Million Thanks to Taoist Bro Patrick for sharing with us the Pictures and Write-up of Xiao Gong Fa Zhu (蕭公法主).
Feel free to visit the link:
一個讓全球同道好友,認識及發揚【道教文化】的資訊網站。 此為【正一龍山門】暨【太初五斗米道觀正一道教學院】之屬下【揚道】網頁。 A place for All people around the World to know more about Taoism.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Sembawang Tian Hou Gong Celebration for Ma Zu 2011 (新加坡三巴旺天后宮辛卯年媽祖華誕慶典)
Start: | Apr 25, '11 06:30a |

As usual, its again the Period for us to prepare for the Celebration of Ma Zu – The Great Empress Lord of the Sea & Salvation (天上聖姆媽祖).
This Year, Sembawang Tian Hou Gong had started early for the Ordering of the Gigantic Paper-robes (巨型紙袍), dedicating to Ma Zu, each at S$35.
Besides that, the Temple also assist Taoists and Devotees in ordering of Longevity Buns (壽桃包) & Noodles (長壽面) at S$ 25 per Plate.
For those who are interested and keen in making your Ordering, please do approach the Temple before the Celebration Period. This is to prevent heavy congestion for the Helpers in the Temple.
Celebration Date: 25 Apr 2011 (23rd Day of Lunar 3 Month 農曆三月廿三日)
Timing: from Morning 6.30Am till Night
More info, please proceed to this link:
Long Shan Men Spring Qing Ming Ancestor Honouring 2011 (辛卯年正一龍山門春季清明祭祖)

Its again the Year the Qing Ming Period and we, LSM, will be conducting a simple Ancestor Honouring during this important festival (春季清明祭祖).
The Honouring of LSM Ancestors will be conducted on the 1st Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月初一日), which falls on 3 Apr 2011, a Sunday. Timing starting from 9.00Am till 11.00Am (巳時).
This Year, Zheng Yi Long Shan Du Cai Fu (正一龍山督財府), which is lead by Gerald Lim, will be holding the Honouring Ceremony.
For Higher Res Picture of the Banner, please proceed to this link:
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Ceremony for the Requesting of Blessings for the Sufferings & Pass-on in Japan 2011 (祈天求福賜東瀛儀式)

