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Thursday, 30 August 2012
Singapore Taoist Mission celebrating Di Guan's Anniversary 2012 (新加坡道教協會壬辰年中元慶典)
Start: | Aug 31, '12 09:00a |
End: | Aug 31, '12 9:00p |
Location: | Singapore CDB, Telok Ayer Street |
Dear All,
Please be informed that Singapore Taoist Mission will be conducting a day's Taoist Ritual at Yu Huang Gong (玉皇宮), located at Telok Ayer Street, on this coming Friday aka 15th Day of Lunar 7th Month.
For those who are interested in participating in this Not-to-be-missed Event, please do visit them.
More info @ http://www.taoism.org.sg/
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Merit Inspection of Heavenly Lord Di Guan 2012 (壬辰年地官大帝考校天下日-中元)
15th Day of Lunar 7 Month (農曆七月十五日) aka Zhong Yuan Day (中元), in Taoism, this Day is known as the Merit Inspection (考校天下) of Heavenly Lord Di Guan aka Di Guan Da Di (地官大帝), the Heavenly Lord in-charging of the Eliminating of Sins & Debts for ALL Beings (赦罪萬靈).
For Year 2012, it falls on 31 Aug, a Friday.
On this Day, Taoists will also conduct Official & Grand Rituals/Ceremonies dedicating to Heavenly Lord Di Guan for the requesting of Eliminatin g of Sins & Debts for Oneself, Ancestors, Pass-on Love Ones and also, ALL Beings. Besides that, Taoists will also performed a special Ceremony of Sending-off/Burying-into-the-Soil of a Spiritual Petition directing to Heavenly Lord Di Guan for the begging of Forgiveness of the Sins & Debts that Oneself or the People around oneself had done.
In the Rituals/Ceremonies, One of the most Important Honouring Respect that needed to be conducted will be the Chanting of Di Guan Bao Chan (地官寶懺) or full title known as Yuan Shi Tian Zun Shuo Zhong Yuan Er Pin Di Guan She Zui Bao Chan (元始天尊說中元二品地官赦罪寶懺), some context recorded as Ling Bao Tian Zun Shuo Zhong Yuan Er Pin Di Guan She Zui Bao Chan (靈寶天尊說中元二品地官赦罪寶懺).
This Spiritual Petition is known as San Guan Shou Shu (三官手書) or Di Guan Shou Shu (地官手書). In the modern Era now, this Spiritual Petition can considered as an Unknown to a lot of Taoists & Organisations.
Besides that Sending-off/Burying of the Spiritual Petition, the Taoists will also burn a type of Paper Offerings known as Di Guan Ku Qian (地官庫錢) or San Jie Ku Qian (三界庫錢) aka The Coffer Money of the Three Realms, for the repaying of the Sins & Debts that Oneself had make or committed (see Picture below).
On this Day, for Taoists who are showing the Compassionate & Care for the Other Beings in this Realm, they will also light 49 Lamps/Candles (七七之燈) for at least 3 Days to gain the Blessing from Lord Di Guan. Hoping by the emitting of the Light Energy and Fire Element, ALL Minor Sins & Debts of the other Beings can be Eliminated.
In Singapore, for those who are keen in Paying your Respect to Heavenly Lord Di Guan, you may proceed to the following few Temples:
1 – Havelock Yu Huang Temple (合樂路玉皇殿)
2 – Bukit Merah View Lei Yin Temple (紅山景雷音寺)
3 – Yishun He Bi Shan Temple (義順何碧山宮)
Du Cheng Huang Temple 7th Month Celebration 2012 (新加坡都城隍廟壬辰年農曆七月慶典)
Start: | Sep 7, '12 |
End: | Sep 9, '12 |
Location: | Singapore, Central, CBD, Tanjong Pagar |
Dear All,
Du Cheng Huang Temple (新加坡都城隍廟), located at Tanjong Pagar, will be conducting their Annual 7th Month Celebration from 07 Sept till 09 Sept (農曆七月廿二至廿四日).
On 08 Sept (Saturday 農曆七月廿三日), Offering to the Souls Ritual will be conducted and at 9.00Pm, Lord Cheng Huang will Open its Authority Seal and an Enhanced Cloth Amulet will be distributed to the Devotees (都城隍開啟敕封聖印).
For those who are interested in getting the Antique Seal Enhanced Amulet, do drop by the Temple.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Tong Shan Tang 7 Month Salvation Ritual 2012 (新加坡童善堂壬辰年薦祖解冤赦罪儀式)
Dear All,
Singapore Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂) will be conducting the Salvation Ritual & Honouring of Ancestors Ceremony for this Lunar 7 Month Celebration.
The Ritual/Ceremony will be conducted on both days, which will fall on 07 Sept till 08 Sept.
For those who are interested in observing this Ritual/Ceremony, feel free to drop by on either day.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
The Lunar Valentines' Day 2012 (巧月初七七巧日)
On the 7th Day of Lunar 7 Month (農曆七月初七日), it's known as the Lunar Valentines' Day in Chinese Culture. In other contexts, this Day is also known as Qi Qiao (七巧) or Qi Xi (七夕).
For Year 2012, it falls on 23 Aug, a Thursday.
In the Ancient Era, on this Day, the non-married Ladies will set up altars in the backyard of their house, to honour the Seven Maidens aka Qi Xian Nv (七仙女) for the Blessing for getting a Good Marriage.
