Wednesday 27 August 2014

甲午馬年正一六十二代張元旭天師聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of 62nd Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Xu 2014

62nd Heavenly Master, named Zhang Yuan Xu (正一六十二代張元旭天師) or Zhang Xiao Chu (又名張曉初), born in Qing Dynasty Tong Zhi Period, Birthday falls on 7th Day of Lunar 8 Month in Year 1862 (生于清同治元年農曆八月初七日).

At the age of 42 (光緒三十年), he succeeded his Father, 61st Heavenly Master Zhang Ren Zheng, as the 62nd Heavenly Master of Zheng Yi Sect (繼承六十一代張仁晸天師之位﹐為第六十二代嗣教真人).

And at the age of 52 (民國三年), he was being bestowed with the Official Title of Lord Hong Tian Ying Dao (洪天應道真君) by Marshal Yuan Shi Kai (袁世凱賜封).

In Year 1912, while Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Xu gave a speech in Shanghai World Religions Conference, he strongly urged the Taoists to promote the Official Teaching and Culture of Taoism and also, encouraged all Zheng Yi Disciples to continue the preaching that had pass-down by the various Heavenly Masters (民國元年﹐張元旭出席了在上海舉辦的世界宗教會時﹐當演講中﹐他老人家極力的鼓勵所有道教徒﹐在正確的方式下﹐力保及發揚正統道教文化及思想).

In Year 1925, 22nd Day of Lunar 1st Month, 62nd Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Xu gained his Immortality in Shanghai, with the age of 63, left behind 6 sons (the 5th son pass-on at a very young age) and the eldest son Zhang En Pu, which later succeeded as the 63rd Heavenly Master (張元旭天師於民國十四農曆端月廿二日羽化於上海﹐享壽六十三。後其嗣教之位由長子張恩溥天師所繼承).

This Year 2014, it falls on 31 Aug, a Sunday.

To find out more on Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Xu, please proceed to the following links (張元旭天師-知多一點點):

Plaque written by 62nd Heavenly Master (六十二代張元旭老天師親手書寫之贊教廳匾):

Story of 62nd Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Xu & Marshal Yuan Shi Kai (袁世凯與六十二代張曉初大真人傳奇):

Monday 25 August 2014

甲午馬年九天司命定福灶君聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Kitchen Deity 2014

3rd Day of Lunar 8 Month, known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Kitchen Deity aka Zao Shen (灶神). In Taoism, this is a Day that the Leader of the Family to offer his/her respect to the Kitchen Deity. For Families with Children under Lunar Age of 12, it is a MUST to honour Zao Shen.

For Year 2014, it falls on 27 Aug, a Wednesday.





More Info on Zao Jun (司命定福灶君相關資料):

Pictures of Zao Jun (

Scripture of Zao Jun (司命定福灶君經文):


中元圓融衷心感謝 Million Thanks for your Assistance













Lunar 7th Month Celebration had ended and now, we are ushering in a brand new wonderful Lunar 8th Month.

Jave will like to express my sincerest thanks to all those who have extended their helping hand during the Lunar 7th Month Celebration, whether is the preparation or the main occasion/ritual.

Your assistance had really help us a lot.

May All of you be blessed.

Friday 22 August 2014

甲午馬年天醫日慶典 Anniversary of Heavenly Physicians 2014

In Taoist Context, 01st & 14th Day of Lunar 8 Month is known as the Anniversary of 13 Heavenly Physicians descending to the Mortal Realm for distributing of Healing/Curing Blessing (農曆八月初一及十四日為天醫日﹐或稱天灸日/天醫節。根據古道教文獻記載﹐此日為諸位天醫下降賜醫/治病之日).

For Year 2014, it falls on 25 Aug, a Monday & 07 Sept, a Sunday.

Due to there are quite a number of overlapping information, some places also celebrate this Anniversary on the 15th Day of Lunar 8 Month (因年代不同﹐地方習俗有別﹐文獻中也有記載農曆八月十五日被亦認為是天醫日).


For Taoist Medical Theory, every Month, the 13 Major Heavenly Physicians will take turn to descend down to Mortal Realm at the North-west Direction to provide Healing/Curing. The Days are as followed (而在道教養生醫學錄中﹐每月逢其地支日﹐個別天醫/醫聖也會下降人間賜醫/治病﹐久病不癒者﹐可向西北方祝禱求醫。其地支日如下):

Lunar 1 Month – Cow Day (
Lunar 2 Month – Tiger Day (
Lunar 3 Month – Hare Day (農曆桐月逢卯日)
Lunar 4 Month – Dragon Day (農曆梅月逢辰日)
Lunar 5 Month – Snake Day (農曆蒲月逢巳日)
Lunar 6 Month – Horse Day (農曆荔月逢午日)
Lunar 7 Month – Goat Day (農曆巧月逢未日)
Lunar 8 Month – Monkey Day (農曆桂月逢申日)
Lunar 9 Month – Rooster Day (農曆菊月逢酉日)
Lunar 10 Month – Dog Day (農曆陽月逢戌日)
Lunar 11 Month – Pig Day (農曆葭月逢亥日)
Lunar 12 Month – Rat Day (農曆臘月逢子日)

