Friday 22 May 2009

What your Dreams tell you? Series 4 (夢中景,現實情)


Upon request, in here, I will share with you a series of various Dreams & the Meaning behind each Dream.

Due to the Recording of the Dreams are done in Zhou Dynasty, so some of Dreams & the Meaning are somehow Out-dated. For those Out-dated Dreams, in here, I will not do any form of Introduction on it, in-order to minimize misconceptions.

Here it goes for Series 4, dreaming of different forms of Apparel (冠带衣服鞋袜)

烧毁衣褲欲更官。Dreaming of Oneself burning Robes & Clothing, meaning that Oneself is going to switch to New Job or being Retrench.

女着衣带主生子。Dreaming of Lady wearing Male's Clothing, meaning that Oneself will be expecting a New Child.

洗清衣服皆大吉。Dreaming of Washing Clothing, meaning that Oneself will be bestowed with Good Fortune & Luck.

裁衣着孝衣皆吉。Dreaming of Oneself wearing Mourning Clothing, meaning that Prosperity & Good Luck is Approaching.

着黄衣皂衣皆吉。Dreaming of Oneself wearing Yellow & Black Clothing, meaning that Good Luck is Approaching.

着青衣神人助力。Dreaming of Oneself wearing Green/Blue Clothing, meaning that Deities are providing the Necessary Blessing for Oneself.

众人着青家人散。Dreaming of Family Members wearing Green/Blue, meaning that Oneself will be encountering some form of Departures (Live or Death).

众人着白主官事。Dreaming of Family Members wearing White, meaning that Oneself will be facing some Legal Cases.

鞋破子孙妻妾病。Dreaming of Shoes having holes, meaning that Children or Spouse will be infected with Illnesses.

着麻鞋百事和合。Dreaming of wearing Mourning Slippers, meaning that the Family will be bestowed with Unity & Prosperity.


  1. Dear Shi Fu Jave,

    Mervin here. I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed I saw one of my tooth was rotting and it fell off my mouth. Please advice if this is a good or bad. Thanks

  2. Hi Mervin,

    PLease do refer to the Series 3 for the Prediction. After reading the Prediction. PM me.


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