Monday 31 December 2007

Requesting of Blessing for Wealth for New Year (新春富貴旺財法) 之 2


Five Direction Wealth Formation (五方亨通)

According to Old Chinese Lunar Year Custom Records (古時新年習俗記載), there are a few methods that one self can prepare in-order to gain the blessing of Wealth by the Deities of Wealth before New Year and during the New Year Period.

Heres another way to gain the Wealth Blessing.

So what shall be prepared?

First, prepare a Red Paper with dimension of 48cm by 48cm. (If you cant get those red paper that used for Rituals/Ceremonies, just get any normal red construction paper from bookshop).

Second, prepare pens of the following 5 color, Green, Red, Yellow, White (can replace with white-paint or liquid-paper) & Black.

Third, prepare 5 Ancient Coins, if cant get the Ancient Coins, prepare 5 Singapore One Dollar Coins.

Forth, get a tube of UHU glue.

Once all these are ready, here we go with the preparation of the Formation.

So after preparing, what shall be done?

Choose a good day (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar).

Place everything on a clean table and wait for the clock to hit 9.00Am (must be within 9.00 – 11.00Am in the morning).

Once the clock shown 9.00Am, open up the red paper, draw a circle using the Green Pen first then follow by Red, Yellow, White and last Black (dimension of the circle, about the size of a 50cent Coin).

After drawing the circles, in the center of the circle, draw a Yin-Yang sign (white on left and black on right).

After drawing the Yin-Yang sign, glue the Ancient or One Dollar Coin on top of the Yin-Yang sign.

After all the coins are being glued to the red paper, this is more or less considered complete for the first stage.

Now, bring the red paper with all the glued-coins to the window where you can get sunshine. Leave the red-paper under the tanning of the sun for about 45 minutes (remember, must be within 9.00 – 11.00Am).

After retrieving back from the tanning, the second stage is considered complete.

The most important stage, placing of the Wealth Formation.

If one self is requesting for Self-Prosperity, place the Formation near to the Door-way, where one self can see when he/she exit and enter.

If one self is requesting the Prosperity for the whole Family, place the Formation under the Dining Table (not necessary to glue it to the Table, just place somewhere that is visible).

Once the Formation is being placed, try not to let anyone touch it or shift it.

Only after the 16th Day of Lunar 12 Month of Next Year, then the Formation can be taken down and discard away.


  1. Hello Bro, Happy New Year 2008!
    Thks for sharing..cheers!

  2. Happy New Year to you too :P

    All the Best.

  3. another 20min buy buy to 2007 liao.
    Let hope 2008 will bring us good luck and prosper

  4. Let us usher in the New and discard the Old.

    Forgive whatever you need to forgive.

    Accept whatever you can accept.

    Always start with a New fresh, dont bring forward the un-necessary left-overs :P

    Hurray Hurray.

  5. Indeed. 除旧迎新, 来年事事如意, 顺心顺意.

  6. Shi Fu.......must we cleanse or wash the coins before doing the exercise????????hahahahaha.

  7. Not necessary, cos this wont involve in evoking of any Deities Energies or Energies that surround you.

    As long as the coins are being "tanned" long enough under the sun, it will be fine.

    The Light Energy from the Nature Sun will help to cleanse the Negative Entities.

  8. Happy New Year bro jave!

    does this trick really work?
    feel like trying lea.

  9. happy new year bro jave
    wish u 2008 good luck and prosper

  10. Thank you bro ivan n seetyong.

    As for this formation, if you are sincere, in someway, it will work, but definitely not immediate effect la.

    This takes time, cos it needed to absorb the necessary positive energies from the surrounding before it can hit the peak :P

    Try, its simple.

  11. yup i feel like trying :)

    Will ask my parents permission first. Later they anyhow nag at me.haha

  12. Hahahahaha, yup, better get their permission 1st, cos all of you are staying together and you are not the sole owner of the house, its best for you to share with them 1st before any action taken.

  13. ya lor...

    hmmm i'll ask you clearly all my doubts if i'm doing it.

  14. Sure... look forward for that :P

  15. shi fu.. this coin use what type of coins?
    must use what type of coin?

  16. In Singapore, we will use our S$1 coin.

    For other Countries, can try to use Five Emperors Coin aka WU DI QIAN.

  17. wu di qian is getting rid bad entities de mah? not blessing for wealth de?

    48cm.. can i less it into 18cm by 18cm?

  18. Wu Di Qian is good in many ways.

    Yes, you may.

  19. can i pay respect to fu lu shou use this wu di qian 嗎?

  20. Of cos can, You can prepare more and then distribute out to ppl after honouring.

  21. each ppl distribute 5 coins of emperor?? =O
    i have 10 emperor coin de? why not same de? ==

  22. Hahaha, yup...
    Usually we only use the 1st Five Emperors and not the last Five.

  23. wah wah if i distribute to 100 people must buy 500 coins of five emperor.. lols. hahaha
    cannot meh 1 coins/each people? =P

    this coins he sell 1 packet de.. not sell per piece.. so i must buy 1 packet of 10 emperor..
    i mean.. this 1st five emperor coins i use to pay respect to fu lu shou.. then do like this above 的 method..
    then this the last five emperors coins 我才 distribute to ppl.. because unnecessary de.. lols haha =P

  24. hei hei shi fu..
    你看 有很多選擇.. selling coins so many choices..
    you think i should use which coins to use to request for blessing of wealth like method above..
    1) coin with title 天下太平
    2) coin with title 金玉滿堂
    3) with title five emperor names..
    4) with title 招財進寶

    u think i should use which coin shi fu? =D

  25. As you said shifu,after the 16th Day of Lunar 12 Month of Next Year, then the Formation can be taken down and discard away.What about the coins ? do we descard it too and for the next application,we use the new ones ?

    1. The coin can be kept in your Piggy Bank in order to "multiply" the blessing, if not you can use it to buy sweets to distribute out to share the blessing with the others.


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