Wednesday 30 April 2014

甲午馬年正一四十七代代張元慶天師聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of 47th Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Qing 2014



其賜號為” 保和養素繼祖守道真人”。

06th Day of Lunar 4 Month is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of the 47th Heavenly Master Zhang Yuan Qing.

For Year 2014, it falls on 04 May, a Sunday.

Monday 28 April 2014

元始天尊說消殄虫蝗妙經 Scripture on Eliminating of Destruction to Plantations

Click on individual picture to enlarge for reading






In here, Jave will like to share with all of you another rare Taoist Scripture that people will chant in the Modern-era - Scripture on Eliminating of Destruction to Plantations.

This Scripture is explained by Supreme Lord Yuan Shi on how disasters happened on Crops/Plantations/Agricultures, due to the selfishness and disrespect of Human Beings to the Natural Food Resources that Heaven had bestowed upon to us.

In order to cease or eliminate all these Destructions, oneself will need to chant the Scripture with Sincerity & Faithfulness.

Sunday 27 April 2014

甲午馬年天開地闢日(該年開夏) Day of Renewal for the Summer Season 2014

8th Day of Lunar 4 Month of Jia Wu Horse Year (甲午馬年農曆四月初八日), is known as Tian Kai Di Bi Day (天開地闢日), the most Auspicious Day for the whole Lunar Month (為黃道大吉之日).
At the Rat Hour aka Zi Shi (子時 Singapore Timing: 2300 - 0100), Tian Kai Di Bi Day will arrive.

During this Hour, oneself or the whole Family can light 3 or 9 Lamps (三或九盞光明燈);
accompanying with 12 cups of Tea (再供上香茗十二盞), at the Altar for the requesting of "Safe & Smoothness Blessing (祈求全年順勢)" for the Year and also, to do Self-repent (並自我懺悔而得上天得憐) on any Negative-actions that oneself had involved-in in the Spring Season.

Do not miss this opportunity in getting the necessary blessing from the Celestial Realm.

At Rooster Hour aka You Shi (酉時 Singapore Timing: 1700 - 1900 on 06 May 2014), do light 9 or 12 Lamps (九或十二盞光明燈) dedicating Lord of North Dipper (北斗諸星), as the Stars Formation will shift for the Summer Season (斗轉星移立夏臨).

Wednesday 23 April 2014

甲午馬年東嶽大帝千秋聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Emperor Lord Dong Yue 2014

28th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月廿八日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Emperor Lord Dong Yue aka Dong Yue Da Di (東嶽大帝).

Dong Yue Da Di, a High Ranking Taoist Deity that being appointed to In-charge of ALL beings Life-span and After-life Issues. Due to misconceptions and misleading Info, Dong Yue Da Di is always being depicted as a Nether World Deity, which actually is NOT Accurate.

In Year 2014, Lord Dong Yue’s Anniversary falls on 27 April, a Sunday.

So in Singapore, what can Oneself do to honour Lord Dong Yue?

For Taoists, we can just prepare the Taoist 5 Offerings/10 Offerings (道教五供/十供) to honour Lord Dong Yue as these Offerings can consider as the Highest Respect in Taoist Culture.

Besides that, Oneself can add in some Traditional Cake/Cookies (傳統糕點) stuffs such as Longevity Peach Buns (壽桃包), Longevity Noodles (壽麵), Huat Kueh (發糕), Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿) & Ang Ee (紅圓包).

As for the Paper Offerings, actually for us Taoists, we can save up the Paper Offerings, as long as Oneself is able to prepare 3 sticks of Good Long Incenses and a pair of 24hours Red Candles aka Dou Zhu (斗燭) for Lord Dong Yue, Oneself and the whole Family will be Blessed.

So in Singapore, where can Oneself honour Lord Dong Yue?

In Singapore, oneself can Honour Dong Yue Da Di at Dong Yue Temple (東嶽廟) located at Bukit Purmei Road (besides CHIJ Kellock).

