Tuesday, 4 February 2025

















8th Day of Lunar 1st Month – Descending of All Star Lords for Year 2025


According to Taoist Contexts, 8th Day of Lunar 1st Month (農曆正月初八) is the Day that All Star Lords aka Xing Jun (眾星君下降日) descending down into the Mortal Realm to conduct Inspections and also, Cleansing of the Surrounding.


These Star Lords include Nan Bei Dou (南北斗星君), Dong Xi Zhong Dou (東西中斗星君), San Tai Xing Jun (三台星君), Lord Tai Sui (當年太歲星君), 28 Constellation (廿八星宿星君), The Four Spiritual Animals' Marshals (四方四靈四大天君), The Eleven Planets (十一曜星君) & Recording Officers of the Dipper Departments (斗府紀錄功曹).


On this Day, Taoists or Chinese will conduct a Simple but yet Official Ritual for the Ushering in of the Star Lords and also, to perform the Requesting of Good Luck and Health for Oneself or the Parent.


According to the Records, on this Day, 2 Pictures or Scrolls must be prepared (準備以下星君畫像):


1) Picture of All Star Lords, especially the 28 Constellation Star Lords (廿八星宿)

2) Picture of Star Lord Bei Dou aka The Great Dipper Group (北斗七元君)

3) Picture of Star Lord of the Eleven Planets (十一曜星君)


After the Pictures or Scrolls are prepared, a Temporary Altar must be placed at an Open Area facing the North or North-west (將供桌面北方或西北方).


Once the Sun set, 49 or 108 Lamps (如可﹐點燃四十九盏或一百零八盏油燈) must be Light-up (in the past, People used small saucers containing Oil to act as Lamp) and 3 bowls of Sweet Dumplings (供上三碗湯圓) & 9 cups of Chinese Tea (九杯清茶) must be offered to the Star Lords.


After the Lamps are being light-up, 9 or 12 Incenses (點燃燈盏後﹐上敬九或十二支清香) will be Lighted and Reports will be made facing North.


Once the Incenses are offered, 15-30 minutes rest and then All the Lamps are to be Put-off and the Pictures or Scrolls and Incenses must be Burnt-off (一刻鐘後便可化寶).


Upon completion of the Burning, the Altar must be cleared off and the Sweet Dumplings must be consumed.


The whole of this Ritual is known as Shun Xing (順星) aka The Aligning with the Celestial Stars or Honouring & Ushering in the Stars for Bestowing of Luck & Health (祭星/接星).


As for Shun Xing Ritual, which later in the Taoist History, it became a Major Ritual for Taoist School, known as Shun Xing Li Dou Ke Yi (順星禮斗科儀), meaning Aligning with the Celestial Stars and Honouring the Great Dipper for Eliminating of Negative Issues and Gaining of Luck & Health Blessing.


In the attachment is the 2 Combination Pictures of The Star Lords. For those who are interested in conducting this Ritual, you may wish to download it and use it during the Honouring.


Recommended Taoist Scriptures to Chant (可誦念以下道教經文):


1 – Bei Dou Scripture (北斗經)

2 – Nan Dou Scripture (南斗經)

3 – San Guan Scripture (三官經)

4 – Eleven Planets Star Lord Scripture (十一大曜消災神咒經)
























7th Day of Lunar 1st Month - All Human Kind Day


7th Day of Lunar 1st Month (農曆正月初七), the Day that Empress Nv Wa (女媧娘娘) descended into this Mortal Realm to create Human-kind, making Men out from Soil (泥土造男) and Women from Water (泥水造女) - (approx time period: 400-5000, 000 years ago).


In Chinese Culture, this Day is known as Ren Ri (人日) aka Human-kind Day, its the Birthday of All Human.


Till today, on the 7th Day of Lunar 1st Month, Chinese & Taoist still visit Temples to Honour Empress Nv Wa, thanking her for her Compassionate & Kindness of creating Human on this Mortal Realm. Besides that, Chinese & Taoists will also eat a type of Dish, made from 7 types of Vegetables known as Qi Cai Geng (七菜羹) to celebrate the New Born of Human-kind. Hoping that by eating the Qi Cai Geng, ALL Bad-issues will be eliminated and Good-issues will bestowed onto Oneself and ALL Mortals in this Mortal Realm.