Besides that, the Ladies will also request for the Blessing of getting more Prettier by offering of Cosmetics to the Seven Maidens.
Higher Res Picture: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=265689103547881&set=oa.383884105011776&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
Monday, 20 August 2012
Tong Shan Tang 7th Month Salvation Ritual 2012 (新加坡童善堂壬辰年中元普渡暨施藥科儀)
Upon receiving the news on the 1st Day of Lunar 7th Month that Tong Shan Tang will be conducting a 7th Month Salvation Ritual (中元普渡) & Distribution of Spiritual Medicine for Healing Ceremony (施藥科儀) on the 2nd Day of Lunar 7th Month (農曆七月初二日), Jave had only got a day’s time to do the necessary preparation. Maybe this is a form of testing for Jave and LSM, and at the end, we made it thru.
On the 2nd Day, we arrived at Tong Shan Tang at about 6.30Pm to do the final preparation before we start the Ritual.
At about 7.15Pm, Jave had initial the Ritual by making a Report to the Three Realms (上奏三界), followed by Cleansing the Surrounding (清壇請聖) for the ushering in of the High Ranking Deities and also, the various Medical Deities from the Heavenly Physician Department known as Tian Yi Fu (天醫府).
Upon completion of the Cleansing & Ushering, the Enhancing of the 12 types of Chinese Herbs was being conducted and also, the starting of the Brewing of the Medicine. While Jave was conducting the Brewing of Medicine, the Medium of General Xie Bi An (謝必安將軍) arrived to do the necessary inspection of the surrounding, preventing any misconduct or disorder that had created by the “Wandering Souls”.
For the distribution of the Spiritual Medicines, various procedure was involved, such as Cleansing of the Brewing Pot, Enhancing of the Bowl & Spoon into “Spiritually”, Issuing of Talismans into the Brew Pot, Enhancing of the various types of Medicines and last, brew the Medicines individually upon getting the approval of the Deities.
While the brewing was on-going, devotees that were found ill or had just gone thru operation were requested to fan the fire on behalf of “Celestial Officers”. This purpose is to allow those ill-devotees to be “cured” by the Heavenly Physicians and also, get the blessing from the sniffing in of the various brewing herbs.
Once the brewing of the Medicine was done, it’s the time for Tong Shan Tang & Jave to go round the neighbourhood to summon the “hidden” Wandering Souls to the Ritual ground for Salvation & enjoying of the feast.
With the leading of General Xie & Jave, we went round Lengkok Bahru one round for the summoning of Souls. Once we arrived back at the Ritual ground, it was the time for Jave to conduct the Distribution of Food Ceremony and also the Salvation Ritual.
Overall, it took about an hour to complete the Ceremony and upon completion, we seek the “approval” of the Souls in order to send them off and with a “Smiling” & “Agreed” signal, we proceed with the Sending off.
With a short procession thru Lengkok Bahru, we arrived at the Burning Area and after a quick Reporting & Chanting, Jave broke the Bowl & Spoon that used for the Distribution of the Spiritual Medicine, this was to prove that ALL Souls that arrived for the Healing were all “Cured”. After then, the burning took place.
General Xie was there to supervise on the “Collection Order” and Jave was there to seek Approval from Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (太乙救苦天尊) to lead the Souls back to the Eastern Palace for Eternal Joysous (往昇東極青華宮).
Upon witnessing the Sending off, we proceed back to the Ritual ground for the Thanking of the Arrival Deities and with a quick chanting, the Sending off of the Deities was conducting.
With that, we ended the day by enjoying the “Leftover” feast.
While we were enjoying the feast, we also sat down to discuss on the upcoming Grand Salvation Ritual that will be taking place in September. For those who are interested to join in for the observation, details will be out soon after everything is being finalized.
Last but not least, thank to all whom had came to participate in this 7th Month Celebration Ritual.
Million Thanks to Vabien & Royce for sharing with us the photos.
PS: More pictures at http://www.facebook.com/groups/deityoftaoism/
Monday, 13 August 2012
Tong Shan Tang Annual Celebration for Year 2012 (新加坡童善堂壬辰年關聖帝君壽辰慶典)
It’s again the 24th Day of Lunar 06 Month of (農曆六月廿四日) for Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂) to conduct their Annual Celebration dedicating to Lord Guan Gong (關聖帝君聖誕).
At about 09.00Am, Jave & Vabien arrived at Tong Shan Tang and most of the Offerings were being prepared by Royce and his Family. Without further delay, the Annual Celebration started by conducting the Reporting to the Celestial Realm (開壇上奏) at about 10.00Am.
At 11.00Am, the Ushering in of the Deities from the Three Realms (恭迎三界) was being conducted and most of the Members of Tong Shan Tang were there to participate in the welcoming of the Deities.
Upon completion of the Ushering in of the High Deities, Dotting Ceremony was conducted dedicated to Marshal Zhong Tan (中壇元帥) & a miniature Statue dedicated to Lord Guan Gong.
At about 2.00Pm, after the lunch break, the Anniversary Respect Ceremony (祝壽科儀) started, by then more Members of Tong Shan Tang had arrived to join in.
After the Anniversary Respect Ceremony, 2 Old Mediums from another Sintua, which was also the Master of Royce’s Mother, had dropped by to pay respect after they had Sent-off the Deities.
