Saturday 23 May 2009

What your Dreams tell you? Series 5 (夢中景,現實情)


Upon request, in here, I will share with you a series of various Dreams & the Meaning behind each Dream.

Due to the Recording of the Dreams are done in Zhou Dynasty, so some of Dreams & the Meaning are somehow Out-dated. For those Out-dated Dreams, in here, I will not do any form of Introduction on it, in-order to minimize misconceptions.

Here it goes for Series 5, dreaming of different forms of Weapons & Musical Instruments (刀剑旌旗钟鼓)

旗幡迎接大富贵。Dreaming of seeing different forms of Banners & Flags, meaning that Prosperity & Good Luck are approaching.

见做新旗大吉利。Dreaming of People making New Flags, meaning that Prosperity & Good Luck are approaching.

与人相砍大吉利。Dreaming of People Fighting with Swords or Knives, meaning that Prosperity & Good Luck are approaching.

被刀出血得飲食。Dreaming of being Cut by Knife and start Bleeding, meaning that someone will be treating you to have a Good Meal.

持刀刺人有吉利。Dreaming of using a Sword or Weapon to Poke someone, meaning that Prosperity is being bestowed upon Oneself.

磨刀剑锋快大吉。Dreaming of Sharpening the Knife, meaning that Oneself will be gaining a sum of Wealth in no time.

刀在睡床大吉利。Dreaming of Knife placing on the Bed, meaning that Prosperity & Good Luck are approaching.

剪刀剪物主得财。Dreaming of Scissors cutting some items, meaning that Oneself will be gaining a sum of Wealth in no time.

钟鼓齐鸣福禄至。In Dream, heard Bell & Drum sounding, meaning that Good Prosperity is approaching.

打鼓有声远人来。Dreaming that Oneself is sounding the Drum and the Drum is giving out a Loud souns, meaning that someone whom you longing to meet is coming.

见鼓不鸣凶必至。Dreaming of Drum but no one was there to sound it, meaning that some Bad Issues are happening in no time.


  1. Hi Shifu,
    I have dreamt, that someone told me that my toilet bowl is defect and he brings the new one. Does the dream have good or bad meaning?
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    Warm regards,

  2. Toilet Bowl or Toilet represent Wealth.

    If you got this type of dream, usually there are 2 outcomes:

    1) you are facing some Wealth-issues that needed you to solve in a short period
    2) you are going to do investment soon, but this investment might bring you some slight problem, if you not going to handle it properly.

  3. Dreaming of Knife seems to signify good luck.

  4. Usually some Dreams do have the Opposite Meaning or Significates in our Real Life.

    Knife can be Positive and also Negative. If Knife is being used on Oneself, usually it will have Positive Effects.


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