Saturday 3 November 2007

Introduction on Ancestor of Chinese Brush Meng Tian (秦朝毛筆之聖蒙恬)

Introduction on Ancestor of Chinese Brush Meng Tian
Meng Tian (蒙恬), born in Pre-Qin or Qin Period (先秦或秦朝年間), born year unknown (生年不詳).
BC 221, Meng Tian was being accepted by Emperor Qin (秦始皇) and from then, Meng Tian started to assist Emperor Qin in fighting the invaders from Xiong Nu (匈奴).
In-order to stop the invaders from China's borders from attacking the Mainland, Meng Tian suggested to built a long distance barrier to block the entrance of all invaders. And so, Emperor Qin agreed on Meng Tian's suggestion, and this is how Great Wall of China 萬里長城 was being built (according to History records, Great Wall was built in around BC 221 - 214).
Besides that, Meng Tian also suggested to Emperor Qin that, Qin Imperial Court should invent some writing material (書寫器具) for the commoners to use rather then using burnt wooden sticks (charcoal) to do recording. Upon agreeing on his suggestion, Meng Tian started to invent writing material, and soon, Chinese Calligraphy Brush (毛筆) was being invented.
After Emperor Qin passed away, Meng Tian was being outcast by the Qin Imperial Court.
Soon after receiving Zhao Gao's (the Evil Premier 趙高) command, Meng Tian killed himself.
From then, due to Meng Tian's credits and merits of inventing the Brush, folks respect him as the Deity of Writing/Calligraphy (書寫之聖).

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