More info on Dong Yue Da Di:

Pictures of Dong Yue (東嶽大帝照片):

Bao Gao of Empress Dong Yue (東嶽皇后寶誥):

Bao Gao of Dong Yue Department Officers (東嶽諸司府曹寶誥):

Saturday 19 April 2014

甲午馬年天上聖母媽祖華誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Empress Ma Zu 2014

Ma Zu aka The Immortal Maiden or Heavenly Empress of the Sea, in Taoism, we addressed her as Tian Shang Sheng Mu Ma Zu (天上聖母媽祖).

According to Taoist Scripture, the Only & Official Taoist Scripture dedicating to Ma Zu, known as Tai Shang Lao Jun Shuo Tian Fei Jiu Ku Ling Yan Jing (太上老君說天妃救苦靈驗經), Ma Zu was actually the Manifestation of the Energy from the Great North Dipper Star Group into a Lady Immortal (known as Miao Xing Yu Nv 妙行玉女) which had overcome multiple testing & obstacles before gaining her Immortal-hood.

After which, Miao Xing Yu Nv was called upon by the Supreme Lord (道德天尊) to the gathering for the appointment of the task to descend into the Mortal Realm to perform the necessary Salvation for the Suffering Beings.

Upon getting the appointment, Miao Xing Yu Nv made her Sincerest & Greatest Vow of ceasing of ALL Sufferings before she returned back to the Celestial Realm again and so, upon getting the Vow, Miao Xing Yu Nv was being sent off to get her Re-incarnation aka Manifestated into Mortal at Song Dynasty Jia Shen Year 23rd Day of Lunar 3 Month (AD 960宋朝建隆元年农历三月廿三日) in the Lin Family (降生莆田湄洲岛林家之中) – given Maiden Name as Lin Mo or Lin Mo Niang (林默/林默娘).

Since young, Mo Niang had been going around to assist the Needy, regardless of strangers or people she knew.

By the age of 8, one day while Mo Niang was out in the Sea-side to waiting for her father to return from the Sailing, a Elegant Lady approached her and passed her a few Books on Unknown Writings & Diagrams. Upon getting hold of the Books, Mo Niang was puzzled but after getting some advises from the Lady, Mo Niang accepted and promised the Lady to study all the information in the Books and understand the Diagrams.

By the age of 16, Mo Niang was able to use the Skills that mentioned in the Unknown Books to assist more Needy in her Hometown.

At the age of 28, on the 8th Night of Lunar 9 Month, Mo Niang got a dream from the Elegant Lady again, this time round Mo Niang finally knew who she was – Zi Guang Fu Ren (紫光夫人). After getting the advises from Zi Guang Fu Ren, Mo Niang decided to leave home on the 9th Day of Lunar 9 Month to gain her Immortal-hood at the Highest Peak in her hometown.

On Song Dynasty AD 987, 9th Day of Lunar 9 Month (宋雍熙四年九月初九日得道), Mo Niang got her Immortal-hood and was summoned back to the Celestial Realm to receive her Official Title before she was being sent back to the Mortal Realm to assist the Needy again.

In Southern Taoism Culture, Ma Zu was a highly respect Lady Immortal by the Taoists & also Chinese. Every year, during her Manifestation Anniversary, ALL Temples that dedicated to Ma Zu in Southern China will conduct Supreme Rituals/Ceremonies to honour Ma Zu as a form of Gratitude for her hardship in Salvaging the Sufferings & Blessings.

Till today, in Hokkien Pu Tian Mei Zhou County (中國福建省莆田湄州), on the 23rd Day of Lunar 3 Month, tons & tons of Devotees will flocked to the Main Ancestral Temple of Ma Zu to pay their respect to her in-order to request for Blessing through-out the Year.

In Year 2014, Ma Zu Anniversary falls on 22 April, a Tuesday.

