Saturday 9 February 2008

Banner of Wu Cai Shen Zhao Gong Ming Bao Gao (武財神寶誥)

In the Banner is the Bao Gao aka Praise Mantra of Wu Cai Shen Zhao Gong Ming aka The Military Deity of Wealth.

On the 5th Day of Lunar New Year, while doing the ushering & welcoming of Cai Shen, this Bao Gao can be recited.


  1. 玄壇武財神寶誥
    Xuan Tan Wu Cai Shen Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)

    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    大商監軍。 統其兵將。
    Da Shang Jian Jun, Tong Qi Bing Jiang

    黑面朱唇。 手執金鐧。
    Hei Mian Zhu Cun, Shou Zhi Jin Jian

    五龍鬚鬢。 護朝護國。
    Wu Long Xu Bin, Hu Chao Hu Guo

    愛惜良民。 生平節儉。
    Ai Xi Liang Min, Sheng Ping Jie Jian

    巨富欲人。 義膽忠靈。
    Ju Fu Yu Ren, Yi Dan Zhong Ling

    背負金印。 斬妖縛邪。
    Bei Fu Jin Ying, Zhan Yao Bo Xie

    除暴鄉鄰。 玄壇赫赫。
    Chu Bao Xiang Ling, Xuan Tan He He

    鬼魅神欽。 正氣英勇。
    Gui Mei Shen Qing, Zheng Qi Ying Yong

    金榜封神。 永垂千古。
    Jin Bang Feng Shen, Yong Chui Qian Gu

    果報金金。 金闕內相。
    Guo Bao Jin Jin, Jin Que Nei Xiang

    受命直轄。 四部財神。
    Shou Ming Zhi Xiao, Si Bu Cai Shen

    專理財務。 賜福世人。
    Zhuan Li Cai Wu, Chi Fu Shi Ren

    盡忠盡孝。 大勇大仁。
    Jin Zhong Jin Xiao, Da Yong Da Ren

    Jia Feng Yin Zi Gong Zhu

    Xuan Tan Yuan Shuai

    Xuan Hua Cai Shen Tian Zun

  2. Hi Bro, erm.. is zhao gong ming from the 'Shang dynasty' ? cos mi saw this 大商監軍 from the bao gao..

  3. Yes, according to Myth, he is one of the General that assist Zou Wang in fighting JIang Zi Ya.

    But in History, there is a person known as Zhao Gong Ming too, but whether is it refering to this Zhao Gong Ming, till today, we can give a definitely answer.

  4. Hi Master, besides the Feng Shen Bang myth, I heard another version saying that Zhao Gong Ming cultivated in Tiger Cave in Er Mei Mountain and subdued the black tiger and he also guarded the elixir urn for Celestial Master Zhang and after the elixir was formed, Celestial Master Zhang gave some to Zhao Gong Ming and he attained immortalhood after consuming it. Is there any accuracy in this version? Also, how did Zhao Gong Ming end up being the assistant of Xuan Tian Shang Di? Any history behind this? Thanks.

  5. Yup, this is being recorded in Taoist History.

    As for the saying Xuan Tian assistant, this was believed that, after Xuan Tian got enlighted, he needed the 36 Heavenly Marshals to assist him in making peace in the 3 realms, so he reported to Yu Huang and was granted the wish


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