It was heart-warming to see that, a lot of our Friends, Taoists and Family Members had came all the way from all over the Singapore to join in this Requesting of Blessing for the Sufferings & Pass-ons in Japan.
Jave could say that, the Ceremony was a Successful-one and Million Thanks to All the Supports from All the various Temples, Sintuas, Taoist Groups and Friends.
On the 26 March, a Saturday, Jave arrived at Telok Blangah Tian Gong Temple (新加坡天公廟) at about 8.00Am in the Morning to do the necessary Preparation and Set-up for the Ceremony, by 9.00Am, Taoist Bro Royce arrived at the Temple to assist in the final preparation and by 10.15Am, a Reporting Ritual was being conducted.
At 10.30Am, Ruihe & Gerald arrived at the Temple with the Items that I requested them to buy for the Ceremony and at 10.45Am, Vabien arrived with the Paper-offerings.
By 11.00Am sharp, we All started our Ceremony for the Requesting of Blessing for the Sufferings and Pass-on in Japan’s Earthquake that took place 3 weeks again. This is also the Common-timing for All the other Overseas’ Taoists that join-in for this Requesting of Blessing Ceremony.
During the Chanting, All Taoists, Friends & Members from various Temples & Sintuas had arrived at the Temple to send their Regards and Blessings to the Needy Beings. Due to Jave was engaged in the Ceremony, Jave was not able to guide them along, so Royce & Gerald were there to assist them in the Honouring.
By 12.00Noon, after the 1st & 2nd rounds of Chanting on Qing Jing Jing (清靜經) & Yu Shu Bao Jing (玉樞寶經), a short interval break was given to the Chanting Group and this was the time that I could talk to our Friends & other Members.
By 1.30Pm, the 3rd round of Requesting of Blessing began. It took about an Hour before the last round, which was Requesting of Sins & Debts to be Cleared-off by Jade Emperor of Heaven for the Forgiving of Evil-doings (玉皇宥罪大天尊). During this Session, Gerald was there to requesting Blessing for the Sufferings from Di Mu Yuan Jun (地姆元君) aka Mother Earth & Royce was there to requesting Blessing from Yu Huang You Zui Da Tian Zun.
While Jave was doing the last part of Requesting of Blessing for the Sufferings, Vabien, Gerald, Ruihe & Royce were there to enhance All the Paper-offerings that needed to be Send-off for the Sufferings (see Pics 28 - 34).
After then, Vabien was being advised by Lord Pu Hua (九天應元雷聲普化天尊) to prepare the Jiu Feng Run Jing Cleansing Water (九鳳潤津破穢淨水) and Ruihe chosen by Lord Tai Yi (太乙十方尋聲救苦天尊) to prepare the Shi Fang Gan Lu Salvation Water (十方甘露救苦聖水) – (see Pics 36 - 38).
The whole Ceremony ended at 4.45Pm, just before the Sun started to Set-off.
After the Sending-off, the Lighting of the Last round of Lamps was being done. Jave was there to assist in Evoke the Blessing Energies from Dou Mu Yuan Jun (斗姆元君) & San Guan Da Di (三官大帝), whereas Vabien to assist in Evoking the Positive Fire Energies to Light the Lamps (四品火官火德真火).
In here, I will like to use this Opportunity to Thank those who had come to participate in this Ceremony and also, to those who had helped out in the Chanting, Folding of Blessing Lotus and Lighting of Lamps for the Sufferings.
In total, we had over 70 Blessing Lotus being folded and Send-off for the Requesting of Blessing for the Sufferings, thanks to our Taoist Brother & Sisters from He Bi Shan Temple (何碧山宮眾道門大哥及大姐), Dharma Sister from Tian Gong Temple (天公廟佛門大姐) and the Descendants of the Tan & Lee Clan of Wan Shou Shan (萬壽山陳氏及李氏家族後裔).
Thanks to Taoist Bro Jerry Ong from Long Guan Dian (新加坡龍觀殿) & Taoist Bro Royce Tan from Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂), in assisting in the Chanting & Requesting Blessing for the Sufferings.
In the following are the List of Temples, Sintuas & Members that had contributed and assist in making this Ceremony a Successful-one:
1 - Telok Blangah Tian Gong Temple & Members (新加坡天公廟全體善信)
2 – He Bi Shan Temple & Members (新加坡何碧山宮全體善信)
3 – Long Guan Dian & Members (新加坡龍觀殿全體善信)
4 – Tong Shan Tang & Members (新加坡童善堂全體善信)
5 – Jia Fu Jing & Members (新加坡嘉福境全體善信)
6 – Jurong East Feng Shan Si & Members (裕廊東鳳山寺全體善信)
7 – Tian Xuan Long Zhen Wan Fa Tan & Members (天玄龍真萬法壇全體善信)
8 – TBA & Members (TBA全體人員)
9 – Taoist Priest Max (Max道長)
10 – Taoist Teacher Bro Matt (Matt 道師)
11 – Japanese Taoist Researcher Miss Kaori Fushiki
12 – Taoist Bro Kelvin Ang & Family
13 – Taoist Bro Huang TJ
14 – Aunty Catherine & Family
15 – Descendants of the Tan & Lee Clan of Wan Shou Shan (萬壽山陳氏及李氏家族後裔)
16 – All Members of Long Shan Men (正一龍山門全體弟子)
17 – and Those(Temples/Sintuas/Priests) who have contributed but Don’t Want their Names to be shown
For High Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:
Usage of Bai Jia Mi aka The Prosperity Rice (百家米之用處)

