Friday 23 January 2009

Cleansing of Home for Lunar New Year (除夕清淨吾家宅)


Cleaning for Lunar New Year is a Must for Most of the Taoist & Chinese Home, but alot of our dearest Taoists & Chinese forget that, by Cleaning is only a form of Physical Cleaning, actually the Cleaning that a Family needed is the Spiritual Cleansing.

So what is Spiritual Cleansing?

Spiritual Cleansing is a form of Spiritual Cleaning that uses a few Spiritual Method to do the Cleaning of one's Home in-order to eliminate the un-necessary Negative Energies that stayed inside the home before ushering in the New & Positive Lunar New Year.

By performing such Cleansing, one's home will somehow be more Positive and more comfortable to stay in. Another reason for such Cleansing, to invite the Necessary Blessing from Heaven & Deities while oneself & the Family Pay Respect to the Heaven & Deities on the Eve of Lunar New Year.

So what is the Best time for such Cleansing?

Usually I will advised People to perform the Cleansing in the Afternoon straight after Paying Respect to Deities & Ancestors or before the Whole Family gathered for the Reunion Dinner.

So what are the Spiritual Cleansing Methods?

Here are a few recommended ones:

1) Using Yin-Yang Water & Five Color Flowers (陰陽水及五色花)

1st, prepared a Pail of 30% Warm Water & 30% Cold Water, mix them well.
2nd, choose 5 Color Flowers (best not to use White or withered Flower)
3rd, Throw the Flowers into the Yin-Yang Water and placed there for about 5-15 minutes, this is to allow the Energies from the surrounding to Settle into the Water
4th, Clean the Whole House starting from the Main Door, clean it inward till you reach the Toilet
5th, Retrieve the Flowers and Throw them into your Plant-pots or pack them up in a plastic bag and throw them under the Trees

2) Using Yin-Yang Water & Pomelo or Promegrante Leaves (陰陽水及柚子葉/石榴葉)

1st, prepared a Pail of 30% Warm Water & 30% Cold Water, mix them well.
2nd, Choose 3 Good Pomelo Leaves or a Stick of about 8cm Stem-Promegrante Leaves
3rd, Throw the Flowers into the Yin-Yang Water and placed there for about 5-15 minutes, this is to allow the Energies from the surrounding to Settle into the Water
4th, Clean the Whole House starting from the Main Door, clean it inward till you reach the Toilet
5th, Retrieve the Flowers and Throw them into your Plant-pots or pack them up in a plastic bag and throw them under the Trees

3) Using Yin-Yang Water & Sea-Salt (陰陽水及海鹽)

1st, prepared a Pail of 30% Warm Water & 30% Cold Water, mix them well.
2nd, get a Pack of Sea-Salt (Not Consuming-Salt. Sea-Salt can be brought in Aquriam-shop or Crystal Shop)
3rd, Throw a Spoon-ful (porcelain spoon) of Sea-Salt into the Yin-Yang and placed there for about 5-15 minutes, this is to allow the Energies from the surrounding to Settle into the Water
4th, Clean the Whole House starting from the Main Door, clean it inward till you reach the Toilet
5th, Pour the Yin-Yang Sea-Salt Water into the Drain at your Corridor

4) Using Huo Xiang, Gan Cao & Sandal-wood (藿香。甘草及檀香)

This method can be retrieved in the following link:

Perform the Spiritual Cleansing Sincerely & with Faith. If you can do that in this Respectful-way, oneself and the Family Members will be Blessed with the Positive Energies for the New Lunar Year.

Last, All the Best to you.


  1. Sifu, may I mixed five color flowers & pomegranate leaves together in Yin-Yang water ?
    How to clean the home, by splashing, brushing or wiping with cloth ?
    please advise, thanks Sifu.

  2. Herad that we cannot sweep the floor after the clock strike 12.

  3. You can mix them all if you wish.

    Use a Clean-cloth to do the mopping and then use the remaining water to clean the Corridor.

  4. In some part of Chinese Customs, yes, people do believe that.

    But due to 1st Day of New Year is the Anniversary "General Broom", this is why we dont use it on that Day.

  5. Thanks Sifu for the explanations.

  6. Hi Master, is it ok to recite 淨天地神咒 for the water used for cleansing? Thanks.


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