Any Leap Month will be on Snake Day (每有閏月為巳日)


Lunar 1 & 7 Month – Hare Day (農曆端及巧月逢卯日)
Lunar 2 & 8 Month – Snake Day (農曆花及桂月逢巳日)
Lunar 3 & 9 Month – Goat Day (農曆桐及菊月逢未日)
Lunar 4 & 10 Month – Rooster Day (農曆梅及陽月逢酉日)
Lunar 5 & 11 Month – Pig Day (農曆蒲及葭月逢亥日)
Lunar 6 & 12 Month – Cow Day (農曆荔及臘月逢丑日)

Any Leap Month will be on Snake Day (每有閏月為巳日)

In Zheng Yi Taoist Medical Cultivation Texts (補正乙部。道家養生法科類。續命延壽法。記載), on the Anniversary of Heavenly Physicians/Main Day, a Taoist can prepare the following 7 types of herbs to soak in Pure Rice Wine for 49 Days. Upon completion, the Rice Wine can be used for consuming or for the applying on Suffering-body-parts (於天醫日﹐修道者可備(如下)七等草藥﹐入酒泡制七七期﹐完週﹐可服可用﹐消痛散淤):

丹參 (Red Sage)

當歸 (Angelica Sinensis)

赤芍 (Paeonia Lactiflora)

川芎 (Ligusticum Wallichii)

紅花 (Carthamus Tinctorius L)

乳香 (Boswellia Thurifera)

莪術 (Curcuma Zedoaria)

Tuesday 19 August 2014

甲午馬年林則徐公誕辰紀念 Birthday Anniversary of Official Lin Ze Xu 2014




在林則徐回天後﹐民間為紀念這位偉大護國英雄﹐而賜其號為” 護國保命正華真人”。

26th Day of Lunar 7 Month is the Birthday Anniversary of Official Lin Ze Xu, whereas 19th Day of Lunar 10 Month is known as the Gaining of Immortality of him.

Official Lin Ze Xu was the one, whom had tried his very best to destroy the Opium-disaster in late Qing Dynasty.

For Year 2014, it falls on 21 Aug, a Thursday.

相關照片及資料  Pictures & Related Info;

Friday 15 August 2014

甲午馬年諸葛孔明先師聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Master Zhu Ge Kong Ming 2014

23rd Day of Lunar 7th Month (農曆七月廿三日), the Manifestation Anniversary or Birthday of the First Mighty Premier of Chinese History – Master Zhu Ge Kong Ming aka Zhu Ge Liang (諸葛亮).
For Year 2014, it falls on 18 August, a Monday.

To find out more on Master Zhu Ge Kong Ming, please proceed to the following links:

Introduction of Master Zhu Ge Kong Ming (諸葛孔明先師簡介):

Zhu Ge Liang (諸葛亮) aka Zhu Ge Kong Ming ()諸葛孔明, born in Eastern Han Dynasty (東漢), AD 181, 14th Day of Lunar 4 Month (生于農歷四月十四日) or in Chinese Culture, the 23rd Day of Lunar 7 Month (又傳生于農歷七月廿三日).

Zhu Ge Liang's parent died while Zhu Ge Liang was very young. In-order to allow Zhu Ge Liang and his siblings to receive enough education, his Uncle, Zhu Ge Xuan (諸葛玄), volunteered to look into their daily needs.

Due to invaders attack and riot-outburst in his hometown, at the age of 14, Zhu Ge Liang started his traveling life with his Uncle and siblings.

At the age of 17, he settled himself down in Long Zhong 隆中 (now in Hu Bei Province, Xiang Yang Area 現今與湖北省襄陽), doing self study and observing the changes in the Politics.

AD 207, Liu Bei (皇叔劉備) got to know Zhu Ge Liang as a person who could assist him in fighting for the Empire, personally, he went to Long Zhong to invite Zhu Ge Liang to assist him in the planning. But for the 1st and 2nd time, Zhu Ge Liang refused to meet up with Liu Bei, cause Zhu Ge Liang wanted to test Liu Bei whether Liu Bei was sincere in invited him as the Advisor.

On the third time of the invitation (三顧茅廬), Zhu Ge Liang finally agreed to meet up with him, from then, he was being invited to assist Liu Bei and Liu Bei appointed him as the Grand Advisor of the Han.

