Monday 4 February 2008

Introduction on Spiritual Animal Xie Zhi (神獸獬豸簡介)

Xie Zhi (獬豸), one of the 10 Spiritual Animals in the Ancient Era (上古十大神獸).

Earliest Era that people dedicated carvings or bronze statues to Xie Zhi was in Han Dynasty (最早記錄為漢朝年間).

So what is the outlook of a Xie Zhi?

According to the Ancient Records, Xie Zhi is born with a Single Horn, Dragon Head, body cover with long hair and paws of cow or sheep (獬豸生有獨角, 龍頭,毛體,牛羊足).

Due to the mixture outlook of Xie Zhi, a lot of people mistake Xie Zhi as a long-hair cow or a straight-hair sheep.

And also due to the Single Horn that Xie Zhi has, a lot of folks treated Xie Zhi as Qi Lin (麒麟) or Pi Xiu (貔貅), some claimed that Xie Zhi is the distant-relative of Qi Lin or Pi Xiu.

So what Xie Zhi is associated with?

According to the Ancient Records, Xie Zhi is a Spiritual Animal that lived near Rivers, Streams or Valleys. Usually Xie Zhi will not appear in front of any Mortals unless the Society is getting chaotic or Innocent accusing issues happened around the place where Xie Zhi stayed.

In myth, there is a record about Xie Zhi attacking a man who accused an innocent old man of stealing his money. After Xie Zhi appeared, Xie Zhi will used its Single Horn to kill the man who doing the wrongly-accusing. Once the man is killed, Xie Zhi will disappear into the Air.

And this is why, till today, no one can really know the actual spot of where a Xie Zhi stay or hide.

Due to his Uprightness and Righteous (正直仁義), Xie Zhi is usually used to represent Loyalty & Peace.

Today, Geomancy Masters will use Xie Zhi to assist people in getting rid of legal-cases and also to fight against back-stabbers aka Xiao Ren (小人).


  1. the last pic look like so animals on the roof of the chinses temple ?

  2. Yup, Xie Zhi is one of the many choices that the chinese will choose for decorating the top of temples.


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