Few Decades ago, in Singapore, the 4 Famous Cantonese Chefs created a Lunar New Year Dish known as Qi Cai Lao Qi Yu Sheng (七彩撈起魚生 – See Picture below) accordingly to the Culture of the consuming of the Qi Cai Geng. Till Today, during Lunar New Year period, this Dish became a MUST-eat dish for Chinese.


During the Honouring, Chinese or Taoists will bring 7 type colours Flowers (七色花) to honour her and also, for those who collect Nv Wa Stone (女媧石 – See Picture below), they will bring it to the Temple to allow the Energy of Nv Wa to bestow on it.


Other info on 7th Day of Lunar 1st Month 正月初七相關資料:


Seventh Day of Lunar New Year, known as Ren Day (人日) aka Day of Human or Mortal, in some contexts, this Day is also being addressed as the Birthday of All Human (人生辰). This is to keep in memory that on this Day, the Universe created Human.


So what are the usual practices on this Day?


In Myth, on the 7th Day after the Universe is formed, Nv Wa (女媧) created Human. In-order to show our gratitude towards Nv Wa, the Chinese or Taoists will visit Temples that are dedicated to Nv Wa to pay respect to her.


Besides that, the Chinese will prepare a dish that is made up of 7 different kinds of Vegetables to celebrate the Birthday of Human.


These 7 Vegetables are:


1 Celery 芹菜

2 – Water Chestnut 荸荠

3 Spinach 菠菜

4 Spring Onion 青蔥

5 Garlic or Chinese Leek 大蒜

6 Chinese Cabbage 蒿麗菜

7 Mustard 芥菜


In the Ancient Era, folks believed that by eating these 7 types of Vegetables, all misfortune & bad-luck will be eliminated and good luck will be bestowed upon oneself in the New Year.


After this custom being imported into Singapore, the 4 Famous Chefs in the Early 1900s invented a dish known as Qi Cai Yu Sheng (by adding the 7 different type of vegetables with fish-slices, 七彩魚生). Till today, our local Chinese still like to consume the Yu Sheng on every 7th Day of Lunar New Year. In Cantonese known as Loy Hey (撈起).


So, any other Deities that one self must pay respect to?


Yes, besides Nv Wa aka The Mother of All Human, the Chinese or Taoists shall pay respect to The Great 9 Star Lords of the Northern Dipper Group (北斗九皇星君).


In certain part of the Chinese History, Chinese or Taoists will pay respect to the 9 Star Lords to request for blessing on improving the Luck of oneself in the New Year.


After the custom being imported into our Hokkien Custom, on the 7th Day of Lunar New Year, the Hokkien, Chinese & Taoists will visit Temples to pay respect to them, if not, the Hokkien, Chinese or Taoists will pay respect at home.


It will be great if one self can do the requesting of Prolonging of the Life-span of oneselfs Parent.


How to go about with the honouring?


1st, prepared the Five or Ten Taoist Offerings (道教五/十供), if not, just prepared 5 oranges (五顆桔子), Nian Gao (年糕), some traditional cookies (傳統糕點), 3 cups of Chinese Tea (三杯清茶), then, place them on the Main Altar.


2nd, when one self is ready, light 9 Incenses (九支香) and kneel down sincerely facing the Heaven (for those who house is facing North will be the best)


3rd, make a short report on who you are, where you stay, what is the event and then, make a short request


4th, after paying respect, stand up, make a simple bow and then place the 9 Incenses into the Main Urn on the Main Altar


And the whole honouring is considered completed.


Why 9 Incenses are being used?


9 to represent the 9 Star Lords of the Northern Dipper Group 7 visible (七現) & 2 invisible (二隱).


Besides using the 9 Incenses, some folks will like 7 Lamps or 9 Candles to represent the 9 Star Lords.


So what to do after the honouring?


Distribute out the offerings to the other family members, allowed them to get the blessing from the 9 Star Lords.



Monday, 3 February 2025







































相關春神喜神資料 Other Info on Spring Deity:




Sunday, 2 February 2025






























Chinese Zodiacs Luck in Yi Si Snake Year 2025 - Conflict with Lord Tai Sui


Its again the period to do the analysis of the Luck for the various Chinese Zodiacs for the Year of Snake(2025) aka Yi Si Snake Year (乙巳蛇), Taoist Calendar Year 7213 (道曆七千二百一十) & Lunar Calendar aka Huang Li Year 4722 (黃曆四千七百二十二年).


Huang Li aka Lunar Calendar was founded accordingly to the founding year by Yellow Emperor aka Huang Di (軒轅黃帝).