So in Singapore, what can Oneself do to honour Ma Zu?

For Taoists, we can just prepare the Taoist 5 Offerings/10 Offerings (道教五供/十供) to honour Ma Zu as these Offerings can consider as the Highest Respect in Taoist Culture.

Five Offerings Intro:

Besides that, Oneself can add in some Traditional Cake/Cookies (傳統糕點) stuffs such as Longevity Peach Buns (壽桃包), Longevity Noodles (壽麵), Huat Kueh (發糕), Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿) & Ang Ee (紅圓包).

As for the Paper Offerings, actually for us Taoists, we can save up the Paper Offerings, as long as Oneself is able to prepare 3 sticks of Good Long Incenses and a pair of 24hours Red Candles for Ma Zu, Oneself and the whole Family will be Blessed.

Due to Ma Zu had made her Greatest Vow to Salvage the Mortals, the Honouring shall be Simple and filled with Sincerity, rather than Grand but Commercializing.

And One that WE ALL must remember to do while preparing any form of Offerings for Ma Zu. Remember to prepare the following Label (print out on Pink or Red Paper) and stick onto any form of Offerings that dedicated to Ma Zu. This is an Old Traditional method of Honouring Ma Zu while Oneself is making certain Request or Blessing. By doing so, Oneself’s Name & Address will be recorded by the 2 Generals of Ma Zu and whenever Oneself needed the assistance of them, just by Calling Ma Zu’s Name of Title, she will be there to provide the assistance.

Ma Zu Official Title Label (do remember to write your name & address at the blank space at the bottom of the Label):

Last of All, may Tian Shang Sheng Mu Ma Zu bestowed her Blessing to ALL and hope that the World will have lesser Disaster in the next 1 year.


More Links dedicating to Ma Zu:

Video on The Great Praising of Ma Zu (天上聖母媽祖頌):

Video on The Song of the Great Honourable Ma Zu (天上聖母禮讚):

Ma Zu Pictures (天上聖母照片):

Intro on Black Face Ma Zu (黑面三媽簡介):

甲午馬年子孫娘娘會聖期 Annual Gathering of the Birth Department Patron Deities & Nannies 2014





1 – 泰山碧霞元君

2 – 子孫娘娘 (民間為註生娘娘鬼子母”)

3 – 左引蒙娘娘

4 – 右催生娘娘

5 – 陪育娘娘 (陪姑娘娘)

6 – 送生娘娘 (保生娘娘)

7 – 眼光娘娘

8 – 斑疹娘娘 (斑痘娘娘)

9 – 乳母娘娘 (奶婆姐媽)


Annual Gathering of the Birth Department Patron Deities & Nannies, for Year 2014, it falls on 19 April, a Saturday.

Friday 18 April 2014

十一曜大消災符之太陽符 The Sun Lord's Talismans of the Eleven Planets




Thursday 17 April 2014

甲午馬年後土皇地祗華誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Empress Hou Tu 2014

18th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月十八日) is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of S Heavenly Empress Hou Tu (後土皇地祗).

For Year 2014, it falls on 17 April, a Thursday.

To know more info on Heavenly Empress Hou Tu, feel free to visit the following links:

Introduction of Heavenly Empress Hou Tu (四極六御之下方后土皇祗簡介):

Tuesday 15 April 2014

甲午馬年太陽星君聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Lord of Sun 2014

Tai Yang Xing Jun aka Lord of Sun or Lord of Sun (日宮太陽星君), one of the Important Deities in the Heavenly Realm that provide the direct Blessings for All Beings in the Mortal World.

According to Taoist Records, there are 2 Manifestation Anniversaries for Tai Yang Xing Jun, one is one the 19th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月十九日) and another one is on 19th Day of Lunar 8 Month (農曆八月十九日).

For Year 2014, 19th Day of Lunar 3 Month falls on 18 Apr, a Friday.