At about 3.30Pm, the Sending-off of the Deities (恭送三界) was conducted.
At about 5.30pm, the Rewarding of the Armies was conducted by the Royce conducting the Ritual. During this period, Jave had went off for a last minute Taoist Meeting, so was not able to participate in the Rewarding of the Armies.
By 8.00Pm, after a quick packing and cleaning, we sat down to enjoy the Food that being prepared by Royce’s Mother & Brother.
At about 9.30Pm, the whole of Tong Shan Tang proceed down to the Open-field to conduct the Food-offerings to the Wandering Spirits (小普施儀式).
And the whole Day ended smoothly & happily at about 10.30Pm. With 3 cheers & the consuming of Red-wine, we called it and day and everyone headed home for a good rest.
In here, Jave will like to take this opportunity to Thank Royce, Royce’s Mother and All Members of Tong Shan Tang for making this Ceremony a Wonderful and Successful one.
Million Thanks to Vabien for sharing with us the Pictures. He was the appointed Official Cameraman for the Day.
And also, Special Thanks to Bro Chee Seng, Sis-in-law Cherie, Sis Liping, Liqing & Lipei for dropping by.
For more Pictures, please proceed to the following links:
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Facebook Group: Taoist Deities & Culture (道教聖真神明與文化交流站)
Dear All,
Due to Multiply will be ceasing it's operation in Dec 2012, LSM had created a new Facebook Group to store all the Information from this current Multiply Web.
For those who are interested in finding out more on Taoist Deities & Culture, feel free to proceed to the provided-link to join in the Facebook Group.
Million Thanks
Dear All,
Due to Multiply will be ceasing it's operation in Dec 2012, LSM had created a new Facebook Group to store all the Information from this current Multiply Web.
For those who are interested in finding out more on Taoist Deities & Culture, feel free to proceed to the provided-link to join in the Facebook Group.
Million Thanks
Manifestation Anniversary of Duke Yang Fei Long 2012 (壬辰年北山財神楊真君聖誕吉慶)
On 26th Day of Lunar 6 Month (農曆六月廿六日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Duke Yang Fei Long aka Deity of Wealth of the Northern Moutain (北山財神楊飛龍真君聖誕).
For Year 2012, it falls on 13 Aug (a Monday).
In Taoism, he was considered as one of the few Official Taoist Deity of Wealth that being given the Official Appointment for distribution of Wealth to the Mortals.
Now in China Fujian Province, Fuzhou City, Dong Men He Lin Village (中國福建省福州市东门鹤林村), we are still able to see the thousand year old Temple dedicated to Duke Yang.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Birthday Anniversary of Emperor Li Long Ji 2012 (壬辰年西秦王爺唐明皇壽誕吉慶)
In Taoism, 24th Day of Lunar 6 Month (農曆六月廿四日) is dedicated to various Deities and one of the "Deity" was known as Lord Xi Qin (西秦王爺), which was Emperor Li Long Ji aka Tang Ming Huang (唐明皇李隆基).
Tang Ming Huang, the Emperor whom a great Fan of composing Music & writing of scores. He was also the "Boss" of Lei Hai Qing (雷海清) aka Tian Du Yuan Shuai (田都元帥) and the Idol of Emperor Meng Chang (後蜀後主孟昶) aka Lao Lang Jun (老郎君).
For Taoism, he was one of the known Creditor for standardising the Music for Taoist Ritual. During Tang Dynasty (唐朝中葉), he had somehow composed a few important Music Scores for Taoist Ritual and till today, some of it were still in used.
More Info on Tang Ming Huang:
LSM 6th Mth honouring of Wang Ling Guan 2012 (正一龍山門轄落府荔月王靈官聖誕上壽儀式)
Despite that Jave was down with fever and busily working, Jave had tried his best to prepare for Heavenly Marshal Wang Ling Guan’s Manifestation Anniversary for the Year 2012.
By using 2 weeks’ time for the preparation, finally on the 04 of Aug, a Saturday, the Anniversary Honouring took place at LSM’s HQ, which was at Jave’s home.
Must really expressed my sincerest thank to Vabien, Royce and Jave’s Mum for assisting in the preparation.
On that very Day, Royce & Vabien arrived at about 3.00pm after they had finished their errands & tasks.
Upon arrival, Jave’s side was ready for the Honouring and so, without further delaying, we proceed with the Reporting to the Celestial Realms (上奏三界), followed by making the Manifestation Anniversary Offering (祝壽獻供).
After then, the Honouring of the Dipper Lords of the Great Northern Dipper (禮斗儀式) was conducted immediately after the Lighting of the 7 Lamps (祝點元辰燈).
As it was getting late, after the Honouring of the Dipper Lords, we proceed with the Sending Off of the Deities and with the assistance of Vabien & Royce, the Sending Off of Deities was conducted on time.
By then, it was already 7.00pm plus and so, we proceed with our Annual Reunion Dinner after the Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Marshal Wang.
At about 9.00pm plus, we completed our meal and at 10.30pm, we proceed to Sembawang Tian Hou Temple (三巴旺天后宮) & Cai Shen Temple (三巴旺財神廟) to pay our respect.
It’s again, another wonderful experience and Celebration that we have enjoyed.
Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Guan Yu 2012 (壬辰年關聖帝君聖誕吉慶)
On 24th Day of Lunar 6 Month (農曆六月廿四日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Guan Yu (關聖帝君聖誕).
