Sunday 3 February 2013

Thanksgiving Ceremony at Singapore Dong Yue Temple 2013 (新加坡東嶽廟壬辰謝神儀式)


More pictures at!9fh1k9aYHx.FfTEzGpzcXFA-/gallery?cfid=149&post=%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%A8&edit=%E7%B7%A8%E8%BC%AF&delete=%E5%88%AA%E9%99%A4&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&fids%5B%5D=149&post=%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%A8&edit=%E7%B7%A8%E8%BC%AF&delete=%E5%88%AA%E9%99%A4&act=&fid=149&nfid=&yuid=jw%219fh1k9aYHx.FfTEzGpzcXFA-&page=1&.crumb=lfTNEjvgacf

While waiting for the Ushering in of the Spring for Gui Si Snake Year (癸巳蛇年), Jave in here will like to share with all of you the pictures that we have taken on 22nd Day of Lunar 12 Month, while we will be in Singapore Dong Yue Temple (新加坡東嶽廟) conducting the Thanksgiving Ceremony dedicated to Lord Dong Yue & the other Deities of the Temple.

All of us arrived at the Temple at about 8.00am and once the auspicious timing was up (8.48am), Jave started the Ceremony by making a Report to the Celestial Realm and the Deities of the Temple.

After the Reporting, it was the 1st Ritual to invite ALL the Deities from the Dong Yue Department (東嶽府) and followed by the ushering in of the High Authorities.

At about 9.30am, the Thanksgiving Ceremony started and everyone from the various Taoist Organisations/Groups had to participate in the honouring.

By 10.30am, the Thanksgiving Ceremony ended and the Enhancement Ceremony for the various Spiritual Items such as Flags, Seals, Talismans, etc, was being carried-out. Especially the special Seal dedicated to Du Cheng Huang (都城隍印), that belongs to Long Shan Fei Jie Fu (正一龍山飛捷府), was being enhanced with the witnessing of the presence of Lord Dong Yue & Du Cheng Huang.

Upon the completion of the Enhancement Ritual, the Ceremony for the Changing of Name (改名儀式) was being carried out on behalf of Taoist Ms Deborah Lau, under the witnessing of Lord Dong Yue. And with the permission granted, the Thumb-stamping Ceremony was being conducted in front of all the Deities.

At 11.30am, the Honouring of the Dipper Lords Ritual aka Li Dou (禮斗) was conducted after the Ushering in of the Star Lords & the Lighting of the Blessing Lamps. All Taoist Organisations/Groups that were involved had to participate in the Honouring.

Around 1.00pm, after 4 hours of Rituals/Ceremonies, the whole Thanksgiving Ceremony ended. Even though everyone was tired but everyone seems to have enjoyed the Day.

We hope to see more people join in in the Thanksgiving Ceremony at Dong Yue Temple in Year 2014.

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