On this Day, the Taoists or Chinese will tend to visit Temples that being dedicated to Tai Yang Xing Jun to pay respect in early Morning, usually during the timing of Sun-rise.

In Ming Dynasty, the belief on Tai Yang Xing Jun became more popular, cos in some contexts, the folks believed that Ming Empire was somehow closely connected with him.

And so what to prepare for the honouring?

According to our Taoist Custom & Traditional Practice, here are some recommended items to be prepared for the paying respect:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Longevity Noodles (壽麵)
3 Longevity Peaches (壽桃)
4 Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿)
5 Huat Kueh (發糕)
6 Pong Phia (大碰餅)
7 Rice Wine (米酒)
8 Chinese Tea (茶)
9 Paper Offerings (紙料)
10 Candles (蠟燭)

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, then one self can proceed to the Temple.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & Main Deities in the Temple and then last, proceed to the Altar that honoured Tai Yang Xing Jun.

Make a Bow in front of the Altar and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage (for those who know how to recite the Bao Gao of Tai Yang Xing Jun, can recite it first before reciting the following Passage or recite the following Praising Phrases):

Tai Yang Xing Jun Bao Gao (Praise Incantation)

Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

Da Luo Tian Shang, Zhu Jing Gong Zhong

Zun Ju Shi Ben Ji Zhi Gao

Ti Qian Chu Zhi

Wei Zheng San Cai Zhi Shang

Yu De Xing Quan, Han Su Shu Yan

Ping Liu Qi Er Xian Mi

Wan Guo Dan Ming Xiao Hui

Jia Liu Long Er Tong Zhi Shi Hua

Si Shan Er Yu Duo Zhi Bing

Zhao Ling He Yi Ding Gong Guo

Zhao Wei Zhi Quan, Gan Ying Zhao Zhang 

HaoLing Lei Ting, Xu Chu Xie Zhong

Da Bei Da Yuan, Da Sheng Da Ci

Ri Gong Tai Yang Yu Yi Di Jun

Wei Guang Bu De

Ci Hui Zhu Ri Tian Zun


Tai Yang Tai Yang.Qu Yin Xian Yang

Han Bu Qin Xin.Xie Bu Rao Shen

Gang Yi Fu Rou.Rou Zhong Sheng Gang

Yin Yang Xiang Hu.Bai Fu Zhen Sheng

Zhi Xin Gui Li.Tai Yang Sheng Zhen

Jin Feng.

Tai Yang Xing Jun (Bow)

Qian Qiu Sheng Dan Zhi Qi.

南洋新加坡共和國。 (你的住址) 。
Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo. (Your Address)

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

Tai Yang Xing Jun (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

Tai Yang Xing Jun (Bow)

Tai Kang Tai Jian Tai An Tian.Yang Guang Pu Zhao Jiu Chong Di

Xing Xiu Yi Dong You Yi Chun.Jun Dan An Qian Zhu Shou Mian

Yi You.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yi Nian Gui Zhu Chang Zai. Yue Yue Yang Ji Yin Mai.

Si Ji Shen Guang Pu Zhao. Wan Shi Sui Xin Ping An.

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

Tai Yang Xing Jun (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai. Zai Bai. San Bai. Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

Once the Paper-offerings are being burnt, go back to the Altar, make another sincere Bow and then retrieve back the Offerings, bring them back home and share with the other members in the Family.

And so, the whole Paying Respect to Tai Yang Xing Jun is considered end.

So where can we find Tai Yang Xing Jun in Singapore?