For Year 2012, it falls on 11 Aug (a Saturday).
More Info on Lord Guan Yu:
Picture: http://javewu.multiply.com/photos/album/209/209
Video: http://javewu.multiply.com/video/item/181/181
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Half Year Celebration Honouring 2012 (壬辰年半年節祭祀)
Start: | Aug 2, '12 |
End: | Aug 3, '12 |
Location: | All Over the World |
Time flies, half a year had passed.
In Taoism & Chinese Culture, 15th & 16th Day of Lunar 6 Month is known as Half Year Festival or Half Year Celebration (半年節).
For Year 2012, it falls on 2 & 3 Aug, a Thursday & Friday.
In Hokkien Culture, on this Day, the Hokkien will prepared Single-color Sweet Dumplings (單色湯圓) to honour Ancestors, hoping that the Ancestors will bless on the descendants on Good Luck, Good Wealth and also, Good Harvesting that will be taking place in another 2-3 months time.
For Zhang Zhou Hokkien Tan Clan (福建漳州陳氏), the Zhang Zhou Tan descendants will prepared a special type of Dumpling which looks like Rice-kueh (飯粿) for the honouring of Ancestors (as shown below).
The History of General Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu (城隍護駕謝必安與范無咎簡歷)
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Recent years, many people had requested Jave to do a write up on General Xie & Fan, but Jave had rejected them, due to lack of information, evidences & historical support.
After 3 years of researching & getting assistances from Taoists, Researchers & Family members from China & Singapore, finally, Jave is able to do a quick write up on these 2 Generals.
Before Jave starts, Jave will like to use this opportunity to thank the following Organisations & People for their assistances:
1 – China Fujian Province An Xi County Cheng Huang Temple (中國福建省安溪省城隍廟)
2 – China Fujian Province An Xi County Xie Clan & Family (中國福建省安溪省古洞謝氏宗祠及宗親)
3 – China Fujian Province An Xi County Fan Clan & Family (中國福建省安溪省官橋鎮范氏宗親)
4 – China Fujian Province Quan Zhou City Liu Family (中國福建省泉州市柳氏闔家)
5 – Singapore Xie Clan & Members (新加坡閩籍謝氏宗親)
6 – Singapore Fan Clan & Members (新加坡閩籍范氏宗親)
For the past 10 to 15 years, the Culture of General Xie & Fan had somehow being distorted and quite a number of misconceptions had created by certain Folks Culture Groups. This had somehow; led to spoiling the name of the 2 Generals & also; misled the newer generation from knowing the 2 Generals in a more proper & accurate way.
Not to delay further, here’s the write out on the findings of the 2 Generals;
Xie Bi An (謝必安), actual name Xie Zhi An (謝之安), born in Song Dynasty, Tian Sheng 8 Years on the 1st Day of Lunar 11 Month (宋朝天圣八年﹐農曆十一月初一日), hometown in China Fujian Province, Quan Zhou City, Qing Xi County (An Xi was only being addressed after Southern Song Dynasty, which started after AD1127) Jin Gu Town Jin Shan Village (福建省泉州市安溪(清溪)县金谷镇金山村).
Hometown of Xie Bi An at Jin Shan Village:
According to records, Xie Zhi An was the descendant of the famous General in Eastern Jin Period (東晉) – Duke Xie An (廣惠尊王謝安).
Reason for Xie Zhi An’s parent of giving him the name of Zhi An, was to keep in memory of Duke Xie An’s Merit & Credit and also, allowing the son to have the behaviour and attitude of Duke Xie An – after growing up, able to be loyalty & kind.
At the age of 4, Zhi An’s father – Mister Xie Hong Ran (謝鴻然), had taught Zhi An on the various Classics & Tang Poems. Besides that, Mister Xie also liked to share with Zhi An on the Stories & Histories of the different Heros of the different Dynasties. With such influences, since young, Zhi An had an ambitious of becoming a General to assist the needy and also to protect the Country.
At the age of 6, Zhi An was able to recite most of the Classics & Poems and also, shared the stories with the other children in his Village.
One year, during Lunar New Year period, Mister Xie had brought the whole family to Qing Xi Cheng Huang Temple (清溪城隍廟) – which was built in AD956, The Five Dynasties & Ten Kingdom Period (五代后周显德三年), to pay their respect to the famous City Deity of their hometown. Just as the Xie Family was about to enter into the Temple, an old man stopped them from entering. Mister Xie was shocked by the old man’s action, but thinking of maybe he was here to beg for some money, so Mister Xie took out a small silver tael and passed it to the old man. Looking at the silver tael, the old man made a grin and accepted it but just before he left, he recited a poem out to Mister Xie;
雖是富貴命難長。(literally: Even though you are rich, but someone’s life is short)
當還宿願之安忙。(literally: You have requested something in order to get a son, so do return your gratitude)
本是天擒下凡生。(literally: Your son is not a normal son, but a Star named Tian Qin whom had reborn here)
三十歲後魂回航。(literally: If nothing is being done, after the age of 30, no one will be able to save him)
Upon hearing the poem, Mister Xie was stunned and suddenly recalled of something that he had forgotten. Mdm Xie was also shocked that why this old man knew about the request that she & Mister Xie had made in front of Qing Xi Cheng Huang (清溪城隍) 10 years ago.
