城隍侯) or Cheng Huang Ye (城隍爺) /Cheng Huang Shen (城隍神), a Deity who is being appointed as the Officer of doing registration of Life and Death in the Mortal World (人間注生死).

In the Ancient period, each area/city in China will need to dedicate a Temple to Cheng Huang, in-order to get the blessing and necessary looking-after by the Deities.

In some era, Cheng Huang also act as a "media" for people to make complaints (證紛爭), witnesses of Divorce and Marriage or some (證婚姻), giving birth (證生), etc.

In Taoism, Cheng Huang can easily be categorize as Five Level (五階官):

1) Du Cheng Huang aka Jing Cheng Huang (都城隍/京城隍) - given the title King, in Chinese Wang (王)

Official Title: Ming Ling Wang (明靈王)

And to be accurate, in the Whole Chinese Deities System, there can be only one Du Cheng Huang which is in the Imperial Capital of Ancient China 帝都 (which now got no more).

2) Fu Cheng Huang (府城隍) - given the title Duke/Lord (公)

Official Title: Wei Ling Gong (威靈公)

This is the 2nd Level and in Singapore, you are able to find him at Tanjong Pagar Sheng Hong Temple.

3) Zhou Cheng Huang (州城隍) - given the title Marquis (侯)

Official Title: Sui Jing Hou (綏靖侯)

4) Xian Cheng Huang (縣城隍) - given the title Bo (伯)

Official Title: Xian You Bo (顯佑伯)

5) Cheng (as in City or an Area) Cheng Huang (城城隍) - folks addressed hikm with the title Ye (Officer/Magistrate)

Official Title: Cheng Huang Ye (城隍爺)

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Thursday 6 September 2007

Introduction of Fu De Zheng Shen (南天御封福德正神)


Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) aka Earth Deity, in Chinese, we addressed him as Tu Di Gong (土地公) or Tu Di Shen (土地神) or She Ji Shen (社稷神), in S.E.A., we called him Da Bo Gong (大伯公) - meaning the Great Granduncle.

Till today, a lot of people still tend to mix-up Fu De Zheng Shen and Hou Tu (後土) together, to be more accurate, this is not right.

Hou Tu, is one of the Si Yu 四御 (The Four Heavenly Emperor Lords that assist San Qing 三清 in looking after the Universe). He(she) is one of the High Position Deities after the Universe being formed/created.

Due to the task of Hou Tu was to look after all the Earth Issues (such as Mountains, Hills, Farm, Ground, etc), folks tend to treat him(her) as Tu Di Shen.

Besides that, in Folks Belief (民間信仰) and Feng Shui (風水學) point of view on Tu Di Shen, actually there's a few versions, they are:

1) Tu Di Shen holding to a Wooden Walking Stick (木拐土地) -> to look after the tombs or cementary

2) Holding to a Ru Yi and Ingot (如意土地) -> to look after Fortune in a Home

3) etc.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Pictures of Bao Sheng Da Di (宋朝醫仙保生大帝)

Bao Sheng Da Di (保生大帝) aka Wu Zhen Ren (吳真人) or Da Dao Gong (大道公), real name was known as Wu Tao 吳本 (which later people mistaken the character Tao as Ben).

Bao Sheng Da Di, born in Song Dynasty 宋朝 (15th Day of Lunar 3rd Month 農曆三月十五日), hometown at Hokkien Quan Zhou Tong An Bai Jiao Village (中國福建泉州同安白礁鄉).

Due to his contribution in Medication, healing of different types of diseases and illnesses, he was being honoured as the Deity of Medicine (醫神) since the Ancient Era.

In myth, he did cure the sore-eyes of a Dragon (點龍睛), took out a human bone from a Tiger's throat (醫虎喉, which later the Tiger became his carriage), etc.

Till today, around Asia, there's still a large number of Devotees who honour Bao Sheng Da Di in-order to get their sickness or illness cured.

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Tuesday 4 September 2007

Pictures of Bao Gong (明鏡高懸包青天)

Bao Gong (包公) aka Justice Bao, real name of his are Bao Zheng (包拯) aka Bao Wen Zheng (包文正), due to his reputation of up-right and Justice, folks also addressed him as Bao Qing Tian (包青天).

Bao Gong, born in Northern Song Dynasty (北宋), hometown at China He Fei Area (中國合肥).

During his service in the Imperial Court (朝廷), he was being promoted a serveral times due to his credits and merits. The highest position that he got from the Emperor was Long Tu Ge Da Xue Shi (龍圖閣大學士) - Advisor of Military Issues (軍機大事).

In Folks Belief, Bao Gao was able to travel to the Hade during the Night to do investigation on tragedy cases/un-solve cases, etc (日審陽間/夜審陰府).

