Wednesday 14 May 2014

甲午馬年北極紫微大帝千秋巡視 Manifestation Anniversary & Inspection Day of Heavenly Emperor Zi Wei 2014

In Taoism, on the 15th Day of Lunar 1 Month (農曆正月十五日), it is believed to be the Most Important Day of the whole Lunar Year.

Why? Due to the Inspection of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (天官紫微大帝) – in some Contexts, this Day is also known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Lord Tian Guan.

On this Day, while Lord Tian Guan performed his Inspection, he will also perform the Bestowing of Prosperity and Luck to those who deserve it (from ALL the previous Recordings & Inspection).

And so, in Taoism, on this Day, Taoists & Chinese will have to perform the Honouring dedicating to Lord Tian Guan. While performing the Honouring, Oneself shall Sincerely & Faithfully make Self-reflection, make Vows to make Changes – Eliminate the Wrong Doings, etc.

But in other Taoist Contexts, Lord Tian Guan's Anniversary also falls on 18th Day of Lunar 4 Month (另一記錄為農曆四月十八日) or this Day is known as the Inspection Day of Lord Tian Guan (或稱紫微天官大帝巡視日).

For Year 2014, it falls on 16 May, a Friday.

So what can Oneself Prepare for the Honouring?

For Honouring of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan, for Official Taoist, we try to keep it Simple & Official.
For Official Taoists, Oneself can just use Taoist Five Offerings (道教五供) for the Honouring (link at

For Layman Taoists, Oneself can add in Longevity Buns (壽桃包), Longevity Noodles (壽麵), Huat Kueh (發糕), Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿) and Five Oranges (五粒桔子).

So when is the Best Timing to Do the Honouring?

The Honouring can be starts on the Eve after 11.00Pm.

For those who can’t, the Honouring can be done between 9.00Am –5.00Pm on the Actual Day.
So what shall Oneself do during the Honouring?

Before the Honouring starts, remember to place ALL the Offerings on the Main Altar at Home or Temple.

For those who wish to do the Honouring at Home but do not have an Altar then Oneself can prepare a Table facing outdoor or Heaven.

After everything is being put in place, sincerely light 3 Long Incenses and make 3 Bows.

After the 3 Bows, kneel down and start to report Oneself’s Name (for those who wish to do the Honouring on Behalf of the Others, remember to recite their Names too), Residing Address and then Call-upon the Official Title of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (天官紫微大帝聖號) and last, Recite the Praise Incantation aka Bao Gao of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (天官紫微大帝寶誥).

Official Title of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (天官大帝聖號):

Shang Yuan Yi Pin Jiu Qi Tian Guan Ci Fu Zi Wei Da Di (上元-品九氣天官賜福紫微大帝)
More info on Emperor Zhi Wei (紫微大帝简介):

Praise Incantation aka Bao Gao of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (天官大帝寶誥):

Refer to this link:

Upon Completion of the Recitation of the Bao Gao, make 3 Bows and then start to do Oneself’s Requesting.

Once the Requesting is done, make 1 Bow and then slowly stand up and leave the Altar.
The whole Honouring will End here.

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