Knowing that this was no longer a “secret”, Mister Xie decided to return his gratitude by contributing a large sum of money for the repairing of the Cheng Huang Temple and also, changed his son’s name from Zhi An to Bi An (必安), hoping that everything will be Smooth, Sound & Safe from then onwards.
At the age of 13, Mister Xie had engaged a private tutor to come to their home to coached Bi An on his study. Within 2 years, Bi An had able to complete all assignments given by the tutor without much mistakes. The tutor was quite delighted and after 3 years of coaching, the tutor had decided to resign from his post to return back to his hometown for his retirement. On the day of departure, the tutor had encouraged Bi An to sign up for the Imperial Examination as soon as he could and Bi An agreed.
3 months after the tutor left, Mister Xie got a stroke and was not able to take care of the family and so, Bi An had to take over his father’s position to look after the family business. This had somehow delayed in Bi An’s plan on furthering his study in the Imperial Capital.
At the age of 18, Bi An had met up with his long lost childhood friend – Fan Fu En (范福恩), whom was a year junior that him. Due to Fan Fu En’s parent had died in a flood in their hometown, so Fan Fu En had to travel around to sell umbrella & straw-sandals.
Talked about Fan Fu En, he was actually the son of a rich trader – Mister Fan Guang (范廣), in their hometown at China Fujian Province, Quan Zhou City, Qing Xi County Guan Qiao Town Shi Lin Village (福建省泉州市安溪(清溪)县官桥镇石林村). Fu En was born a year later than Bi An, on the 8th Day of Lunar 4 Month (宋朝天圣九年﹐農曆四月初八日).
Hometown of Fan Wu Jiu at Shi Lin Village:

Since young, Fu En was unlike Bi An, whom like to study Classics, instead, he requested his father to engage a Martial Art Master to impart him with kungfu Skills and also, medical skills that he could assist the poor and refugees. Knowing that his son had such a great ambitious, Mister Fan didn’t reject Fu En’s request and so, Mister Fan had travelled to Jiang Xi Province (江西省) to engage a Martial Art Master – Master Sun Bo Ren (孫伯壬), to coach his son.
After few years of coaching, Fu En had mastered most of the skills that his master had imparted to him and with misfortunate, at the age of 15, a flooding disaster had invaded their village and most of the houses were being swept off by the strong water. Fu En was somehow fortunate to have saved by a floating log. By the time he was being saved up by a Taoist Priest, Fu En was seriously injured and in coma. Without delaying, the Priest brought Fu En back to the Monastery for curing.
Upon reaching the Monastery, after taking a closer look at Fu En, the Priest was delighted to “discover” that Fu En was not a “Normal Mortal” but a Star named Tian Gou (天鉤星) being reborn to this World and so, from then, the Priest had paid extra attention on coaching Fu En and also, imparted him with some surviving skills such as making of umbrella & straw-sandals, since that Fu En didn’t want to become a Priest. Even though the Priest had tried to comfort Fu En and talked him through, but due to the disaster that Fu En had met with, Fu En had became emotional & pessimistic.
At the age of 19, the Priest had allowed Fu En to leave the Monastery and wandered around to gain more experiences and also, hoping that Fu En could open-up his “Mind” & “Soul” to accept more realities.
After leaving the Monastery, Fu En was in a dilemma of where to head to and so, he decided to travel to Guan Qiao Town to look for his childhood friend – Bi An. And this was how the 2 of them met up after 10 odd years of departing.
On the day of the 2 good friends reunion, Mdm Xie had prepared a superb feast for the 2 of them and knowing that Fu En had encountered such a tragedy, Mdm Xie had took Fu En in and allowing him to stay in their house for as long as Fu En wanted. Fu En was touched and with the suggestion by Bi An; Mister & Mdm Xie accepted Fu En as their foster son.
Maybe due to the care & concern that Fu En had given to, he started to become more optimistic and the forgotten ambitious of him – to assist more needy & poor, had returned back. And also, Fu En had imparted the Martial Art Skills to Bi An; hoping that Bi An could accompany him to fight against all evils in the future.
By reaching the age of 25, Bi An had suggested to Fu En – age of 24, to go for the registration as a Constable in Quan Zhou City Yamen (泉州市府衙) – at the current Zhong Shan Garden area (現今中山公園處). Without further delay, Bi An & Fu En packed their belongings and left the Xie Mansion, heading to Quan Zhou City Yamen for the recruitment.
Using a few days for the travelling, Bi An & Fu En had arrived at Quan Zhou City. To them, everything in the City was new to them; it was totally different from what they could experience in their own hometown. By using another few days to wander around in the City, they had learnt quite a lot. Soon, it was the official day for the reporting for the recruitment.
Upon arriving at the Yamen, Bi An & Fu En had saw quite a number of people queuing for the recruitment, seeing that, both of them started to get worried, worrying whether would they got a chance to be selected.
Soon after the registration, all the new participants were led to an open yard, around the yard; there were weapons and a big stage in the centre. Just as all of them were being attracted by the weapons and the stage, a scholarly Officer approached at the Magistrate Officer’s Tent to do the name-calling ceremony. Both Bi An & Fu En were excited upon hearing their names being called.
Out of sudden, the drum was being sounded and with the drumming, the Magistrate Officer arrived at the Tent and after looking thru the Name-booklet, the scholarly Officer called out the names of the participants; asking them to assemble at the stage.