In his hometown at China He Fei, people are able to see his tomb and besides his tomb, is the tomb of Madam Bao (包夫人).

Pictures of Xi Qin Wang Ye (西秦王爺唐明皇)

Xi Qin Wang Ye (西秦王爺) aka Tang Ming Huang (唐明皇) or Tang Xuan Zong (唐玄宗), real name as Li Long Ji (李隆基), one of the Emperor in Tang Dynasty (唐朝帝王), the second husband of Yang Gui Fei - 楊貴妃 (one of the Four beauties of Ancient China 中國四大美人).

Tang Ming Huang, a 100% fan of Ancient Min Nan Ancient Music (閩南傳統音樂), especially on Nan Yin - 南音 (a form of Traditional Hokkien Music).

At his Era, he composed quite a number of scores on the Nan Yin and one of his famous Musician that assisted him in all the playing of the Traditional Music was Lei Hai Qing (雷海青), which later known as Tian Du Yuan Shuai (田都元帥).

Due to his love, interest and great contribution to the Min Nan Traditional Music, he was being honoured as the Patron, Ancestor and Master of Hokkien Traditional Music and Opera.

Deities Birthday Greeting Banners 4 (Lunar 8 Month) 農曆八月神誕

Here are the banners of Deities of Different Birthdays.

Introduction of Heavenly Marshal Hua Guang of 36 Heavenly Generals (三十六天將之五顯華光馬天君)


Ma Tian Jun (馬天君) aka Hua Guang (華光) aka Ma Ling Guang (馬靈官), one of the 4 important Taoist Generals (道教四大元帥) that assist Deities to withold the Culture of Taoism.

In Main Stream Taoism, Ma Tian Jun will also be invited in major Rituals/Ceremonies as one of the Protectors for the Ritual/Ceremony performed.

Till today, in the folks society, there's still a group of people tend to mix-up Hua Guang Ma Tian Jun (華光馬天君) and Yang Jian Er Lang Shen (楊戩二郎神) together, to be accurate, they are of different Deities.

How to identify them?

For Hua Guang Ma Tian Jun - he will always hold on to a Golden Pyramid (三角金磚) and taking a sword, in some context, he will also have a Fire Crow (火鴉) beside (to represent the Spirit of Fire 火之精).

For Yang Jian Er Lang Shen - holding to a 3-pointed Spear (三尖戟) with a black dog (哮天犬) besides him.

Similarity: Both of them have a 3rd eyes at the fore-head.


In Cantonese Opera (粵劇), Hua Guang Ma Tian Jun is considered as their Protector or Ancestor.

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Sunday 2 September 2007

Pictures of Ma Zu aka Lord Lady Empress of the Sea (天上聖母媽祖)

Ma Zu (媽祖) aka Lord Lady Empress of the Sea or we addressed her as the Heavenly Concubine (天妃) & Spiritual Maiden of the Heaven (天上聖母).

Ma Zu, a lady born in Song Dynasty (宋朝), 23rd Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月廿三日為之華誕), hometown at China Fujian Province, Fu Zhou City Pu Tian Area (中國福建省福州市莆田). After her mother gave birth to her, she didnt cry out a sound. Since she didnt make a sound since she left her mother's body, her father named her Mo Niang (默娘) - meaning Quiet or Silent Maiden.

After she grown up, when most of the storms arise, Mo Niang would appeared on the Sky above the stormy sea to rescue those who were stuck in between the big waves/etc.

One year, at the age of 28 years old, on the 9th Day of 9th Lunar Month (農曆九月初九 - 媽祖飛昇日), Mo Niang was saw ascending to the Heaven on-top of a Mountain (till today, this place still exist in China Mei Zhou and every year, people will return to the place to pay respect to Ma Zu/etc).

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Saturday 1 September 2007

Pictures of Wang Ye & Qian Sui (王爺與千歲)

Wang Ye aka Qian Sui aka Lord of different Surnames or Clans.

In Taiwan, this groups of "local" or "Ancestral" Deities are very popular and common among the commoners or folks.

Wang Ye and Qian Sui are usually historical characters or real human of any time in the past, cos due to their credits and merits and certain actions that they had done for the community or country, after the passed-away, the people who knew them or Emperor gave them a title of certain certain Wang Ye or Qian Sui, and from then, they were respected as a Deity by the people.

The most common Wang Ye and Qian Sui will be the 360 or 365 scholars that were being drowned while they were on their way to the Imperial Court for examination.

Another group was the scholars that were being buried alive by Emperor Qin Shi Wang 秦始王 (but due to the recorded number of scholars being executed in real History (460) and the number of scholars known by the folks (360 or 365) are different, so this group of scholars might not be the one that appear to be the 360 or 365 Wang Ye that people pay respect to now...)