Recent Years, due to the Over-stress and Over-consuming of Unknown Chemicals, there is an Increase in the Percentage of People getting Liver-hardening (肝硬化), Liver Cancer (肝癌) & Hepatitis B (B型肝炎).
In-order to lessen the Risk of getting such Illnesses, in here, Jave Wu will like to share with ALL of you on 2 Tradition Remedy on protecting our Livers.
According to Ancient Records, Dried/Fresh Red Date & Wolfberries are 2 Wonderful types of Herbs that can assist in giving our Liver Energies & the necessary Vitamins to Operate Well, besides that, recent Years, Modern Medical Reports have also proven that by using the Right Amount of Red Dates & Wolfberries, it does assist in strengthening our Livers.
1) A Handful of Wolfberries (枸杞子一把) + A Cup of Hot-water (熱開水一杯)
2) 7 Dried Red Dates (紅棗七顆) + A Big Cup of Hot Water (280CC 熱開水一大杯)
Oneself can either Choose One of the Above to try out.
For 1), once the Items are prepared, rinse the Wolfberries with some Warm-water and then add in the Handful of Wolfberries into the Hot-water, allowed it to soak for 5-10 minutes. Once ready, oneself can drink it before it turn Cold. Remember to eat the Berries too, cos the Vitamins are still residue in the Berries.
Try to prepare this Beverage Twice a Day, it does help.
For 2), once the Items are prepared, wash the Dried Red Dates and then slice a small cut on the Red Dates. After the Red Dates are being sliced, placed them in the Big Cup of Hot Water and soaked for 1 Day.
On the next Day, Heat up the Cup of Water with the Red Dates, oneself can used the Steam-method or place it in an Microwave Oven.
Once the Beverage is being heated-up, it is ready for Consuming.
Try to prepare this Beverage Twice a Day, it does help and it will bring more Benefits to Pregnant Ladies and those with Low-Blood Pressure.
Great recipe for tiredness and also can combine a slice of fresh ginger for a wake me up drink in the morning
ReplyDeleteYes, this is indeed a very good type of recipe for making oneself feeling having more energies :P
ReplyDeleteHeard of putting 枸杞子 and 泡参 for a Mind-Refreshing drink?
ReplyDeleteYes, that is 1 good combination.
ReplyDeleteThat is a very simple yet nice drink. Haha.
ReplyDeleteMaster Jave, if a person's liver is too fatty, too "over-feeding," is this recipe still good to follow?
ReplyDeleteFor this Case, you have to go check up with Doctor 1st. Cos we will need to know of the actual Situation before we can direct people to consume what type of remedies.
ReplyDeleteGood.. I can share this with my dad... thanks Shi Fu JAve....
ReplyDeleteHahaha, welcome.
ReplyDeleteHope you Dad will get well soon.
All of us here will give our Best Blessing to your Dad.
Ah, OK. Thank you Master Jave!