Wednesday 12 September 2007

Introduction of Bi Xia Yuan Jun (泰山玉女碧霞元君)


Bi Xia Yuan Jun (碧霞元君) aka Jade Maiden of the Heavenly (天仙玉女) or Empress of Mt Tai Shan (泰山娘娘).

In Records, there are a few versions of her origin, here they are (碧霞元君來由):

1 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was a Pre-Heavenly-Formed Deity (先天神祇) that assisted Yellow Emperor (黃帝) while he went for Inspection at Mt Tai Shan (東獄泰山) and later Yellow Emperor bestowed her as one of the Deity of Mt Tai Shan (泰山之神).

2 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was the only Daughter of Dong Yu Da Di - 東獄大帝 (Emperor Lord of Mt Tai Shan)

3 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was one of the manifestations of Dong Yu Da Di (東獄大帝之化身) to assist him in looking after the movements and issues that were associated with Mt Tai Shan.

4 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun was born in Han Dynasty (漢朝), after she grew-up, she did her self-cultivation and later was being bestowed by Mother Queen of the West (西王母) to become a Lady Immortal in the Heavenly Realm (天界女真).

Till today, in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, there's still a large number of devotees pay respect to her for blessings. The blessings are as follow:

A – Requesting for babies (求嗣)
B – Requesting for Good luck (祈福)
C – Requesting for Illness/Sicknesses to be cured (解災化厄除病)

In Singapore, it's quite rare to see her or even heard of her.

For Higher Rec Pictures, please proceed to this link:


  1. 碧霞元君寶誥
    Bi Xia Yuan Jun Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)
    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    泰山頂上 東嶽內宮 
    Tai Shan Ding Shang, Dong Yu Nei Gong

    Xiang Shi Xian Yu Nv Zhi Shen

    Gen Ben Ji Di Zhen Zhi Xiang

    Ying Jiu Qi Chui Ci Shi Xiang
    Guan Bai Ling Er Zhi Hui Yuan Rong

    行滿十方 恩周億劫 
    Xing Man Shi Fang, En Zhou Yi Jie

    Wei Zheng Tian Xian Zhi Hao

    Ce Xian Bi Xia Zhi Feng

    Zhang Yu Fu Zhi Shen Bing

    Guan Ren Jian Zhi Shan E

    尋聲赴感 護國安民 
    Xun Sheng Fu Gan, Hu Guo An Min

    大聖大慈 至仁至孝 
    Da Sheng Da Ci, Zhi Ren Zhi Xiao

    天仙玉女 廣靈慈惠 
    Tian Xian Yu Nv, Guang Ling Ci Hui

    恭順普濟 保生真人 
    Gong Shun Pu Ji, Bao Sheng Zhen Ren

    Hu Guo Bi Min Hong De Bi Xia Yuan Jun

  2. New pics added (bixia_new14052010_01.jpg - bixia_new14052010_05.jpg)

  3. 这不是王母娘娘吗?

  4. 此是連接圖,我們這裡所看到的乃是局部而已


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