On the 15th Day of Lunar 1st Month (辛卯年正月十五上元日), He Bi Shan Temple (新加坡何碧山宮) had collected at least a 100kg of Prosperity Rice from the Neighbour-hood for the Honouring & Requesting of Blessing from Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (上元天官大帝).
On the 2nd Day of Lunar 2nd Month (辛卯年二月初二驚螫日), over 200 packets of Prosperity Rice were being packed and distributed to the Public, besides that, on that very Day, Porridge (百家粥) was being prepared using the Prosperity Rice for the Devotees who came to Honouring Earth Deity aka Tu Di (土地神) and Tiger Deity (虎爺).
With honour, a few packets of Prosperity Rice were being kept aside for Jave by He Bi Shan Temple. Upon receiving the Rice, Jave made a Honouring to LSM San Guan Da Di (正一龍山門三官大帝) – now located at LSM Old HQ, and then, the Rice were being distributed out to Jave Friends and Family Members.
Upon receiving the Rice, a number of Friends and Taoists had been asking Jave how to use the Prosperity Rice. With patience, Jave explained to them with the following few Ways/Methods:
Prosperity Rice can be used in a lot of Ways/Methods and it does assist a lot of People in different Ways, such as
1 – Little Kids (below the age of Lunar 3 years old), who tend to Cry, Cant get to Sleep or having Nightmare – used the Rice to Cook Porridge for them to eat or Sew a few Grains of Rice into the Pillow and allowed the Kids to Sleep on it, it will assist the Kids to Calm & Tame down.
2 – Grown-up Children (below the age of Lunar 12 years old), who tend to become Stubborn, like to Talk-back and starts to Behave strangely - used the Rice, mixed it with the Regular Rice and Cooked it. Keep the Water that used to Wash the Rice. Allowed the Children to eat Continuously for 3 Days and after then, asked the Children to use the accumulated 3 Days Rice Water to Bathe. It will assist in Tuning the Mind of the Children to a more “Positive Frequency” in the near Future.
3 – Young Adults (from the age of Lunar 13 - 24 years old), who are still Studying and Not able to Concentrate, despite trying a lot of Ways/Methods to stay awake. Try using the a Tea-spoon of the Rice, Fried in a pan without using any Oil or Bake in an Oven, till the Rice become Brown. Crash it into Powder-form and mix it with Hot-water to make into Rice-tea, it does help to Generate Energy to “awake” the Mind.
4 – Adult (from the age of Lunar 25 - 60 years old), for those who keep finding themselves Low-in-luck or unable to have a Stable Life - used the Rice, Cooked it with Green Beans to become Green Bean Porridge. Do it on Every 3rd Day of the Lunar Month. It will assist in getting Oneself’s Physical Soul to be Cleanse and Allowing the Gui Ren (貴人神) aka Prosperity Deities to bestow the Blessing onto Oneself.
5 – Elderly (from the age of Lunar 61 - 99 years old), for Elderly who wished to have a Good Health, Please do Consume the Rice regularly. If possible, Everytime before Consuming the Rice, Recite the following Phrase:
Gui Ming San Yuan San Guan Da Di (皈命三元三官大帝)
It not only Request Blessing for Oneself, but also the Family and the whole World.
6 – more Ways/Methods according to Individual’s Request
For more Info & Intro on the Prosperity Rice, please do visit the following links:
Friday, 25 March 2011
Qing Ming Period for Year 2011 (辛卯年清明祭祖時節)
Start: | Mar 26, '11 11:45a |
End: | Apr 15, '11 |
Location: | All Over the World, Singapore |
Indeed the Year had passed very fast, again, its Qing Ming Period again.
This Year, as usual, Qing Ming starts at 26 March (Saturday), whereas some claimed that is 27 March (Sunday) and Ends at 15 April, a Friday. Nevertheless, the Actual Day for Xin Mao Year of Qing Ming falls on 3rd Day of Lunar 3 Month, which is 5 April, a Tuesday.
For those who had requested for the Write-up and Intro on the Culture and Customs of Qing Ming Period, please do proceed to the following links for more details:
Qing Ming Festival Honouring (清明祭祀懷祖恩):
Packing of Treasure Chest for Ancestors / Deceased (2) [整理祖先与往生者的衣箱和库箱]:
Introduction on Bai Ku Qian and Yin Yang Coins (白库钱 / 阴阳钱简介与使用):
Straits Time Report: Cemetery walk for Qingming Festival (海峽時報報導之清明福地遊):
Singapore Taoist Mission Celebration of Taoist Day Dinner 2011 (新加坡第十六屆道教節圓隆晚宴)
Start: | Apr 1, '11 7:00p |
End: | Apr 1, '11 11:00p |
Location: | Singapore, Maritime Square, Harbourfront Centre |
Singapore Taoist Mission Taoist Day Dinner 2011
For more info of how to participate, please do approach Taoist Mission (新加坡道教協會) at
Tel 联络号码: +(65) 6295 6112 / +(65) 6295 6113
Fax 传真: +(65) 6295 6119
Email 电邮:
Or visit their Website at
Monday, 21 March 2011
Tong Shan Tang Lord Lao Zi & Duke Kai Zhang Manifestation Celebration Year 2011 (辛卯年童善堂道德天尊與開漳聖王聖誕吉慶)

