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Time really files, with a Blink, it’s already the 5th Day of Lunar 1 Month (大年初五日).
In Chinese Culture and Taoist Practise, this is the Day for Taoists to perform the Ushering of Deity of Wealth into One’s Home (迎接財神) – in some Context, this is the Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming & his other 4 Assistants (五路財神).
On this Day, Taoists will visit Temples that dedicate to Deity of Wealth or Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong (趙公明天君) to do requesting of Wealth Blessing.
In most of the Countries in Asia, Taoists still continue to do that, except Singapore & Malaysia, which will perform the Ushering in of Deity of Wealth on the Eve of Lunar New Year – due to Commercialization and Money Making Issues.
So where can our Singapore Taoists go to for the Ushering of Deity of Wealth?
In Singapore, for those interested parties, you may wish to visit Sembawang Cai Shen Temple (三巴旺財神廟) to pay respect to the various Deities of Wealth and then invite the Incenses back for burning, as a significant of inviting Deity of Wealth into One’s Home.
If not, Oneself can engage Official or Trained Taoist Priests to perform such a Ceremony at Home on the Early Morning of the 5th Day. Usually such Ceremonies will bring in some Joyous result within a short period.
For those who cant visit Temples or engage Priests, Oneself or the Family can do some simple Preparation for the Ushering in of Deity of Wealth.
So what to prepare for the Ushering?
Here are the Offerings that Oneself can prepare:
1 Oranges of 5 (大桔五粒)
2 Huat Kueh of 1 (發糕一個)
3 Nian Gao of 1 (年糕一個)
4 Traditional 12 Bowls (十二齋碗)
5 Chinese Lettuce 1 Bundle (生菜一把)
6 Long Incenses of a Set of 3 (長壽香三支)
7 Red Candles 1 pair that can last for 24 Hours (紅斗燭一對)
8 Chinese Tea & Rice Wine of 3 cups each (茶酒各三杯)
9 Tian Gong Jin 3 Stacks (天公金三疊)
10 San Bao Jin 3 Stacks (三寶金三疊)
11 Da Xiao Gui Ren Paper 3 Stacks each (大小貴人紙各三份)
12 Raw Rice, Green Bean, Yellow Bean, Red Bean & Rice Glutinous Rice - a Teaspoon each (生白米/綠荳/紅豆/黃荳/糯米各一茶匙) – mix ALL the Grains in a RED bowl (將所有穀類拌勻﹐放入紅碗中)
What to do after Preparing ALL the necessary Offerings?
Place them out nicely on the Main Altar at Home.
Between 9-11Am, using the Long Incenses, make 3 Bows to the Heaven 1st and then proceed into the Home and Call-upon the Deity of Wealth.
Report who you are and where you stay. After then, report the Date of the Day and follow by your Request.
After finishing, make 3 Bows in front of the Main Altar and then Offer the Incenses into the Main Urn.
After 15minutes, retrieve the Paper Offerings for Burning.
Remember not to retrieve the other Offerings until the 6th Day Morning. As for the Mix-grains, do not keep them, Pour them into a Glass bottle and then place it on the Main Altar. These Grains are actually the Spiritual Items for Ushering in the Wealth from ALL Directions.
Some People may want to cook the Grains, remember not to cook all, must at least leave 50% for the Placing on the Main Altar.
On the 24th Day of Lunar 12 Month (農曆臘月廿四日), then retrieve the Mix-grains and Burn them off with San Bao Jin (三寶金).
Last of ALL, wishes ALL of you, having a Prosperity & Wealthy Year.
Hello Jave Shifu,
ReplyDeleteSo ushering at home can only be done if Oneself has a Home Altar? Those without Home Altars have to go to the temple?
Those who dont have can place a table facing outdoor to usher in the Deity of Wealth.