Tuesday 29 January 2008

Introduction on Jobs that associate with Wu Xing aka Five Elements (五行相屬行業)

Gold/Metal Element (金相屬行業)

For Gold Element associated jobs, usually are those that closely-associate with hardware, decision-making, weapons or jewelry, etc.

Here the jobs introduction:

Martial Art Practitioner (武術家)
Hardware Dealers (五金商)
Mine Operators (開礦業)
Lawyer/Judge (大法官)
Overall In-charge/Manager (總主宰)
Financial Line (金融界)
Science-related Line (科學界)
Jewelry Dealers (珠寶界)

Wood Element (木相屬行業)

For Wood Element associated jobs, usually are those that closely-associate with academic, editing, authoring, furniture wares, medical or politics, etc.

Here the jobs introduction:

Stationery/Book Dealers (文具店)
Cultural Line (文化事業)
Author (作家)
Educational Line (教員)
Politician (政治界)
Furniture Dealers (傢俱業)
Medication Line (醫療界)

Water Element (水相屬行業)

For Water Element associated jobs, usually are those that closely-associate with water, traveling, etc.

Here the jobs introduction:

Sailing Line (航海界) 
Cold-storaging Line (冷藏界)
Super Market (菜市場)
Sports Line (運動家)
Traveling Line (旅行業)

Fire Element (火相屬行業)

For Fire Element associated jobs, usually are those that closely-associate with fire, fast-changes, lighting, etc.

Here the jobs introduction:

Oil Dealers (油類界)
Alcohol Dealers (酒類界)
Food/Cooking Items Dealers (食品界)
Military Line (軍界)
Lighting System Line (照光業)
Hair-Saloon Operators (電髮業)

Earth/Soil Element (土相屬行業)

For Earth/Soil Element associated jobs, usually are those that closely-associate with nature, surrounding environment, plants/cultivation, antiques, etc.

Here the jobs introduction:

Earth/Soil Researchers (土壤研究者)
Plantation/Cultivation Line (農作業)
Stone & Sand Dealers (大自然原物售賣界)
Antique Dealers (古董家)


  1. Brother Jave,

    When will you know which element you associate with the most?

  2. Usually by the Eight Characters of one self or one self's person Element (not necessary to have any association with the Eight Characters).

  3. Hi Jave, which of the above is for electronics sector?


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