On the 19 of March, which was 15th Day of Lunar 2 Month (辛卯年農曆二月十五日), Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂) had conducted the Manifestation Honouring dedicating to Supreme Lord Lao Zi (道德天尊) and Duke Kai Zhang (開漳聖王) aka the Ancestor of the Tan Clan (陳氏先祖).
Despite the busy schedule that Taoist Bro Royce had, he had prepared the necessary Offerings for this Honouring and again, his Effort was much appreciated and accepted by the Deities.
As you all can see in Pic 07 & 09, Taoist Bro Royce had prepared 3 bowls of Cooked Longevity Noodles and 3 Red Eggs (壽麵紅蛋) being placed on top of it, this was a Blessing and also a MUST Offering to prepared for the Tan Clan Ancestors. There is a Hidden Meaning on this Offering – Live Long, Carry-on Eternally and Everything to be Smooth (長壽圓滿傳萬代).
For Higher Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Requesting Blessings for the Sufferings & Pass-on in Japan (祈天求福賜東瀛)

Saving a Being, we dont differentiate who and what. Requesting for Blessing, dedicating to All the Sufferings in the Earthquakes and Tsunami. Please do request for Blessing for all the victims.
On the next coming Saturday (26 March 2011) and also the starting of the Qing Ming Period (清明節始期), Long Shan Men will be conducting a Ceremony for the Requesting of Blessings for the Sufferings and Pass-ons in Japan (新加坡正一龍山門舉辦為在地震及海嘯中受難者祈福及禱告儀式).
On this Day, we Sincerely hope that those who are able to participate in, please do come down to join us. Just spend a 15 Minutes to request for the Blessing, hoping that we are able to give our Moral Support and Religious Blessing to them (even though we are not able to go to the Disaster Venue to provide our Physical Support).
We also Encourage ALL Taoists, Chinese and Friends, ALL Over the World, to join in the Requesting of Blessing for Japan at the Same Hour (Singapore Timing 11.00Am). Hope that Gathering the Mass-Energies, we are able to assist the Japanese to get the Positive Blessing and be able to get out from the Suffering in a faster way.
Details for the Requesting of Blessing Ceremony:
Date: 26 March 2011 (Saturday)
日期: 農曆二月廿二日 (國曆三月廿六日)
Time: 11.00Am (Singapore Hour)
時間: 上午十一時
Venue: Telok Blangah Dr Tian Gong Temple (besides Block 45)
地點: 直落布蘭雅天公廟(大牌四十五旁)
Item Needed: Just a Pair of Candles for the Brightness & Eternal Joyous Blessing (available in the Temple)
所需物品: 五天斗燭一把/一對(廟內可得)
For Higher Res Pictures of the Banners, please proceed to this link:
Friday, 18 March 2011
Singapore Taoist Day 2011 (新加坡(全球)道教節)
Start: | Mar 19, '11 8:00p |
Location: | Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2, Blk 5040, #01- 453 |
Taoist Mission will commemorate Taoist Day with a ceremony starting at 8.00am.
新加坡道教協會將於農曆二月十五日(星期六)﹐ 假其道教協會總部﹐啟建道教節法會儀式。
With more Details, please proceed to this link (相關資訊可前前往以下網站查詢):
Special Thanks to Taoist Bro Victor for sharing with us the Info.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
He Bi Shan Temple Ushering In of Prosperity Deity 2011 (新加坡何碧山宮辛卯年春季恭迎九天祿馬貴人儀式)