As for Taoist Calendar, many Taoists or People had been using the same calculation method as Lunar Calendar which is not very accurate. In here, Jave will like to use this opportunity to correct it back. According to records, Taoist Calendar should follow the founding year when the oldest painting of Nv Wa (女媧蛇身畫軸) was founded, which was 7213 years ago.


Ok, direct to the topic:


For Yi Si Snake Year, the following Chinese Zodiacs will have some minor issues with Lord Tai Sui General Wu Sui(乙巳蛇年當年太歲吳將軍).


In Official Taoist Records in Southern & Northern Period (魏晉南北朝版本), the Tai Sui of Yi Si Snake Year was known as Scholar Huo Jin Fu (進福進士).


The version that we are using now is from Qing Dynasty (清朝版本), which have got a lot of mistakes that have yet to be clarify or change. :


Direct Front-facing (or so called Direct Conflict) with Lord Tai Sui of Yi Si Snake Year:


Snake (太歲本命: )


Lunar Age involved (農曆虛歲): 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97


Direct Back-facing (or so called In-direct Conflict) with Lord Tai Sui of Yi Si Snake Year:


Pig (太歲正沖: )


Lunar Age involved (農曆虛歲): 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91


For age Below or Of 12 & Above or Of 99 wont be affected by the Conflicts or Issue-facing with Lord Tai Sui, so for those who have kids and elders of this Age-group, please do not worry so much (童生不越虛歲十二﹐老者虛歲欲百﹐皆不與太歲犯衝刑。).


Info on Lord Tai Sui of Yi Si Snake Year as followed:




Paying Respect to Lord Tai Sui Of Yi Si Snake Year


Dear All,


After Dong Zhi aka Winter Solstice, all Paying of Gratitude to Lord Tai Sui (民間一般通常在【冬至】之前答謝該年當值太歲星君) will ceased (for those who miss this, usually will do it before 16th Day of Lunar 12 Month of the Year or the Day for Thanksgiving Ceremony (如若有人無法在【冬至】前答謝﹐可在【歲末答謝神恩】時或【尾牙】答謝該年當值太歲星君) or before Li Chun Day 或者在【立春】前答謝也可).



So when is the Best timing or Accurate Day to pay respect to Lord Tai Sui?




According to Chinese Custom & Taoist Practice Records, the Best & Accurate Day to pay respect to a the Lord Tai Sui of the New Lunar Year starts on Li Chun Day - which means that, the Initial Starts of the Spring Season (a lot of people may think that the 01st Day of Lunar 01 Month is the start of a New Lunar Year, but actually is not, if we are to go according to the Old Ancient Calendar, Li Chun shall be the actual day of the arrival of Spring Season).



So when is Li Chun Day for Yi Si Snake Year?


Li Chun Day for Yi Si SnakeYear falls on 06th Day of Lunar 01 Month (交乙年正月初六晚亥時正點一刻), 03 Feb 2025, after 22:11Hr.


Read more on Li Chun Day 立春相關簡介:




So what are the Offerings that needed to prepare?


Usually the Temples that dedicate Altars to Lord Tai Sui will have set of offerings prepared for Devotees, but if you needed to get extra shares, here are the suggested items:


1 - One set of Mandarins (5 quantities 大吉)


2 - One set of Chinese Tea Leaves & Traditional Cookies (Jian He 餞盒)


3 - One set of Lord Tai Sui Incense-paper (optional 太歲金)


4 - One set of Lord Tai Sui Robe (in Blue Color 藍色太歲袍)


5 - One set of Lord Tai Sui Talisman (optional, beware that, only choose the Taoism one, not those mix with other Religions Wordings/Charms on it 正統道教太歲符)


6 - One set of Incense (not to short, medium length will be best - more than 48cm 富貴鴻)


7 - An Ang Bao with an amount of S$1.30 or S$13.00 (for Yi Si Snake Year, there are only 13 Lunar Months)


8 - A Spiritual Petition to report on the name, age, DOB and address of the person who paying respect to Lord Tai Sui (some Temples will prepare for the devotees, if not, can always look for any Taoist Spiritual People for one 安奉太歲疏文)




For more info on the Honouring Offerings, you may wish to the following link for references:




Protection & Blessing Items for Oneself


Recently, many People had approached me for the enquiry of what Items to be bought in-order to do Self-protection for the Conflict-issue against the Lord Tai Sui.


Saturday, 1 February 2025






































