Monday 19 November 2007

Creation of Dou Mu and Relationships of Dou Mu's Family (斗姆的產生及其家族的演變)

After going thru so many Taoist Websites, seeing a lot of postings and answering of enquiries on Dou Mu (斗姆) and her Family, I realized that, a lot of Taoists or people who are interested in Dou Mu and her Family still couldn’t get a clear picture on this Celestial Family (斗星之家族).
Why this happened?

From my researches, it can be classified as the following reasons:

1 – Those who know are not willingly to share the information with the others, by doing so, they can claimed that they are the only one who know how "Taoism" or The Chinese Deity System work

2 – Those who know but afraid of sharing with the others, cos they worried that they might get nasty comments or being shoot back that the information they provided are wrong

3 – Those who don't know and yet wanted to share the information with the others which lead to wrong promoting of our Taoism Culture and the Lineage of Chinese Deities

4 – No one ever wanted to go thru the Taoist Scriptures on this Celestial Family or got no chance to come across any of such Scriptures

5 – Rather listen to any un-authorised Spiritual People that going out to find the truth
Due to all the above mentioned mis-concepts, Dou Mu and her Family was being promoted wrongly for the past few decades. Till today, some ignorant people can still claimed that Dou Mu is actually Ma Zu aka Empress of the Sea (posted in their Web – which this group is a well-known group in Spiritual Cases) etc.

In order for people to understand more on Dou Mu and her Family, I have come out with 2 Pictorial Illustrations, hope that by doing so, more people can see the real lineage of Dou Mu’s Family.

The creation of Dou Mu and her family in Scientific view (斗姆的產生及科學見證):

Dou Mu (斗姆), the creator of Stars in the Universe (萬星之母), existed after the Big Bang Explosion (大爆炸/大霹靂) took place in the Universe at about 140,000,000,000 (大約一百四十億年前) years ago, Planet Earth (地球) only being created after 91,000,000,000 years (大約九十一億年前) after the Big Bang Explosion (In Taoism Deities Theory, Dou Mu was being manifested at about 1,230,000,000,000,000++ years after San Qing being manifested by Yuan Shi Tian Wang (與元始天王一氣化三清的一千二百三十億萬年之間﹐斗姆誕生了) – different contexts with different time-line).

Before the Big Bang took place, the Universe was in a jumble-up form, which in Taoism, known as Hun Yun Period (混元期) or Wu Ji Period (無極界). After an external force 外來之陽氣 being pull into the jumble-up Universe (Energy of Dou Fu 生為斗父), and crush onto the internal force 內在之陰氣 (Energy of Dou Mu 生為斗姆), a Big Explosion occurred (陰陽相極之氣相碰), which in Science, known as the Big Bang Explosion (而導致天文學中所稱之為的大爆炸/大霹靂).

During the Explosion, ultimate Heat and light ray were given out (this is why, Dou Mu got an Official title of Ju Guang – meaning extremely Brightness and also a title of Zi Guang Fu Ren – meaning Purple Ray – high heat 在兩極之氣相碰之時﹐巨大光芒及熱量被釋放﹐因此﹐斗姆又被稱之為巨光天后或紫光夫人) and the force of the Big Bang causes little other small objects to form, which later known as Stars (在碰撞之後﹐因大能量的產生﹐小小星體因此而誕生).
Soon after the Explosion ceased, the Stars floated around in the Universe and as time goes by, different sizes, weight and forms of Stars were being gathered around or being attracted to each other and soon, different formation of Stars will being formed, The Great Dipper of the North (Bei Dou Xing 北斗星), the Emperor Star (Zi Wei Xing 紫微星) and Assistant Lord Star (Tian Huang Xing 天皇星), etc, was being allocated at a stationary post. And this was how our Taoism Deities came about.

PS: In the initial period of Taoism, after the Creation of Dou Mu and Star Lords, San Qing (三清) manifested Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) and Hou Tu (后土皇祗), each to look after the Heavenly Realm and Earthly Realm, only after many years later, after (some recorded as before) Earth being formed, then Dong Ji Da Di (東極大帝) and Nan Ji Da Di (南極大帝) were being manifested. This is why, when San Qing appointing the 4 different Emperors to form the Si Yu (四御), Dong Ji and Nan Ji were not being included.