This Year, 2011, with the On-going Events of Promoting the Culture of Taoism, He Bi Shan Temple (新加坡何碧山宮) will be conducting a Ceremony of Ushering in of the Prosperity Deity (恭迎九天祿馬貴人儀式) for the Year of Xin Mao (辛卯年).
According to the Traditional Almanac (通勝) and Taoist Records, on the 16th Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月十六日), falls on 20 March 2011 (Sunday), the Prosperity Deity (祿馬貴人) & the Happiness Deity (喜神) will descend into the Mortal Realm in the Tiger Hour (寅時) and the Brightness Deity (日宮光明太陽星) will descend into the Mortal Realm in the Monkey Hour (申時) and the best time for Ushering them into the House is at the Rooster Hour (酉時) aka 5.00 – 7.00Pm.
On the Day, He Bi Shan Temple will conduct the Ushering-in Ceremony at 5.30Pm (酉時二刻) and most probably will end at 7.00Pm. Only after then, Taoists and Devotees will be allowed to Throw the Divination Blocks (聖筊) to ask for Permission to Invite Back the Enhanced and Dotted Paper of Prosperity Deity home for Honouring.
For those who are interested, please do be early to invite the Prosperity Deity back home.
For Higher Res Picture of the Poster, please proceed to this link:
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Ceasing the Flow of Negative Energies in Oneself for this Period (制止陰氣散全身)
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Recently, a lot of People had approached Jave for some Remedies and also ways of Ceasing the Pain and Illnesses that occurred on their Physical Body out of sudden and after consulting the Doctors or Specialists, nothing seems to improve.
Many People might not know that, actually we are into the Energies Transition Period now, so certain People will be affected Seriously by the Negative Energies that being emitted out from the North, North-east, South & South-west Directions (雜陰之氣由北方﹐東北方﹐南方及西南方發出).
For those whose Business’ Premises are situated on these 4 Directions or Main Door facing these 4 Directions will be affected slightly too.
In-order to Cease the Flow of the Negative Energies in Oneself’s Physical Body, Oneself can prepared the Items in the following for Cleansing:
Cleansing Water for Bathing and Washing
Step 1: Prepare the following Items:
S1.1) 5 Coloured Flowers, excluding White (五色花除白)

S1.2) 3 Pomelo Leaves (三片柚子葉)

S1.3) 3 Thai Limes – each cut into Half (三顆泰國酸柑-每顆切半)

Once the above Items are prepared,
Step 2: Get a Basin to contain 50% Hot Water and 50% Cold Water known as Yin Yang Water
Step 3: Throw ALL the Items into the Yin Yang Water and Stir Anti-clockwise 3 Times
Step 4: Leave the Yin Yang Water to calm down for 15 minutes
Step 5: After 15 minutes, the Cleansing Water will be Ready for use
Optional (例外)
Step 6: For those who know how to cook, Oneself can prepare Glutinous Rice Porridge for consuming.
Just need Glutinous Rice and a Piece of Old Ginger, cook the Rice till Gluey-form and it will be Ready for consuming.
Remember to consume while it is Hot, allow the Sweat to be force out and the Physical Body will be Fine after then.

Tong Shan Tang Jing Zhe Day Honouring & Fu De Manifestation Celebration Year 2011(辛卯年童善堂福德正神大伯公壽辰吉慶及驚螫日安奉虎神儀式)

On the 6 of March 2011 (Sunday) aka 2nd Day of Lunar 2 Month (辛卯年農曆二月初二日), Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂) had conducted a Honouring Celebration dedicated to Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神大伯公) aka Earth Deity and Tiger Deity (虎神).
With a few Days of Preparation, our Taoist Bro Royce had got the necessary Offerings for Fu De Zheng Shen and Tiger Deity. This Year was the 1st Year that Taoist Bro Royce set-up the Sugar-cane Gate (甘蔗門) for the Celebration and after a week, the Sugar-cane Gate started to grow Shoots and turn Greener, this was a Good Sign for Tong Shan Tang and also, the Members in there – see Pic 01 - 03.
Early Morning of 6 of March, with the assistance of his Mother, Taoist Bro Royce had conducted the Manifestation Honouring, followed by, Honouring of Tiger Deity for the Public – see Pic 18 - 22.
In the Afternoon, Tong Shan Tang also conducted the Rewarding of Spiritual Armies known as Kao Jun (犒軍) dedicated to the Five Directional Camps of Tong Shan Tang and it’s Main Deity – Lord Guan Yu (關聖帝君) – see Pic 17.
Million Thanks to Taoist Bro Royce for sharing with us the Pictures.
For Higher Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:
Monday, 14 March 2011
Hokkien Culture for Honouring Yu Huang – The Prosperity Sugar-cane Gate (閩南天公誕習俗-甘蔗門節節生)