Here are a few Temples that Oneself can visit to honour Tai Yang Xing Jun:

1 Telok Blangah Drive Tian Gong Temple (新加坡天公廟) at Telok Blangah Drive besides Blk 45

2 Wan Shou Shan Guan Yin Tang (萬壽山觀音堂) at Telok Blangah Height infront of Blk 54 (Biggest Statue in Singapore)

3 Tai Yang Gong (太陽宮) at Bedok North Ave 4

4 Dong Tian Gong (東天宮) at Bukit Batok Street 21

In the following are some extra information related to Tai Yang Xing Jun:

Pictures of Tai Yang Xing Jun (太陽星君照片):

For High Res Picture of the Poster, please proceed to this link:

Friday 11 April 2014

祭茶王儀式 Thanksgiving to the Tea Deity

Click on individual picture to enlarge for viewing




China Fujian Province Tea Culture Festival cum Thanksgiving to the Tea Deity for the blessing of Good Harvesting of Spring & Autumn Tea.

Thursday 10 April 2014

甲午馬年趙公明天君聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming 2014

On 15th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月十五日), is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明天君聖誕吉慶日).

For Year 2014, it falls on 14 April, a Monday.

Remember, do not request any Un-necessary stuffs from him, cos even though Heavenly Marshal Zhao is considered as Deity of Wealth, but he is not a Deity that will distribute the Wealth Un-necessarily.

Be Sincere & Faithful, once your Luck-period ripe, your Blessing from him will be there.

More Info on Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明天君相關資料):

Intro & Pictures (趙公明照片):

Pictures of Main Temple of Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明祖庭):

Video on Scripture of Zhao Gong Ming (趙玄壇真經影片):

Wednesday 9 April 2014

甲午馬年忠顯保生大帝聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of Medical Lord Bao Sheng 2014

15th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月十五日) is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary of Medical Lord Bao Sheng aka Bao Sheng Da Di (保生大帝聖誕吉慶).

This Year, 2014, it falls on 14 Apr, a Monday.

In Singapore, one self can visit the following Temples to pay respect to Bao Sheng Da Di:

1 - Zhen Ren Gong (真人宮) aka Zhen Long Gong (真龍宮) located at Redhill Close

2 – Wan Shou Shan Guan Yin Temple (萬壽山觀音堂) located at Telok Blangah Height, infront of Blk 54

3 – Qing Long Gong (青龍宮) located at 193 Sims Lane

4 – Thian Hock Kheng Temple (天福宮) located at Telok Ayer Street

More info on Bao Sheng Da Di (保生大帝相關資料):

Pics of Bao Sheng (保生大帝照片):

Praising Incantation of Bao Sheng (保生大帝寶誥):

Video on the Great Praising Song of Bao Sheng (保生大帝禮讚):

Tuesday 8 April 2014

甲午馬年泰山五道將軍聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of General Wu Dao 2014

12th Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月十二日) is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of General Wu Dao of Mt Tai (泰山五道將軍聖誕).

For Year 2014, it falls on 11 April, a Friday.

General Wu Dao, an important Role in Taoism while Salvation Rituals/Ceremonies are involved.

According to Taoist Context, General Wu Dao was being manifested by Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (太乙救苦天尊) for the assistance for the Leading of the Suffering Souls to the respective Route, in-order to get back to the Source.

And in Folks Religion, General Wu Dao was believed to be the Leader and the Main “Boss” (冥府統領) of the Nether World Beings & Deities, such as Cheng Huang (城隍尊神), Tu Di (土地神祇) & Hei Bai Wu Chang (黑白無常勾魂使者).

相關資料 To know more about General Wu Dao, feel free to visit the following links:

照片 Pictures:

Thursday 3 April 2014

甲午馬年六十一代張仁晸天師聖誕吉慶 Manifestation Anniversary of 61st Heavenly Master Zhang Ren Zheng 2014




On this coming 06th Day of Lunar 03 Month, it will be the Manifestation Anniversary of the 61st Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Ren Zheng.

In Year 2014, it falls on 05 April, a Sunday.

More info on 61st Heavenly Master Zhang (六十一代張仁晸天師相關資料):

Tomb of 61st Heavenly Master Zhang Ren Zheng (六十一代張仁晸天師墓地-(衣冠塚))

The Ceasing Fire Talisman's Stone Slab (江堰市二王廟之鎮火碑)