For those who suffer from too much Pressure and resulting in Hair-dropping (壓力導致掉髮) or Ladies suffering from Dandruff & Hair-loss after giving-birth (產後掉髮及頭皮問題), in here, Jave will like to share with you ALL an Old Method of Comforting the Head Scalp (頭皮) in-order to lessen the Dandruff (頭皮屑) or Dropping of Hair.
1) 2 pieces of Raw Ginger of about 5cm (生薑二片去皮)
2) 1 basin of Warm-water of about 50-60 degree C (熱水一盆大約50-60度C)
Once the basin of Warm-water is prepared, add in the Gingers. Allow the Gingers to be soaked in the Warm-water for at least 1min, before use, please stir the Warm-water to ensure the Ginger Element spread around evenly in the Warm-water.
Scoop a Cup of the Ginger-water and slowly pour it onto the Head. Wet the whole Head and then Scoop the 2nd Cup to add on. Once the whole Head is Wet enough, Gently-massage (輕鬆按摩) the Scalp of the Head, allowing the Element of the Ginger to Sip into the Layer of Skins. After every 1min, just add on with a Cup of Ginger-water.
For First-timer, oneself might found the Spicy-ness of the Ginger (生薑辣氣), do not worry, cos this is Normal. If oneself really can t stand the Spicy-ness, then on the subsquent times, use only 1 piece of the Ginger.
After a 5mins Massage, oneself can rinse the Hair (Head) with Cooler Temperature Water (of about 30-40 degree C).
Remember to Dry your Hair with a Clean & Dry Towel, do not Dry the Hair under an Air-con or Fan. Best to use a Hair-dryer.
Consistent using of this Method, it will strengthen the Scalp of one's Head.
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