AD 208, Zhu Ge Liang went over to Eastern Wu Kingdom to cooperate with Sun Quan (孫權) and General Zhou Yu (周瑜) to fight against Cao Cao (曹操). After serious planning on the battle, Zhu Ge Liang and General Zhou Yu used Fire-attacking strategy to burn down Cao Cao's Water Military Troop – this is the most famous part of the Three Kingdom History, known as Huo Shao Chi Bi 火燒赤壁 (Fire Battle at Chi Bi).

AD 221, Liu Bei got his Empire from the help of Zhu Ge Liang, from then, Zhu Ge Liang was being appointed as the Premier of Han (漢相).

AD 223, Liu Bei passed away, Zhu Ge Liang assist Liu Bei's son, Liu Chan (劉禪), to take over the throne.

AD 234, 28th Day of Lunar 8 Month, Zhu Ge Liang passed away, at that time, he was only 54 years old (卒於農曆八月二十八日﹐享年54歲).

Due to his credits, merits and wisdom, after his death, he was being respected as Deity of Military Art and Strategies, till today, a lot of Politicians, Lawyers, Advisors or Spiritual Masters still pay respect to him as Ancestor or Patrons of Skills, etc.

Praise Incantation for Master Zhu Ge Kong Ming (諸葛孔明先師寶誥):

Zhu Ge Wu Hou Bao Gao

Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

Wo Long Xing Xiu, Han Xiu Ru Ren

Bao Huang En, Tun Cao Fa Wei

Cheng Di Ming, Fu Han Cheng Shen

Bing Shu Dong Jue, Dao Xue Chao Lun

Wan Gu Jun Shi

Lun Jin Yu Shan Yin Liang Fu

San Shi Liang Xiang

Tao Lue Ji Mou Sheng Fan Zeng

Ming Gao Wang Zhong, Gui Fu Shen Qing

Wei Lie Tian Shu Shang Xiang

Shen Wei Jin Que Gong Chen

Gong Chan Zao Hua De Pei Qian Kun

Zuo Yu Di Zheng Bei San Cao

Ti Tian Xing Dao

Min Cang Sheng Xu Lun Mo Jie

Shan Jiao Chuan Jing, Hu Chao Wei Guo

Jue Shi Du Min

Da Zhong Da Xiao, Zhi Gang Zhi Ren

Tian Shu Shang Xiang, Zhe Ge Xian Shi

Jia Feng Jin Que Zhong Wu Tian Zun

Pictures of Master Zhu Ge Kong Ming (諸葛孔明先師照片):

Thursday 14 August 2014

甲午馬年張公聖君聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of General Zhang Ci Guan 2014

23rd Day of Lunar 7th Month (農曆七月廿三日), the Manifestation Anniversary or Birthday of General Zhang Ci Guan aka Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (張公聖君).

For Year 2014, it falls on 18 August, a Monday.

To find out more on Zhang Gong Sheng Jun, please proceed to the following links:

Discussion Forum of Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (張公聖君線上談論網):

Praise Incantation for Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (張公聖君寶誥):

Zhang Gong Sheng Jun Bao Gao

Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

Shen Ju Lv Que

Zhang Li Lei Bu Zhi Shi

Xiu Dao Jiu Long

Shou Wei Fa Zhong Zhi Zhu

Ruo Wen Ruo Wu

Tong Shuai Nan Jiang Zhu Fa Jiang

Huo Feng Huo Huo

Ling Qian Jiu Zhou Zhi Shen Bing

Bian Dong Shan Ben Gui Ku

Ling Yao Hai Dao Xie Jing

Yu Xie Ji Qu

Xiang Mo Li Mie

Cha Yin Yang Zhi Gong Guo

Xun Shan E Zhi Yan You

Wei Zhen Nan Bang

Jiu Du Si Fang

Ling Guang Pu Ji Du Zhong Sheng

Dian Ji Lei Ming Hu Bai Ku

Da Bei Da Yuan

Da Sheng Da Ci

San Shi San Tian Jian Lei Fa Zhu Zhang Gong Sheng Jun

Xiang Mo Jiu Jie Da Tian Jun

Pictures of Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (張公聖君照片):

Tuesday 12 August 2014

甲午馬年太歲都統殷郊天君聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Marshal Yin Jiao 2014

Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Marshal Yin Jiao 2014

On the 19th Day of Lunar 7 Month (農曆七月十九日) is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Chief Lord Tai Sui Yin Jiao.

For Year 2014, it falls on 14 Aug, a Thursday.

For those who had honoured Lord Tai Sui of the Year, do remember to visit any Temples that honoured Lord Tai Sui to pay your respect to Heavenly Marshal Yin Jiao.

