Sunday 31 August 2008

Spiritual Encounter for the 7th Month (農曆七月之靈異說)


Lunar 7th Month of Year 2008 is considered officially over, for those who are extremely anxious and afraid of the Month, I’m sure by now, you shall have felt relief and relax.

Okay, just to share with you all on what had happened today.

On Saturday Morning, just before I leave home for one of the appointment made with one of our French Friends, an urgent call came, saying that one of the family members was being haunted by the Wanderings. And so, immediately after putting down the call, I dashed over to the caller’s home to take a look and possible, provide my necessary assistance.

Upon reaching the premises, the other family members looked extremely worried, after finding out more from them and I noticed that the case was not that serious as so-called being haunted by the Wanderings.

The case goes like this:

The daughter of one of my brother’s friends, went to sing karaoke with another girl-friend on last Thursday evening.

After the singing duration was up, the 2 girls called for the waiter to make their bill.

Upon receiving the bill slip, the 2 girls were shocked to release that on the bill slip, it stated payment for 3 people.

And so, after a short clarification with the waiter, the 2 girls went over to the main counter to make another round of clarification with the Manager. After a short commotion, the Manager decided to show them the Video-clip of their Cabinet to them to prove that there were 3 people inside the room and so, the girls agreed.

Immediately after the Video-clip was being rewind and play, the 2 girls turned pale and without a second word, they made their payment and left the Karaoke Lounge.

So what did they saw?

The 2 girls, the Manager and the waiter saw another guy sitting besides the 2 girls, looking at them while they were singing and playing with each other.

After the daughter reached home, on that very night, she started to have fever and in her sleep, she keep mumbling to herself, which the other family members were not able to understand what languages the daughter was speaking.

1 Day passed and on the Friday Night, the daughter seems to have calmed down but again, the fever was still there and so, on Saturday Morning, the parent decided to call me to check-up with me on what had really happened.

After taking a short observation on the daughter, everything seems to be okay, just that, she got a very terrible shock from the images that she saw in the Video-clip (as long as oneself is Upright, need not worry of such encounters. These Wanderings are just there to join in the fun, they wont harm anyone unless someone harm them. Do not mistaken that only in this Month, then oneself will encountered such issue).

With my minimal assistance of advising the parent to prepare the necessary stuffs to offer to the Wanderings, the daughter had recovered and able to leave the bed.

Soon after the daughter woke up and I found that it was time for me to make a move. Just before I left the Premises, I checked the timing and was shocked to notice that, it was almost Evening time.

Again, I missed a few appointments today.

Sorry to my dearest friends.


  1. It's over? but it's not 30th of lunar 7th month yet wor..?? Sorry Jave bro, but i'm confused.


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