Bi An’s name was being called before Fu En and was being grouped in the 1st Group. Upon completion of the grouping, a short briefing was giving, informing that all participants had to go thru 3 rounds of testing before anyone being selected for the final round of theory test.
1st round, the participants were had to score at least 3 points by using the arrows to shoot at the bull-eye.
2nd round, the participants had to defeat the one that they were being paired-up with
3rd round, to defeat the all the remaining participants in the 2nd Group
And final round; a short-written test on the attitude of being a Good Constable
Without disappointment, Bi An & Fu En scored high grade in all the test and with the other 6 participants, all the 8 of them were selected to be the new batch of Constables for the Quan Zhou City Yamen.
So who were the other 6 Constables?
They were;
1 – Chen Shao Nian (陳少年) – age 35
2 – Li San (李三) – age 33
3 – Liao Da Gong (廖大恭) – age 32
4 – Huang Bo Long (黃波龍) – age 30
5 – Zou Chun Shu (鄒春樹) – age 29 / Yang Tian Qing 福州古田楊天慶
6 – Jiang He Shui (江河水) – age 29 / Liu Gong Qing 福州古田柳公卿
From then, all of them worked closely together to assist the Magistrate Officer in withholding the peace & harmony of the whole Quan Zhou City.
AD 1058, Jia You Period 3rd Year (宋仁宗嘉祐三年), Qing Xi Cheng Huang had answered to Emperor Ren Zong’s request and Qing Xi Cheng Huang had transformed himself into a Physician to enter into the Imperial Palace to provide treatment to an unknown illness of the Dowager Empress – Mother of Emperor Ren Zong. After 1 or 2 treatments, the unknown illness of the Dowager Empress (皇太后) was cured and immediately, Emperor Ren Zong wanted to bestow a great wealth to the “Physician”, but as Emperor Ren Zong was about to issue his edict, the “Physician” was gone and only a letter was left on the table.
Upon reading it, Emperor Ren Zong knew that it was the transformation of Qing Xi Cheng Huang and so, Emperor Ren Zong sent an ambassador (封典大臣) to Qing Xi County on the 29th Day of Lunar 6 Month (農曆六月廿九日), a day after Jiao Zhi Country (交趾國) aka Vietnam presented a pair of Qilin (麒麟) aka Chinese Unicorn to China.
Soon, the ambassador and his troupe had arrived at Qing Xi County. In order to show the gratitude that Qing Xi folks had, the Magistrate Officer had sent the 8 Constables to stand guard at the Ushering Pavilion (迎客亭) to usher the ambassador into the County Central.
As the ambassador walked out from the Sedan, Bi An & Fu En caught his attention, just as Bi An & Fu En were about to pay their respect to the ambassador, the ambassador signal them to come forward and the ambassador started to ask about their background and their educational level. In order not to disappoint or showing disrespect to the ambassador, both of them answered accordingly without fail on all the questions asked. The ambassador was very satisfied and asked for the permission from the Magistrate Officer, allowing the 2 of them to be the Bodyguard for the whole of this trip.
With a month’s preparation, an auspicious date of 12th Day of Lunar 8 Month (擇吉日為清溪城隍加冕﹐此日為農曆八月十二日) was selected for the “Promoting” of Qing Xi Cheng Huang. On that very day, the ambassador & the troupe arrived at the Temple and upon arrival; a phenomenal sign appeared in front of all of them. The statue of Qing Xi Cheng Huang was smiling with tears dropping.
The ambassador was shocked but due to he had to carry-out the order from the Emperor, the ambassador did not dared to postpone the date for the “Promotion” and so, immediately, he recited the Imperial Edict and advised the Temple-keepers to put on the Dragon-robes for Qing Xi Cheng Huang with the witnessing of all the folks of Qing Xi County.
Upon completion and just after the ambassador offered his Incenses to the “promoted” Cheng Huang, a thunder strike and heavy rain started to pour. The ambassador was shocked by the sudden storm and without further hesitation, he stepped out of the main hall and dashing towards his sedan. Just as he was about to climb into his sedan, the leading Priest of the Temple ran towards the ambassador and passed him a letter. Staring at the letter and looking at the Priest, the ambassador was stunned and knowing that this letter might carry some important message, he opened the letter immediately in the sedan.
In the letter, it wrote;
風雨交加難其防。(literally: Storm is hard to predict & avoid)
人才欲求難上難。(literally: Talented personnel is hard to request & meet)
眼前兩將須扶搖。(literally: In here, there are 2 talented gentlemen that needed to be appreciated)
日後證果重責扛。(literally: Soon, they will be achieved in something big & official)
Just as the ambassador finished reading the letter, Bi An & Fu En arrived at the sedan, asking whether the ambassador needed any assistance, immediately, the ambassador “woke up” from the visualization from the letter-reading and grab-hold onto the hands of both them, asking them to follow him back to his resting premises. Bi An & Fu En stared at each other with a blur look and followed the ambassador back to the rest premises.
In the resting premises of the ambassador, the ambassador had asked Bi An & Fu En, whether they were interested in getting a post in the Imperial Court? Upon hearing that, Bi An & Fu En were delighted but knowing that Bi An’s parent was getting old and Mister Xie was suffering from stroke, Bi An did not replied to the ambassador that he actually wanted to seek for an opportunity in the Imperial Court. By looking at the dilemma reaction of Bi An, Fu En understood his difficulties and so, Fu En replied to the ambassador that Bi An & him needed to take care of the old folks at home and once there were opportunity in the near future, they were sure to travel to the Imperial Capital to look for the ambassador for the recommendation.
