Thanksgiving to Lord Cheng Huang & Tu Di for Gui
Mao Rabbit Year
Its again the Official Thanksgiving Period for the
Taoists & Chinese.
This also marks an End to the Old Lunar Year and
the Taoists/Chinese will be ushering in the New Lunar Year in a short period.
For Taoists, before we conduct the main
Thanksgiving Ceremony dedicated to the High Authority Deities or Home Deities,
we will need to conduct a simple Thanksgiving Ceremony dedicated to the City
Deity aka Cheng Huang (當境城隍) & Earth Deity aka Tu
Di (此間土地) on the 2nd Day of Lunar 12 Month (農曆臘月初二日) till 16th Day of Lunar 12 Month (至農曆臘月十六日).
Once the Thanksgiving Ceremony is conducted to the
City & Earth Deities, then the Official Thanksgiving Ceremony dedicated to
the High or Home Deities will be able to conduct smoothly & “effectively”.
For those who are conducting the Thanksgiving
Ceremony dedicated to City & Earth Deities in Temples or Home, the
Auspicious timing starts from 0900 hrs till before 1900 hrs (吉時為巳至酉時).