Monday 5 May 2008

Introduction on Taoist Mantra – Tai Yang Zhen Jun Shen Zhou (太陽真君神咒)

Tai Ying Zhen Jun Shen Zhou aka The Spiritual Mantra of Lord of Sun aka Tai Yang Zhen Jun or Tai Yang Xing Jun, being recorded in the Taoist Scripture known as Yuan Shi Tian Zun Explains on the Eleven Brightness Stars that Provide the Enhancement Blessings for Beings  (元始天尊說十一大曜消灾神咒經).


Lord of Sun, one of the few Important Deities in Taoism that provide the living blessing for the Beings in the Mortal World.


In here, this Mantra is being recited in-order to get the direct connection with the Lord of Sun and also, to being enhanced with the Positive Energy that being bestowed upon one self by the Lord of Sun.


Besides reciting the normal Praise Mantra of Lord of Sun, one self can recite this Mantra on every morning, after waking up & wash-up.


So how to do the reciting?


After washing up, drink a cup of luke-warm water, calm one self down and then turn to the direction of East where you can see the Sunrise.


After turning to the East, make a simple bow and then, start to recite this Mantra. Usually one self can recite 3 times, 7 time or 9 times.


Once the reciting is done, make a simple bow again and then leave the spot.


For this Reciting, no Incenses or any form of Offerings are needed.



Tai Yang Zhen Jun Shen Zhou



Dong Wang Fu Sang Gong



Qi Shou Chao Wu Yi



Tai Yang Dong Ming Jing



Liao Liao He Suo Si



Ling Wu Bai Jin Se



Hou Tian Wang Ying Zhi



Huang Hua Jiang Yu Nv



Lin Xuan Jiang Ci Shi



  1. 東望扶桑宮。

    Did Japan got it name due to this?

  2. Yes, in the past, Japan was being address as Fu Sang or Dong Sang due to the addressing term that the folks called upon the Eastern Direction.

  3. Hi Shifu, what is the official title of Tai Yang Xing Jun and Tai Yin Xing Jun? Thx in advance.

  4. You just need to go thru the Bao Gao and you will see the Official Title.


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