Knowing that the 2 of them were out of Filial Piety, the ambassador did not persuade further in asking them to follow him back and just as the ambassador dismissed them, he gave each of them a Gold Pendant (金令牌) with a Chinese character of Huo (火) aka Fire & Ling (令) aka Command, carved on it. In case of any issue that the 2 of them wanted to seek for his assistance, they could just bring the Pendant to the Imperial Capital & the ambassador’s Mansion, the ambassador would try his best to assist them.
With gratitude and a sincere thank, the 2 of them left the resting premises of the ambassador and headed home.
AD1064, Emperor Ying Zong Zhi Ping Period 1st Year (宋英宗治平元年), on the 9th Lunar Month (農曆九月), Imperial Court had released news out to the whole China that, the Imperial Court was about to recruit Military Scholars (北宋朝廷重新恩開武舉). At the end of Lunar 9 Month, the news had arrived in Qing Xi County and without delay, the Magistrate Officer encouraged Bi An & Fu En to register for this recruitment. Due to Bi An’s parent had pass-on a year ago, so both of them had no further worries and so, upon the encouragement, Bi An & Fu En packed their belongings and ready to leave their hometown for the Imperial Capital, which located at Bian Liang Kai Feng (北宋京都汴梁開封).
AD1064, 12th Day of Lunar 10 Month (農曆十月十二日), Bi An & Fu En had decided to set off for the Imperial Capital. Before Bi An & Fu En set-off, the other 6 Constables had gathered at Qing Xi Cheng Huang Temple to send them off. As Bi An & Fu En were bidding farewell with all of them, Chen Shao Nian had suggested that, why not all the 8 of them sworn in front of Cheng Huang to become sworn brothers. Upon agreement from all the 8, they exchanged their Date of Births and dripped blood to become sworn brothers with the witnessing of Qing Xi Cheng Huang. With the completion of the Ceremony, Bi An & Fu En left the Temple and headed towards Bian Liang.
Upon reaching the junction of the Guan Qiao Town, heavy rain started to pour and realising that either of them had brought out any umbrella, Bi An suggested he dashed back to the County Central to get an umbrella. Fu En agreed and suggested that he would wait for Bi An under the Bridge at the Guan Qiao Town Junction.
After Bi An left, the rain started to get heavier. Noticing that the rain was too heavy that made the travelling impossible, Bi An had to hide himself at one of the run-down shrine outside the County Gate, hoping that rain would stopped soon.
Just as Bi An was about to have a short rest, he saw a group of folks running furiously towards the County Gate, shouting that flooding had occurred at the Guan Qiao Town Junction. Upon hearing that, Bi An was shocked, realising that Fu En was waiting for him under the Bridge at Guan Qiao Town Junction.
Without hesitation, Bi An dashed towards the Junction, despite the heavy rain and the danger of the flood.
At the Junction.
Rain still pouring heavily.
Water rushing.
Level of flood increasing.
But, no sight of Fu En could be seen.
Bi An was scared & worried. He tried combing the whole area, hoping that Fu En was just somewhere around. But to his disappointment, Fu En was not at anywhere that Bi An could found.
Back to the Junction.
Rain started to stop.
Trees toppled.
Broken branches were everywhere.
Flooding started to subside.
Half a mile away from the Bridge, Bi An saw something familiar. With a dash, Bi An ran towards the spot where he thought was Fu En standing waiting for him. But upon arrival, to his horror, Fu En was laying there with face smashed onto a stone in the middle of the stream.
Looking at the motionless body, blood splashing out from the forehead of Fu En, Bi An collapsed totally. He cried out loud, shouting Fu En’s name, apologising to him for leaving him alone under the Bridge and at the end, causing the flooding washed him off from the Bridge.
Hugging Fu En’s cold body tight, Bi An recalled of all the happy memories that they had.
Soon, Bi An stopped crying, he carried Fu En’s body to the shore and placed him nicely on the stone-ground. By looking at Fu En once more, Bi An loosen his clothe belt, throwing over the tree besides Fu En’s body, tying a knot and with a fearless action, Bi An hanged himself on the tree.
With Bi An’s killing of himself and at the time of the folks searched their way to the Junction, a strong gust of wind swept across the area. At that moment, some folks saw that the Souls of Bi An & Fu En were being summoned off from the body by an old man.
Following the old man, Bi An & Fu En had arrived at a Yamen that they seems to be quite familiar with but yet, they weren’t able to tell where this place was exactly at. By entering thru the main door, they arrived at the main Hall where they saw an Officer wearing a Yellow Dragon Robes sitting at the Centre Platform, looking fiercely at them.
With a knock on the Order-block, Bi An & Fu En were advised to kneel down and pay their respect to the Officer.
By making 3 kowtows, Bi An started to ask the old man who was the Officer and with a smile, the old man told them that he was Qing Xi Cheng Huang. Upon hearing that, Bi An & Fu En were shocked. With a moment of mind-blank, Bi An & Fu En then realised that they had pass-on due to the flooding. Just as Bi An was about to ask the old man on other issues, Qing Xi Cheng Huang spoke up, telling off Bi An that he shouldn’t had killed himself for the death of Fu En, instead, Bi An should live to his fullest and assist more needy. Knowing that himself had done something that was considered a sin and creating shame to his family, Bi An apologized to Cheng Huang and Fu En also pleaded for forgiveness from Cheng Huang for Bi An.