In here, you all will be seeing the Pictures on the Sugar-cane Gate (甘蔗門) growing of Sugar Shoots (甘蔗筍) after the honouring.
For those who are able to take good care of the Sugar-cane Gate, usually it will grow Shoots within 7 Days and from there, we will be able to do Predictions for the next 360 Days.
A lot of Folks tend to burn off the Sugar-cane Gate immediately after Honouring Yu Huang (玉皇大天尊) on the 9th Day of Lunar 1st Month (農曆正月初九日) or Major Taoist Celebrations, which this is not very advisable.
For more details on the Culture of Setting Up of Sugar-cane Gate, please proceed to this link:
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Manifestation Anniversary of Dong Hua Di Jun 2011 (辛卯年東華帝君木公王父千秋聖誕)

Dong Hua Di Jun (東華帝君) aka Dong Wang Gong (東王公) or Mu Gong (木公), in Taoism, he is the representative of Extreme Positive Energy (極陽之氣) of the whole Universe (萬物宇宙).
6th Day of Lunar 2 Month is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Dong Hua.
To understand more on Lord Dong Hua, feel free to visit the following link:
For Higher Res Picture of the Poster, please proceed to this link:
Dotting of Fu De Zheng Shen Statue at Tian Gong Temple 2011 (辛卯年驚螫日天公廟中福德正神開光科儀)

Last Sunday, which was Jing Zhe Day (辛卯年驚螫日) and also, the Manifestation Anniversary of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) aka Earth Deity (又稱土地神), a Dotting Ceremony was dedicated to Taoist Kelvin Ang’s Home new Statue of Fu De Zheng Shen.
At 2.00Pm, while Jave was still busy with the Honouring of Tiger Deity (安奉虎神) for the Devotees, Kelvin arrived at Tian Gong Temple with the New & Old Statues of Fu De Zheng Shen and the various Offerings for the Deities and the setting-up was being done (see Pic 01 - 06).
After 1.5 Hours of waiting, finally the Dotting Ceremony started. During the Dotting Ceremony, Taoist Scholar Bro Victor Yue and his Family and Miss Kaori – Japanese Taoist Researcher, was also there to observe and took pictures, Million Thanks to Bro Victor and Miss Kaori for sharing with us the Pictures.
With the usual Routine of Reporting, Ushering in of Deities, Chanting and Enhancing of the Spiritual Items for the Dotting, the Statue of Fu De Zheng Shen was being Dotted and Enhanced with the Positive Energies (see Pic 07 - 10).
Upon the completion of the Dotting of the New Statue, the Old Statue’s Energies were being Withdrew out from there and the Old Statue was being Sent-off by Burning (see Pic 11 - 15).
By the time the whole Ceremony Ended, it was already 5.00Pm.
Kelvin was advised to send back the New Statue before 7.00Pmand then, Jave was back to conduct the Honouring for the Devotees.
Thanks to ALL Old and New Friends for coming down to support and Members from LSM assisting.
For High Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:
Monday, 7 March 2011
Report: Telok Blangah Tian Gong Temple Jing Zhe Day Honouring (辛卯年新加坡天公廟驚螫日安奉虎神儀式)
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Million Thanks to Bro Victor Yue for the Report
Ti Kong Beo 天公庙
Telok Blangah Rd (next to blk.45)
Sun 6 Mar 11
1415H – 1700H
Hi Folks,
After Man San Fook Tuck Chee, with Yik Han and Kaori, picking up Doris and Nicole along the way, we went to Ti Kong Beo at Telok Blangah Rd. Bro Jave was busy running between doing the prayer rituals for anyone who wants to pray to the Tiger God and “dotting” of new statues (consecration).

Ti Kong Beo has it constant flow of devotees. There was one Indian lady who was going through the pace of making offerings to all the deities of the temple. She also wanted to pray to the Tiger God to get rid of backstabbers and welcome more benefactors. Here, Bro Jave used Hokkien in his ritual but advised her in English. (^^) And since there were a number of “English speaking” Singaporeans, it seemed to fit their needed. I saw another temple member explaining to a young Chinese lady on what Taoism is all about.

Praying to theTiger God is interesting in that one could see people asking for it from all walks of life and at different ages. There was another young lady whom I captured with my camera. (^^) There was a constant queue for the prayer. Here, as part of the offering, one could get two eggs and a small piece of fatty pork, together with five joss sticks, two candles, some joss papers and the important benefactor paper.

