For Ladies, every month, they will have to go thru a 7 Days Period of discomfort and some of them will ever suffer from side effects such as, Stomach Cramps (月經肚痛) or Insomnia (失眠).
Such side effects will actually affect the normal functioning of their Physical Bodies & also moods.
In here, Jave will like to share with All Ladies on 1 Remedy to Ease-off Stomach Cramps during the 7 Days Period.
1) 1 piece of Raw Ginger of about 3cm (生薑一片去皮)
2) 1 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar aka Gula Melaka (紅糖一茶匙)
3) 2 pieces of Dried Haw (二顆山楂)
4) 1 cup of Hot Water of about 80degree C (熱開水一杯)
Once all items are ready, add them into the Cup of Hot Water and allow the Hot Water to dissolve the Elements of the items into the Water.
Remember to stir well for the Brown Sugar to dissolve.
Once the Brown Sugar dissolve and leave it for about 1min, drink it while the Drink is still Hot.
After drinking, keep oneself relax and best, have a 30mins rest.
Prepare a Cup of this Drink at every 4 Hours (一天三次/四小時一次). Consistent consuming will tend to Ease-off the Cramp.
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