Friday 26 October 2007

Pictures of Zhong Kui aka The Ghost Catcher (鐘馗)

Zhong Kui aka Ghost Catcher Zhong Kui or Master Zhong Kui (鐘馗), according to myth, he was born in early Tang Dynasty (生于唐初年間).

According to research and records, in Tang Dynasty, there's no such a character known as Zhong Kui, but a type of root-plant (根類植物) with the name Zhong Kui (仲葵). During that Era, such a type of root-plant is being dig-out, dry and then use as a form of Spiritual Object to ward-off negative entities, etc (驅魔避邪之用).

From there, the folks started to create stories and myth on such a root-plant and in-order for the story to reach all other places in the whole China, one of the Taoist Priest "humanize (人格化)" it into a human form, which later known as Master Zhong Kui.

In myth, Zhong Kui was a scholar who join-in the Imperial Examination in the Imperial Court (唐年間京師會考), but due to his appearance, his Office Title of Top Scholar was being taken-off, upon the humiliation and bias-ness, he killed himself in the Palace - just in front of the Emperor.

After passing-on, his soul was being summoned to Heaven and knowing that he's innocent, Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) bestowed him with the title of "Capturing of all Negative Entities and Uphold the Rights of Justice" (it is a form of opposing force against the Imperial Ruling at that Era).

From then, Zhong Kui necame an Official Ghost Catcher (驅魔天師鐘馗).


  1. one of the Taoist Priest "humanize (人格化)" it into a human form, which later known as Master Zhong Kui.

    u mean this priest made the thing alive ?? or jus so called spread "rumours" ard and humanize it

  2. Hahahahaha.. in the past, in-order to make things, a lot of time, people have to make things look big and sound scary, this is one of the "product" from such hearsay or story-making.

    This is why, in a lot of places or chinese society, Master Zhong Kui only being use as a form of "object" to ward-off negative energies, seldom or rarely you will see people like to dedicate a real statue for him or even set an altar for him....

    Only in Spore, a lot of places tend to so-call "invite" him to "save the world", "assist the mortals" or "consult him", etc etc.

  3. usually in taiwan for a new temple !opening celebration is made by zhong kui! heard that the zhong kui's tangki cannot say anything during his dance ceremony! if not the ghost will know that he is a man and will take his spirits out!

  4. But one thing for sure, the root-plant named as Zhong Kui can really cure human, cos it's a form of chinese herbs too :P

  5. Hahahahaha, that's not a medium... cos Zhong Kui cannot have medium, and it's impossible.

    Usually such Zhong Kui are Taoist Priests or Opera Actors or can be any Spiritual Masters/Leaders.

    In Taoist Ritual, there's one set of ritual/ceremony that Priests needed to learn is to how to dance the "Zhong Kui Wu (鐘馗舞)", usually such rituals/ceremonies will only be used during the opening of Temples or going on processions in villages, etc.

    Same goes to Opera. In the past, when a village is being "rumoured" as being haunted, folks will engaged Opera Actor to put on a show of Zhong Kui Xi Wu Gui (鐘馗戲五鬼) to get rid of the wandering souls, etc etc.

  6. oh but why feng shui shi pray to zhong kui ?? he is known as the zhu shi ye of feng shui trade ..

    haha i saw mediums before .. and also heard in early 80s-90s there is also such medium but rare ..but my frenz manage to see it ..and was kinda powerful

  7. hahahahahaha.. good if they can invite the energy of the root-plant.. and so, the medium is good in curing sick elderly la?

    Feng Shui Shi? hahahaha.. 1st time seeing Feng Shui Shi paying respect to Master Zhong Kui?

    Feng Shui Shi have a group of Masters to pay respect to, never Zhong Kui is in the group, which Feng Shui Shi you engage or which sect he/she is in?

    Now got alot of "folk" Feng Shui Shi, so you must know how to differentiate them, if not, again, you wil be caught in the act of dont know who is "true" or "fake".

  8. nah .. wat i heard and see was proven to me thats why i believe .. thanks anyway .. =)


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