Wednesday 18 August 2010

Heavenly Lord Tai Yi Descending Day for Year 2010/2011 (庚寅/辛卯年太乙救苦天尊下降日)

In Taoism, certain Contexts marked the 11th Day of Lunar 7 Month as the Manifestation Day of Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (太乙天尊聖誕) but to be more Accurate, this Day shall be known as the Descending Day of Lord Tai Yi for the Salvation of the Suffering & Wandering Souls (太乙天尊廣大慈悲救苦拔幽濟度朝/日).

For Year 2010, it falls on the 20 Aug, a Friday.

For Year 2011, it falls on the 10 Aug, a Wednesday.

Heavenly Lord Tai Yi, the Supreme Heavenly Lord that In-charge of the Salvation of Souls & Spirits in Taoism. And can said that, he is the Only One that being Official Recognised in Taoism for the Compassionate & Passion of Salvaging the Suffering Souls.

During this Day, in Taoism, special & grand Rituals/Ceremonies would be conducted for the Taoist Priests to evoke the Energies & Blessing from Heavenly Lord Tai Yi in-order to Divert/Direct/Dedicate the Salvation Blessing to the Suffering Souls & Wandering Spirits and lead them Back to the Source where after a Mortal pass-on – Dong Ji Qing Hua Chang Le Jie (東極青華長樂界) aka The Eternal Joyous & Serenity Realm of the Eastern Palace.

And maybe due to the Misunderstanding of the other Non-Taoist Faiths, telling People that 7th Month is a Month for the Releasing of Hungry Ghosts from the Hell to the Mortal Realm, many Folks had combined these 2 Events together to become the so-called “Hungry Ghost Festival (餓鬼節)”.

For those who can Understand how the Official Taoism had functioned and how the Upright Teaching that our Taoist Ancestors had pass-down, I, personally think that, a lot of Practises & Mindsets must be changed in-order to return the Truth Identity of 7th Month Festival back to the Original Objective & Purpose.

So what can Oneself do on this Day to get the Blessing from Lord Tai Yi?

In Taoism, on this Day, it will be the Best Day to Honour Lord Tai Yi by using the Five Taoist Offerings aka Dao Jiao Wu Gong (道教五供 – link:

Besides that, will be requesting Blessing & Salvation from Lord Tai Yi for the Pass-on Ones by lighting a 7-days Candles with the Labelling of the Name & Death-Date of the Pass-on Ones and then, placed it in front of Lord Tai Yi or Altar that dedicated to Three Realms (三界台).

So how to write the Labelling for the Candles?

Here it goes:

Print it out using a 5cm (width) by 10cm (height) Label or Red Paper.

For Grandfather & Male Ancestors (祖父輩及男祖上):

For Grandmother & Female Ancestors (祖母輩及女祖上):

For Father & Father-in-laws (父輩):

For Mother & Mother-in-laws (母輩):

For Male Pass-on (男卒者-不分年齡):

For Female Pass-on (女卒者-不分年齡):

So once the Candles are Ready, what to do next?

Once All the Candles are ready, Respectfully make 3 Bows to Lord Tai Yi or Heaven and then kneel down and report what is the Date, Name of Oneself and the Lighting of the Candles for the Pass-on.

After then, light the Candles and recite the Official Title of Lord Tai Yi for 21 Times and then Stand-up and place the Candles on the Altar.

Official Title of Lord Tai Yi: Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Ku Tian Zun (太乙尋聲救苦天尊)

Once this is Done,the Credits & Blessing for the Lighting of the Candles for the Pass-on is considered completed.

1 comment:

  1. Which are the temples with altars dedicated to Lord Tai Yi or Three Realms?


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