Looking at the care & concern that these 2 sworn brothers had, Cheng Huang was quite touched and he told them that, actually both of them were fated to have met with this disaster, if not, they couldn’t be bestowed with a Deitified title to carry out Spiritual Tasks for Cheng Huang & Tu Di (土地尊神).
Soon, the Spiritual Edict from Lord Feng Du (酆都大帝) & Lord Dong Yue (東嶽大帝) had arrived at Qing Xi Cheng Huang Court (清溪城隍府).
Upon receiving, Qing Xi Cheng Huang recited out the order from Lord Dong Yue that, Xie Zhi An aka Xie Bi An (謝必安 - 取義﹐心存萬般新意及真誠﹐難事必能化之﹐一切則能隨遇而安) would be bestowed with a 7th Grade Constable (七品持令護駕) with a Golden Feather installed on the Headgear (頭戴金花羽毛翎), but due to he had killed himself without considering of the sin, he could only be officially issued with the Constable Robes after 3 years & 49 days of probation (因自殺之過﹐而須緩刑三年肆九日). For this period, he would only be issued with half Constable Robes and a pair of straw-sandal (緩刑之時﹐身穿半邊捕快袍﹐腳著孝麻鞋) as a form of punishment and in remembrance of Filial Piety & the hardship of his parent’s upbringing of for him (以心銘記身受父母之恩).
Upon receiving the Order, Bi An kowtow and received the Order.
Cheng Huang recited the Order dedicating to Fan Fu En. Due to Fu En had lost his parent at a young age and during his healing period, he had vowed to get rid of All Negative Obstacles & Entities, Lord Dong Yue had agreed to bestow Fu En with a new title of Fan Wu Jiu (范無咎) – literally meaning for those who had committed a crime but sincerely requested for forgiveness, Fan Wu Jiu would be there to assist them of turning into a new leaf (無咎取義﹐身犯罪而心誠悔之﹐上天大德必無追咎其罪). Besides that, Fan Wu Jiu would be bestowed with a 7th Grade Constable with a Golden Feather installed on the Headgear and Wu Jiu could officially wear the Robes upon reporting to Cheng Huang Court.
Upon the completion of the reciting of the Order, Wu Jiu never kowtow or accept it from Cheng Huang, instead, Wu Jiu requested Cheng Huang to allow him to have the same punishment as Bi An for 3 years & 49 days before he’s bestowed with the official Constable Robes.
With the requesting of Wu Jiu, Cheng Huang was moved by his sincerity and so, Wu Jiu’s request was granted.
From then, Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu were being appointed to assist Qing Xi Cheng Huang in looking after the peace & harmony of Quan Zhou City and also, other places in this Mortal World.

Some Misconceptions to clarify (誤導須正):
1 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu are not Nether World Beings neither are they the Guards of Hell. Both of them are considered Mortal Realm Deity, which are able to wander around in the Mortal Realm regardless Day or Night (並非民間所謠傳之陰神/陰將﹐二將屬民間神祇﹐可穿梭日夜之間)
2 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu are not Hei Bai Wu Chang (謝范二將並非黑白無常)
3 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu are the Only Pair of Constables that assist Cheng Huang (謝范二將為城隍尊神之唯一護駕﹐除其二將﹐別無他人)
4 – Xie Bi An does not have a Green-face, neither Red-face or worst, Black-face (謝必安並無青臉之說)
5 – Fan Wu Jiu is not physically-disable - cripple, the actual height of him was about 165 – 170cm, whereas Xie Bi An standing at the height of about 180 – 190cm. These heights are considered common in the past/Ancient Era (范無咎並非瘸腳﹐其身約有一米六至一米七。而謝必安則有一米八至一米九之高。兩者身高在當時可說是屬平常)
6 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu are not being bestowed by Yu Huang Shang Di (玉皇上帝), instead, they got their title from Lord Feng Du (謝范二將並非由玉皇上帝所封。其二人之神職是由酆都大帝上奏東嶽大帝而來。)
7 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu are Constables of Anti-corruption, both don’t take in Drugs & unnecessary bribing monetary items (謝范二將一生嫉恶如愁﹐從不碰毒及受賄)
8 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu never hold onto any form of Command Tablet on their hands, their Huo aka Fire (火箭牌) & Ling (令字牌) aka Command Tablet are hung at their belt or side pocket. These Tablets were being issued to them by the Ambassador of Emperor Ren Zong (二將手中並無握有其火及令二箭牌。此二牌實為繫於二將之腰帶)
9 – Xie Bi An & Fan Wu Jiu are being addressed as Qi Ye (七爺) & Ba Ye (八爺) during Song Dynasty (宋朝). Due to Late Yuan Dynasty (元朝末年) & Ming Dynasty (明朝), the addressing of Qi Ye crushes with the addressing of the Dukes in the Imperial Court, so from then, Qi Ye was being addressed as Ba Ye and the original Ba Ye became Jiu Ye (九爺), in order for Temples to escape from the fate of being demolished. Qi Ye’s addressing resumed during Late Qing Dynasty (七爺之稱號後來又在清朝末年回復).
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