Wednesday 5 January 2011

Introductory Book on Emperor Lord Dong Yue Culture & Qin Ci Yang Temple in Shanghai (欽賜仰殿與東嶽信仰考查研究書籍)

Category:   Books
Price:   S$12.00 - S$15.00

For those who are followers of Emperor Lord Dong Yue aka Dong Yue Da Di (東嶽大帝), in here is a Good Book that you all can grab hold to read more and understand on the Culture that are closely associated with Mountain Tai (泰山).

In the Book, it also touches on the famous Dong Yue Temple in Shanghai, known as Qin Ci Yang Dian (欽賜仰殿).

This Book was published in China by 上海辭書出版社.

For those who are keen in getting this Book, you all can search Online using the ISBN: 7-5326-1473-5 (RMB15.00)

For Higher Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:


  1. "For those who are keen in getting this Book, you all can search Online using the ISBN: 7-5326-1473-5 (RMB15.00)"
    I tried googling the above and it takes me back ti your site haha.
    i'd like to get this book, could you order it for me or if there is an English language site, direct me to it.
    Btw there is a older book about this temple written by Ann Goodrich in 1930s , but its quite expensive over USD 100.

  2. Dear Bro,

    I will try to order for you. For the moment, I dont see any English Language Book on the Dong Yue Culture, but will look ard for you.

  3. im also interesting very much if there is in english language

  4. Will try to look ard for it.

  5. Me too...very interested if thereis in english language..hahahahahaha


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