Emperor of Long Han Zu Jie Zhou Yu Kingdom (Dou Fu)
Father of All Star Lords
Empress Sheng De Ju Guang (Dou Mu)
Mother of All Star Lords
Emperor Zi Wei
(Consider as the 1st Son in Illustration 1 and in Illustration 2, Zi Wei is not included as part of the Nine Emperors, but individual Lord)
Emperor Tian Huang
(Consider as the 2nd Son in Illustration 1 and in Illustration 2, Tian Huang is not included as part of the Nine Emperors, but individual Lord)
Lord Bei Dou Tan Lang (1st Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Ju Men (2nd Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Lu Chun (3rd Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Wen Qu (4th Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Lian Zhen (5th Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Wu Qu (6th Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Po Jun (7th Star - Visible)
Lord Bei Dou Zuo Fu (8th Star - Invisible)
(Consider as an Assistant to the Dou Mu Celestial Family in Illustration 1 and in Illustration 2, Zuo Fu is included as part of the Nine Emperors, the 8th Son)
Lord Bei Dou You Bi (9th Star - Invisible)
(Consider as an Assistant to the Dou Mu Celestial Family in Illustration 1 and in Illustration 2, You Bi is included as part of the Nine Emperors, the 9th Son)


  1. For those who want to have a clearer view on the Illustration, just perform a click on the graph and a bigger view will pop up.

  2. In Spiritual Records and Myth, the Nine Emperors were being created after Dou Fu and Dou Mu combined their energies together.

    From what mentioned in the records, the Nine Emperors were being transformed into Nine Lotus bud after the energies combined and from there, the Nine Emperors grew up to what they were now.

  3. kum sia bro, thks for sharing.

  4. May I ask what does Zhou Yu Kingdom means? Thanks.

  5. Hahaha, its a Kingdom where Dou Fu was born.

    Till today, no one know exactly where this kingdom is located, cos in the manifestation of San Qing, Yuan Shi Tian Zun was also manifestation in the period that associated with the title Long Han..

    So for the moment, I can only conclude that, mayb this is a Spiritual Kingdom, just like the home country of Jade Emperor.

  6. This is very clear and the best article I ever seen about 斗姆

    Sometime it is very hard to explain people about Taoism because they are totally blind about basically Tai Ji/Wu Ji, Yin/Yang, 5 elements and qi.

    All can be squeeze to 2 things and 2 things can back to nothing.

  7. Hahahaha.. this is the Miracle of Wu Ji born Tai Ji,Tai Ji born YinYang and Yin Yang born everything, and of cos, everything came from the source of Wu Ji - meaning nothing :P

  8. why izzit that we pray to mother of all stars - dou mu and not father of all stars - dou fu? i mean dou mu is greatly seen and rituals always dedicated to dou mu, hoping that she will bless us, but seldom see dou fu? does he have a form or image?

  9. Hahaha.. In Spore or other part of Asia, not much people are being impart with the knowledge of Dou Fu and this is why, no one dedicate statues or temples to him.

    But in China, in some part of the Country, there's temples or altars being dedicated to him.

  10. Is it known as 斗父 or 天父 ???

  11. 斗父, Tian Fu refers to another Deity.

    Do not mix them up.

    Some ignorant and un-official sintua or Spiritual People tend to mix them up and give wrong info, which cause Taoism to end up in Chaotic situation, do be aware.

  12. Soon, a Human-made Experiment of the Big Bang will be carried out to prove that such an Explosion did exist in Dont-know-how-many-years ago...

    To add on, where there is any form of such Explosion occurs (regardless of Human Factor or Natural Occuring) a "New System" will be created in somewhere in our Universe (or in this Mortal World).

    If the Creation is Positive, it might somehow assist the Whole Energy to turn Good but if the Creation is Negative, it will turn out to be the Fear that most of the People who oppose the Experiment that going to take place soon - Black Hole occur and resulting in End of the World.

    Do take a closer look & do serious follow-up on this Experiment, I'm sure that we will learn alot of new things from there and able to relate it with our Taoist Records from the Ancient Era.

  13. Thanks to Taoist CyberJoob for translating the Article into Thai Language in-order to share the Knowledge with the Thai Taoist.

    Link at


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