Tuesday 26 May 2009

What your Dreams tell you? Series 8 (夢中景,現實情)


Upon request, in here, I will share with you a series of various Dreams & the Meaning behind each Dream.

Due to the Recording of the Dreams are done in Zhou Dynasty, so some of Dreams & the Meaning are somehow Out-dated. For those Out-dated Dreams, in here, I will not do any form of Introduction on it, in-order to minimize misconceptions.

Here it goes for Series 8, dreaming of seeing Gems & Metals (金银珠玉鐵器)

金银宝者主富贵。Dreaming of seeing alot of Gems & Jewelleries, meaning that Oneself will be bestowed with Great Wealth.

珠玉满怀主有凶。Dreaming of Oneself grabbing tons of Gems & Jewelleries, meaning that some Negative Issues are happening.

见铁器物主得财。Dreaming of seeing Metals Items (Utensils), meaning Oneself will be gaining a sum of Wealth in no time.

铝与锡者主得财。Dreaming of seeing Aluminium & Tin, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Wealth Luck.

还人钱物疾病去。Dreaming of Returning Money to someone, meaning that Oneself's Sickness will be recovering soon.

拾得钱物皆大吉。Dreaming of Oneself picking Money, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Luck.

家中分财主离散。Dreaming of Distributing Money to Family Members, meaning that Oneself will be encountering some forms of Departure (Live or Death).

箱器主口舌之事。Dreaming of seeing Chest-box, Wooden Boxes or Boxes used to contain Wealth, meaning that Oneself will be encountering Conflicts or Arguements.


  1. Shifu, may I ask you a question? I dreamed that on my altar, a piece of Gui Ren paper flew from the altar and into my hand. Then it unfolded itself, and the Gui Ren paper was really big, like a map. The room was very bright, like sunrise.

    What does this mean?

  2. In near future, some good issues will be happening.

  3. Wow, thank you for the message. I have some issues I want to fix, so I hope this is related to those. Thank you Master Jave!

  4. Hmm, then you shall put in confident in doing that. I'm sure you will succeed.

  5. Jave, I dreamt that when I flip a math textbook (me still a student) then I tore about 2 pages. Is this a bad omen?

  6. Recall on your Maths Study, which part is your worst or cant score part? Concentrate on that part.


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