Friday 18 July 2008

Introduction on Wu Lei Shen Zhou aka Wu Lei Spiritual Mantra (五雷神咒)

Wu Lei Shen Zhou, translated as the Mantra of the Five Thunder. In Taoism Context, it is also known as Lei Zu Shen Zhou (雷祖神咒), meaning that this Spiritual Mantra is actually a Mantra that is closely associate with Heavenly Lord Pu Hua (雷聲普化天尊).

In Spiritually-wise, this is a Mantra to call-upon the Positive Energy of Heavenly Lord Pu Hua in-order for him to emit out the Energy to be bestowed onto any Beings while the Beings are in Trouble or facing any form of Life-threatening issues.

Alot of the Folks thought that this is a Mantra to call upon the Various Thunder Deities or Generals, I cant said that this is wrong but just not that accurate. Once Heavenly Lord Pu Hua is being evoked, he will somehow sent his subodinates or assistants to look into the issues and not necessary to be the Five Types of Thunder Deities that the Folks used to know of.

So when can one self use this Mantra?

When one self faces some Strange & Negative Encounters or when one self is not feeling well after visiting places that are related to Negative Entities, such as Funeral, Cemetaries or any Nether World Deities' Temples, etc.

How to go about with the Reciting?

When one self needed to do the reciting, one self just needed to do it according to the following:

1 Wash one self up and drink a cup of Luke-warm Water

2 Light 3 Incenses

3 Walk to any Open-space that you can see the Heaven, at home will be facing the Window

4 Simply make a Sincere & Respectful Bow to the Heaven

5 Make a simple Report to the Heaven by saying your name, your address and the problem that you want to solve

6 Start reciting the Mantra

7 After finishing, simply make a Bow and leaven the Spot

Here goes the Mantra:


Wu Shang Yu Qing Wang. Tong Tian San Shi Liu


Jiu Tian Pu Hua Zhong. Hua Xing Shi Fang Jie


Pi Fa Qi Qi Ling. Chi Jiao Nie Ceng Bing


Shou Ba Jiu Tian Qi. Xiao Feng Bian Lei Ting


Neng Yi Zhi Hui Li. She Fu Zhu Mo Jing


Qi Du Chang Ye Hun. Li Yi Yu Zhong Sheng


Ru Pi Yin He Shui. Qian Yan Qian Yue Lun


Shi Yu Wei Lai Shi . Yong Yang Tian Zun Jiao


  1. Bro, u mention light 3 incenses.. After finish place it where?? in the home urner or tian gong urner

  2. You can place it in the Tian Gong urn, if not, in the Main Altar's Urn.

    If at home, no Urn, then place it outside using some scotch-tape or Blue-tac.

  3. where can we see his kim sin other than the qiong yao temple . i saw u wed at dou tian gong there

  4. So we can say the mantra in Mandarin? Is there any restrictions on language?

  5. Of cos you can recite it in CHinese :P

  6. Temples with Tian Gong, usually at the Right-hand side will be Pu Hua Tian Zun.

  7. sifu..may i ask 普化天尊 is 雷祖仙师??

  8. In other contexts, Pu Hua Tian ZUn does have a few other addressing terms. Lei Zu is one of them.

  9. 雷祖仙师 is 普化天尊....coz..i confuse last time..i thought 雷祖仙师 is lei gong..the god with feather..

  10. In one of the many forms of Pu Hua Tian Zun, he did manifest into the form of a Bird-like Deity, which is known as Lei Gong... but due to the task of Lei Gong, Lei Gong is only a low rank Deity.

  11. hi mr wu, can you please translate each chinese line into english? if its possible:)
    great site:)

  12. Will do soon.

    But again, like what I've posted in the past, in-order to find out the actual meaning, oneself will need to understand the real meaning of each Chinese Character.

  13. Thx for having such a networking, because nowadays we chinese tradition left behind by many modern days inventions. Besides, thanks alot for being written in pinyin because i could not read chinese and let me learn alot about traditional Taoist. I am so proud because i am 1 of the Taoist devotee.

  14. master...if someone having possess by ghost can we use the mantra immediately to ward of the ghost?


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