Tuesday 2 February 2016

三星拱照福祿壽 Fu Lu Shou aka The Three Auspicious Star Lords

三星拱照福祿壽 Fu Lu Shou aka The Three Auspicious Star Lords









伴隨著“福祿壽”三星的還有他們的四位護法 “榮,華,富及貴”,在天文學中,“榮星”是一顆紅巨星 既是代表則一顆“老星”,正處於“爆炸”狀態。









Fu Lu Shou (福祿壽) aka Cai Zi Shou (財子壽), translated as Fortune, Prosperity & Longevity, 3 very popular Chinese/Taoist Deities in our Chinese Culture.

During Joyous Occasions or any Big Celebrations, paintings or scrolls of these 3 Deities will be seen. Even though these 3 Deities are so commonly seen, but there are still a lot of people who dont really know who are they or what are their background.

In-order to let the others have a better understanding on these 3 Deities, here I will do a brief & quick introduction on them.

According to our Taoist Records, the earliest period for the term Fu Lu Shou being mention/use is in Ming Dynasty (明朝). Before Ming Dynasty, these 3 Deities are usually being address/call according to their Official Title or any other forms of combined-titles.

Even though they are not known as a Group before Ming Dynasty, but in a lot of Rituals/Ceremonies, the 3 Deities are being invite to be the witnesses and also to provide the necessary blessings for the Mortals.

So what are actually their tasks?

For Fu Xing (福星) aka Fortune Star Lord, he is in-charge of Distributing or Delivering Fortune Luck to Mortals, due to the task or blessing that he has, he is being addressed as Cai Xing (財星) in Hokkien Custom (different from Cai Shen aka Deity of Wealth 與民間所祭祀之財神有所不同).

For Lu Xing (祿星) aka Prosperity Star Lord, he is in-charge of Distributing or Delivering of Prosperity Luck in Career & Academic, besides that, sometime the folks will approached him for the blessing of Children and this is how he got another addressing in Hokkien Custom known as Zi Xing (子星).

For Shou Xing (壽星) aka Longevity Star Lord, he is in-charge of Distributing or Delivering Long-life-span Luck or blessings to Mortals. This is why, during the Grand Birthday Celebration for the Elders, Shou Xing will be invited to give the blessing.

So who are they?

Different Eras, different versions of explanations will being given, but after several eliminating and finalizing, here are a few more accurate versions:

Version 1: made up of all the High Position Natural Deities, which is holding the direct authorities for the distributing & delivering

Fu – Lord Emperor Zi Wei (北極紫微大帝)

Lu – Lord Wen Chang (for academic blessing 九天文昌帝君)

Shou – Lord Emperor Nan Ji (南極長生大帝)

Version 2: made up of Reborn or Reincarnation Zhen () & Xian ()

Fu – Magistrate Officer Yang Cheng (陽城) aka Yang Kang Zong (陽亢宗), born in Tang Dynasty (CE736-805 生于唐朝年間)

Lu – Emperor Meng Chang (孟昶) aka Zhang Xian (張仙), born in Pre-Song Period (CE919-965 生于五代十國) – (for blessing of getting Children)

Shou – Name unknown (姓名不詳), due to the look of the boy (big head with a big lump on the fore-head), people address him as Shou Xing, born in Pre-Song Period (生于宋朝前,因長相生與傳說中壽星相同,因而得名壽星).

So do normal Homes honoured them?

Usually for normal Homes, we dont really pay respect to them neither making offerings to them.

For homes, we just needed to dedicate statues for them (any type of materials, such as porcelain, clay, wood, etc).

Besides the recording of the Natural Deities & Historical Characters, are we able to see them in real life?

Of cos can. Cause they are Real stars in the Sky.

According to Astrology, these 3 Stars are part of the Star-Group known as Orion, in Chinese Astrology term known as Lie Hu Xing Zuo (戶星座), translated as Hunter Star Group.

In Winter Period, if you will to look towards the Southern Hemisphere in the Sky, you will see these 7 Bright Stars. In the center part of the 7 Stars, there a straight-line that consists of 3 Stars, this straight line are the actual form of Fu Lu Shou.

According to the Astrology Study, these 3 Stars will reach the maximum height/point (最高點) on the Eve of Lunar New Year (or in the Past, folks claimed that they have reach the Center of the Heaven 除夕夜), once this happened, then Lunar New Year will arrived or the New Year starts from the moment when the Stars reach the point.

This is how the folks in the Ancient Era mark the arrival of Lunar New Year.

Since this is so, why people invite Deity of Wealth rather then inviting these 3 Stars?

This is One big mistake that the folks made. Due to commercial influences and in-accurate promoting of un-necessary Culture, inviting of Deity of Wealth becomes a trendy to follow, which is not accurate.

To be more accurate or exact, on the Eve of Lunar New Year (after the clock strikes Zi Hour -2300 in Chinese Countries, 0000 in Singapore 子時), the Deities that folks needed to invite or usher in shall be these 3 Stars.

Do we need to choose a Direction?

If you are staying in the Southern part of the World, then no need to choose any Direction, just needed to set an Altar in an open field or area, pay respect to the Heaven above us, call-upon the Official titles of these 3 Star Lords or just address them as Fu Lu Shou, they will be able to get your message.

For those who are not staying in the Southern part of the World, then on the Eve of Lunar New Year, set the Altar facing the South Direction, same thing, called upon them, they will know.

But in other teaching, some of the Directions are invaded by Negative Spirits on the Eve or on the First Day of New Year?

This is due to the invitation of the Deity of Wealth.

If we are going according to this type of saying, then on the Day of other Celebrations or Birthday of Jade Emperor of Heaven, we needed to set an exact direction too. This type of teaching is not Natural, once its not Natural, this is not known as the Culture of Taoism.

財神和福祿壽星 - 福祿壽星

祿 祿 祿 祿 祿 祿 祿 祿 祿

使 祿 祿 祿 祿

:有 祿 祿 祿 殿 祿 祿





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