Here, the person lighted up the two candles, and then, the joss sticks. Holding the joss sticks and the prayer papers with the benefactor paper and kneeling down (a small kneeling stool was provided), Bro Jave went through the rituals of petitioning the Tiger God to help the person. I think Kaori has this recorded in video. (^^) After the prayer, the person was to walk one round around the corner of the temple, getting into the temple by the side and out by the main door before pasting the benefactor paper on the wall and burning the rest of the papers. As the devotees tried to reach higher, apparently, they pasted beyond the plywood and got on to the wall! (^^)
Another interesting afternoon.
Fei Jie Fu Black Tiger Deity Dotting Ceremony 2011 (正一龍山飛捷府下壇將軍開光點眼儀式)

Thanks to Bro Victor Yue for sharing with us the Picture.
In the Picture, was the Dotting Ceremony dedicating to the Black Tiger Deity of Fei Jie Fu (正一龍山飛捷府) - lead by Vabien Lee.
With the Auspicious Day of Jing Zhe Day (辛卯年驚螫日), Vabien requested for the Black Tiger Deity to be dotted and so, while Jave was in Tian Gong Temple (新加坡天公廟) conducting the Jing Zhe Day Honouring, the Black Tiger Deity of Fei Jie Fu was being Enhanced and Dotted.
This Tiger Deity was dotted to assist Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明天君) and also, Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張祖天師) in Eliminating Negative Energies.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Wen Chang 2011 (辛卯年文昌帝君聖誕吉慶)

3rd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初三日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Wen Chang aka Wen Chang Di Jun (文昌帝君聖誕) – the Deity of Academic Study & Career.
More info on Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Wen Chang:
Pictures of Wen Chang:
Lord Wen Chang Manifestation Anniversary:
Banner of Lord Wen Chang Bao Gao:
Lord Wen Chang Wisdom-opening Mantra:
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Saturday, 5 March 2011
Manifestation Anniversary of Fu De Zheng Shen Earth Deity 2011 (辛卯年福德正神大伯公壽辰吉慶)

2nd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初二日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Fu De Zheng Shen aka Deity of Earth (福德正神大伯公壽辰).
This Year, it falls on 06 Mar, a Sunday (星期天) and this Day is also known as Jing Zhe Day (驚螫日) – which is the Day of Awaken for All the Beings in the Mortal Realm.
More info on Jing Zhe Day:
More info on Manifestation Anniversary of Fu De Zheng Shen:
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Friday, 4 March 2011
Lord of Sun Uprising the Court for Xin Mao Year 2011 (辛卯年日宮太陽帝君升殿朝)

According to Taoist Contexts and Chinese Culture Records, on the 1st Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初一日) is considered as the Court Rising Day for Lord of Sun aka Tai Yang Di Jun (太陽帝君).
Some Contexts recorded as 3 Years once, but some said, Once in every Year.
During the Court Rising Day, Lord of Sun will be put in-charge of doing Planning & Announcing of the Movements of All different Stars for the Particular Years (注當年星辰運行之象) and also, to fix the “Brightness” of each Star that link to a Living Being (定全年元辰光明之銳), which later being used in Prediction Skills that Geomancy or Luck-telling Masters practiced.
Besides that, this is also a Day to gain the necessary Blessing of Brightness from Lord of Sun to eliminate the “Darkness (除晦)”, “Dampness (去霉)” and “Negative (解厄)” from One’s Surrounding.
In the Past, Taoists & Chinese would Face South during the Horse Hour (午時), which is equivalent to 11.00Am till 1.00Pm in now’s timing, to pay respect to Lord of Sun or to so-called Usher him into the Mortal Realm.
To honour Lord of Sun is quite simple, Oneself just needed to prepare 3 sticks of Long Incenses (三柱長壽香), 3 cups of Chinese Tea (三杯清茶), 3 Candles (三盞全天斗燭 - best for 24 Hours) and a set of Gold Paper (一疊三寶金/壽金) will do.
After the Honouring, just placed the 3 Candles on an Altar or at a High-level Spot and then, burnt off the Paper Offerings.
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Tian Gong Miao honouring Tiger Deity on Jing Zhe Day 2011 (新加坡天公廟辛卯年驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式)

