Thursday 3 September 2009

Introduction on Mount Tai General Wu Dao (東嶽五道將軍簡介)

General Wu Dao aka Wu Dao Jiang Jun (五道將軍), a Taoist Deity that In-charge of Witholding the Order of the Souls & Spirits while the Souls & Spirits Enter-into or Exit-out from the Nether Realm (冥府) aka Negative Dimension (陰司).

According to Ancient Records, Wu Dao Jiang Jun was the Subordinate or Assistant of Dong Yue Da Di aka Lord Mount Tai (泰山東嶽大帝). Besides that, Wu Dao Jiang Jun was also the Assistant of Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (太乙救苦天尊), while Lord Tai Yi travelled around to carry the Task of Salvations.

In Nether Realm, Wu Dao Jiang Jun would Assist the Lords of the Ten Court (十殿冥王 the 10 Manifestations of Lord Tai Yi 十方化身救苦天尊) in Creating Recording for the Newly Pass-on Souls, Eliminate the Old Records of Reborn Souls & also, Fixing Good or Bad Reborn for a Reborning Soul.

While Wu Dao Jiang Jun being invited into the Mortal Realm, he would be In-charge of Ensuring that the Souls & Spirits that being Release-out were in Order and not Creating any Mischievous Actions to the Mortals. When Wu Dao Jiang Jun arrived in the Mortal Realm, he would Change his Face-color from Brown to Green, in-order to Withold the Authorities that Heaven appointed to him in Maintaining the Order for the Souls & Spirits.

In the Mortal Realm, Wu Dao Jiang Jun would carried a Fan (幡) aka Banner Flag with Five Colors-cloth on it, the Five Colors were Gold (金), Silver (銀), Green (綠), Brown (褐) & Black (皂) and also a Spiritual Whisk (拂塵) to lead the Souls or Spirits to the assigned or destinated Venues.

These Five Colors were there to represent the Five Bridges that existed in the Nether Realm or Negative Dimension. The Five Bridges were:

1) Golden Bridge (金橋), to lead to Positive Realm or Heavenly Realm
2) Silver Bridge (銀橋), to lead to Mortal Realm with Good & Prosperity Reborn
3) Jaden Bridge (玉橋), to lead to Mortal Realm with Good but Normal Reborn
4) Wooden Bridge (木橋), to lead to Mortal Realm with Normal but Hardship Reborn
5) Nether World Suffering Bridge (奈何橋), to lead to Nether Realm for Sins & Debts Hearing and maybe Punishments

While Wu Dao Jiang Jun was being appointed to Stand-guard in the Nether Realm, he would usually hold onto the Five Color Fan (五色幡) and also a Spear (槍) in-order to maintain the Order in the Chaotic Realm.

In Taoist Salvation Rituals/Ceremonies, Wu Dao Jiang Jun will be invited to the Salvation Venue to assist in the High Priests to maintain the Order. In certain cases, Wu Dao Jiang Jun's Paper-figurine will be made dedicated to him and being placed near to the Main Altar of Salvation.

In Asia now, due to the Mixture-culture and Non-relevant Teachings, alot of Taoists & Chinese had stopped inviting Wu Dao Jiang Jun but Da Shi Ye aka The Buddhist Ghostly King. Now, in some Areas in Asia, the Buddhists even Claimed that Wu Dao Jiang Jun is the General that In-charge of the Liu Dao Lun Hui (六道輪迴) aka the Six Realms Reborning Cycle. I can said that, this is NOT Accurate & Official.

In some Taoist Contexts, Wu Dao Jiang Jun is also being illustrated as the Deity of Opening of the Path in the Five-directions. Which I cant said that this is totally Wrong but Not very Accurate. Worst is that, Folks tend to relate him with the Robbery or Theif Deities (五盜神) - due to the Same Pronouciation on the Official Titles.

Manifestation Anniversary of General Wu Dao falls on 12th Day of Lunar 3 Month (五道將軍化身聖誕為農曆三月十二日).


In here, I will like to use this Opportunity to advise Official Temples & Taoists in changing the Invitation of Wu Dao Jiang Jun while Temples or any Taoists conducting the Rituals/Ceremonies for Salvation. Cos in Taoism, Only Wu Dao Jiang Jun is able to perform the Necessary Tasks for the Salvation.

Hope that after Returning Wu Dao Jiang Jun his True Identity in this Mortal Realm, he is able to bless All the Mortals with Good Future and Good Reborn.


  1. i have a feeling once this deity is being made known/popular, some sintua will start trancing him.. :)

  2. Definitely. But for those who trance him, then we will know that they are Fake Mediums...

    In order to invite Wu Dao, there are a few Skills that oneself needed to equip off. This applies to Taoist Priests too.

  3. Nowadays sintua trancing more and more new hell gods also..latest is the nai he tong zi...

  4. i found out that, nei her tong zi pose a bit same as him....Maybe people misunderstood>...

  5. Yes, to be more exact, there isnt any such Being existed in any form of Records.

  6. Shifu how ur kimsin come about

  7. This statue is made according to an Old Scroll that being pass-down by Long Shan Men's Ancestor. So now, can said that, this is the Only Wu Dao Jiang Jun statue in Singapore.

    The statue is made accordingly to the details that being recorded.

  8. No, this is the Paper Tablet used in the Past for Honouring Wu Dao.

  9. when ur Sept LSM Darizi, All statue will be displayed??? haha. wana have a look of LSM kimsin.

  10. Not Really, cos some of them are not yet being shipped into Spore.

  11. Actually most of ur LSM disciple An LSM kimsin all very special and nice.. Seldom see in singapore....Haha.. When ship liao... any big Program tell me... HAha wana go look look be a KPO

  12. Yup, individual of them will have a set of Deities to honour. Most of them are 1st time seen in Singapore, especially the 16 Heavenly Marshals.

    The rest are dedicated accordingly to the Scriptures & their Spiritual & Heavenly Tasks.

  13. ALL the 16 Heavenly Marshals are being passed down by the Ancestors, they are the 16 Heavenly Marshals that being invited from the Thunderial & Firey Department in Taoism to do Spiritual Teaching for ALL the LSM disciples.

  14. 東嶽五道將軍寶誥
    General Wu Dao Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)

    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    Ci Zun Hua Shen. Ling Dao You Ling

    Tai Yi Ban Chuan Zhi Ling

    Wu Se Wu Fan Chang Yang

    Zhen Shou Zhai Tan Zhi Zhong Yang

    Xiao Ming Dong Yue Jun An Xia

    Fu Zuo Chao Du Yin Wu Dao

    Qu Fen Jin Yin Yu Mu Nai

    Shou Zhi Huo Qiang. Wei Chi Zhi Xu

    Xian Fu Yin Du. Deng Shang Xian Qiao

    You Ming Sui Ji Cheng Kong

    Shen Ze Nai De Yuan Rong

    Da Bei Da Yuan. Da Sheng Da Ci

    Ren Qi Tai Shan Dong Yue Xian Feng

    Tai Yi Qing Hua Ling Dao

    Wu Fang Wu Dao Da Jiang Jun

  15. Hi, master Jave. Just asking what it mean by they are fake medium? Does that mean the god does not exist at how?

  16. Hahaha, there are alot in the Sintua Society now, what we can said is that, some of them are just putting on a performance, real mediums do exist. some of them i know are now over 60 years old.

  17. Master Jave, so Nai He Tong Zi is a god that does not exist?

  18. So Nai he tong zi is a god that does not exist?

  19. Cant said that is fake, see how people invite Nai He Tong Zi, cos in Taoism, there are a few Tong Zi that guard against the 5 Bridges.


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