Wednesday 4 June 2008

Lord Wen Chang Wisdom-enhancing Incantation (文昌帝君開心聰穎神咒)

Lord Wen Chang aka Wen Chang Di Jun, one of the 5 Deities that being appointed to look into Academic Issues for Students in Taoism Context.

And in Taoism, he is the Only Solely Deity that got the highest Authority to issue Academic Blessings for the Students who make requests in front of him.
According to Taoism Deity System Records, Lord Wen Chang Manifestation Anniversary fall on the 3rd Day of Lunar 2 Month (文昌帝君聖誕為農曆二月初三日). Usually on this Day, parents will bring their Children or Students who are attending important Examinations, will visit Temples that dedicate Altars to Lord Wen Chang to make their Respect to him in-order to get Blessing for "Passing of Examination".

In Taoism, we do have a few Rituals/Ceremonies conducted to do enhancement for such events. One of them is by reciting the Bao Gao (Praise Mantra) and then the following Mantra known as Wisdom-opening Mantra.

This Mantra is being recited in-order to allow the Positive Energy that given out by Lord Wen Chang (Wen Chang Star in the Heavenly Realm) to be bestowed (shine) upon one person.

Once such Energy is being bestowed to one person and that person got Good & Direct Connection with Lord Wen Chang or Wen Chang Star, the person will be blessed and of cos, the Wisdom in the Mind will be opened up within moment.

This Mantra is not only mend for students but also for those who are doing Spiritual Cultivation, only by Opening up of one self Wisdom, then one self is able to open up the other Physical Parts of the Physical Bodies to absord the other Spiritual Energies that being released by the Three Realms, Deities or Surrounding.

Okay, for those who wished to start reciting the following Incantation, a few things needed to look into, here they go:

1 - Try to recite this Incantation on every 1st or 15th Day of the Lunar Month in front of the Altar after paying Respect to the Home Deities. Not necessary to dedicate any Statue for Lord Wen Chang, as long as one self Call-upon the Official Title of him (Wen Chang Di Jun)

2 - Before reciting, always try to make one self clean and calm. Try to drink a cup of Luke-warm Water and rest for a while and then start reciting.

3 - Just before the reciting starts, make a simple bow and then kneel down respectfully and then start the reciting.

4 - For Taoism, we can recite such Incantations for 3, 5, 7 or 9 times. If one self got the extra time, then reciting can go up to 21 time. For those who are reciting for the others, do remember to report the name & Date of Birth of the person to Lord Wen Chang first and then proceed with the reciting.

5 - Once the reciting is done, Respectfully stand up and make a bow and then leaven the spot.

Heres the Incantation:

Jiu Tian Da Di. Shen Pi Bai Yi

Ri Yue Zhao Yao. Qian Kun Gan Sui

You Nen Chi Song. Cong Ming Ru Si

Huang Lao Dan Yuan. Yu Xin He Yi

Wu Shen Wei Shou. Ba Sheng Hu Chi

Song Zhi Bu Chuo. Wan Shen Fu Ji

Di Si Da Hua. Wen Ye Qiong Gui

Ci Yuan Hao Dang. Bi Zhen Feng Chi

Jiu Tian Kai Hua. Wan Zhang Dong Wei

Yuan Huang Shang Di. Wu Ji Wu Chi

Ji Ji Ru Yuan Huang Shang Di Lv Ling


  1. sifu..iziit 元皇上帝 i another wen chang official name??thanks..

  2. There are 2 saying:

    1 Yuan Huang Shang Di is the Overall Deity that in-charge of Academic, which is consider as the Initial Form.

    2 Yuan Huang Shang Di is Wen Chang Di Jun.

  3. can cal upon Yuan Huang shang wen chang di Jun...tq


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