With the Usual Routine, this Year, 2011 aka Xin Mao Year (辛卯年) Jing Zhe Day (驚螫日) – 2nd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初二日) or 06 March, Telok Blangah Tian Gong Temple aka Tee Kong Beo (新加坡天公廟), located at Telok Blangah Drive besides Block 45, will be conducting the Honouring Ceremony for Tiger Deity (驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式) for the Devotees and Public.
This Year, Jave will be there at 7.30Am to usher in the Tiger Deities (各方虎神) & Earth Deity (當間土地).
Jing Zhe Day in Xin Mao Year starts at 6.30Am. The 1st Thunder Roar is at 6.31Am. So after 8.00Am, it will be the best Timing for Honouring of Tiger Deity.
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Thursday, 3 March 2011
He Bi Shan Temple honouring Tiger Deity on Jing Zhe Day 2011 (新加坡何碧山宮辛卯年驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式)

As usual, this Year, 2011 aka Xin Mao Year (辛卯年) Jing Zhe Day (驚螫日) – 2nd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初二日) or 06 March, He Bi Shan Temple aka Ho Peck San Temple (新加坡何碧山宮), located at Yishun Ring Road opposite Block 111, had conducted the Honouring Ceremony for Tiger Deity (驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式) for the Devotees and Public, starting in the Early Morning.
One Special feature of He Bi Shan Temple is that, they got a Real Tiger Size Statue dedicating to the Tiger Deity, from far, people will tend to mistaken as a Real Tiger standing in the Cave.
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Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Tong Shan Tang honouring Tiger Deity on Jing Zhe Day 2011 (新加坡童善堂辛卯年驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式)

This Year, 2011 aka Xin Mao Year (辛卯年) Jing Zhe Day (驚螫日) – 2nd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初二日) or 06 March, Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂), located at Zion Redhill Close, will be conducting the Honouring Ceremony for Tiger Deity (驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式) for the Devotees and Public, for those who are starting in the South Area, can contact Taoist Bro Royce at /, to get more info on how to approach them.
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Shui Xian Gong honouring Tiger Deity on Jing Zhe Day 2011 (新加坡水顯宮辛卯年驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式)

This Year, 2011 aka Xin Mao Year (辛卯年) Jing Zhe Day (驚螫日) – 2nd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初二日) or 06 March, Shui Xian Gong aka Chwee Hean Kheng (新加坡水顯宮), located at Zion Road besides Block 91, will be conducting the Honouring Ceremony for Tiger Deity (驚螫日安奉虎神祭改儀式) for the Devotees and Public.
The Honouring Ceremony will starts at 8.00Am in the Morning and in the Afternoon, there will be Ceremony conducted to Reward the Spiritual Armies aka the Five Directional Camps (五營神將).
For those who are interested in participate in the Honouring of Tiger Deity, please do be there early in the Morning to look for Taoist Bro Andy or Uncle Tan, they will assist and guide you all on the Honouring.
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Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Tong Shan Tang’s Five Directional Flags Enhancement Ceremony 02 (新加坡童善堂五方將旗敕靈儀式之二)
Million Thanks to Vabien for sharing with us this 2nd set of Photos.
On the 17th Day of Lunar 1st Month (19 Feb 2011), an Auspicious Day for Dotting of Statues & Enhancing of Spiritual Objects, Tong Shan Tang (新加坡童善堂) had decided to Enhance the Five Directional Flags (五方將旗) at Telok Blangah Tian Gong Temple (新加坡天公廟).
At 2.30Pm, Taoist Bro Royce – Representative of Tong Shan Tang, arrived at Tian Gong Temple with the Five Directional Flags.
At 3.00Pm, LSM conducted its Dotting Ceremony dedicating to Dou Mu Yuan Jun (斗姆元君), Tai Yang Xing Jun aka Lord of Sun (太陽星君), Tai Yin Xing Jun aka Lord of Moon (太陰星君) and Heavenly Marshal Liu Hou (劉后天君).
By 4.30Pm. the whole Dotting was completed and followed by the Enhancing of the Taoist Spiritual Weapon for Ruihe and then, the Five Flags of Tong Shan Tang.
After the Enhancing of the Flags, Taoist Bro Royce proceed with the burning off of the Paper Offerings. During the burning, the Flames changed into various form of Horses and Armies, do take a closer look to see the differences (see Pics 18 - 24).
At about 5.00Pm, we left the Temple and headed back to LSM New HQ to invite the new Dotted Statues onto the Main Altar and at about 7.00Pm, Bro Royce headed back to Settle the Spiritual Armies of Tong Shan Tang to their Respective Post.
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