In Singapore, a few places that Oneself can visit to pay respect to Old Lord Tai Sui:

1) Jin Lan Temple located at Kim Tian Road (新加坡金蘭廟) – main Temple for Traditional Tai Sui

2) Yue Hai Qing Temple located at Phillip Street (新加坡粵海清廟) – the first set of oldest 60 Tai Sui

Pictures of Yin Jiao (殷郊天君照片):

Monday 11 August 2014

三官妙經喜結緣 Distribution of San Guan Taoist Scriptures

中元聖節 地官大帝下凡考校之期 (巧月十五日) 也已過﹐由 趙兄弟 黄兄弟 陳兄弟 葉兄弟 所助印的 360 三官妙經 也可開始分發。

目前只供在 本地(新加坡) 同道們敬請﹐海外同道請原諒。

 在此僅代表本門仝仁﹐ 向以上四位兄弟献上萬分謝意。


360 copies of San Guan Taoist Scripture, sponsored by Bro Ryan, Huang, Chen & Yap, are ready for collection.

For those who are keen in having one of the Scripture & learnt, please do contact/PM Jave.

 Million Thanks to the above mentioned Bros.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

甲午馬年中元地官赦罪大帝考校天下 Annual Inspection of Heavenly Lord Di Guan for Jia Wu Horse Year 2014

上元佳節上元慶華 (昇華祈福)
中元佳節中元慶讚 (普讚幽冥)
下元佳節下元慶安 (謝安保寧)

Its again the 15th Day of Lunar 7th Month (農曆七月十五日) – for Year 2014, it falls on 10 Aug (a Sunday), which is also known as Zhong Yuan (中元).
In Taoism, this is also the Day for Heavenly Lord Di Guan (地官大帝) to conduct his Annual Inspection for the Mortals in the Mortal Realm (考校巡天下) and in some other Taoist contexts, also known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Lord Di Guan (其他文獻也記載此日為地官大帝之千秋聖誕).

For those who are interested in finding out more, please do feel free to visit the following links:

Pictures of San Guan Da Di (三官大帝照片連接):

Praising Incantation of San Guan Da Di (三官大帝寶誥):

Info of Di Guan (地官大帝簡介):

On this Day, Taoists will also conduct Official & Grand Rituals/Ceremonies dedicating to Heavenly Lord Di Guan for the requesting of Eliminatin g of Sins & Debts for Oneself, Ancestors, Pass-on Love Ones and also, ALL Beings. Besides that, Taoists will also performed a special Ceremony of Sending-off/Burying-into-the-Soil of a Spiritual Petition directing to Heavenly Lord Di Guan for the begging of Forgiveness of the Sins & Debts that Oneself or the People around oneself had done.

In the Rituals/Ceremonies, One of the most Important Honouring Respect that needed to be conducted will be the Chanting of Di Guan Bao Chan (地官寶懺) or full title known as Yuan Shi Tian Zun Shuo Zhong Yuan Er Pin Di Guan She Zui Bao Chan (元始天尊說中元二品地官赦罪寶懺), some context recorded as Ling Bao Tian Zun Shuo Zhong Yuan Er Pin Di Guan She Zui Bao Chan (靈寶天尊說中元二品地官赦罪寶懺).

This Spiritual Petition is known as San Guan Shou Shu (三官手書) or Di Guan Shou Shu (地官手書). In the modern Era now, this Spiritual Petition can considered as an Unknown to a lot of Taoists & Organisations.

Besides that Sending-off/Burying of the Spiritual Petition, the Taoists will also burn a type of Paper Offerings known as Di Guan Ku Qian (地官庫錢) or San Jie Ku Qian (三界庫錢) aka The Coffer Money of the Three Realms, for the repaying of the Sins & Debts that Oneself had make or committed.

On this Day, for Taoists who are showing the Compassionate & Care for the Other Beings in this Realm, they will also light 49 Lamps/Candles (七七之燈) for at least 3 Days to gain the Blessing from Lord Di Guan. Hoping by the emitting of the Light Energy and Fire Element, ALL Minor Sins & Debts of the other Beings can be Eliminated.

Intro on San Guan (三官大帝相關訊息):

San Guan Da Di Comic (三元三官大帝漫畫輯):

Intro on the Spiritual Carriage of San Guan Da Di (三元三官大帝座下靈獸):

Couplets dedicated to Lord San Guan (三官大帝相關通用對聯):

Friday 1 August 2014

神虎攝召司監壇陰陽大聖 Xuan Fan Registrar General He & General Qiao










The Immortal Tiger Generals of Tai Yi Department, Xuan Fan Registrar, General He & General Qiao.

The 2 Official Generals of the Summoning of Souls for Salvation Rituals/Ceremonies during Lunar 7th Month Celebration or Funeral Rites.

Due to mixture of Culture, nowadays, very little people had come across them or even Usher them in for Official Taoist Rituals/Ceremonies, instead, people are getting the “Ghostly King” to replace them, which is very wrong.