Saturday 29 August 2009

Kreta Ayer Merchant Association 7th Month Celebration (牛車水商聯中元會)

After a week's resting at home, today, I decided to bring my Mum to Chinatown to have our dinner and also, using the opportunity to drop by the 7th Month Celebration Tentage set-up beside Tooth-relic Temple.

Knowing that every year, Kreta Ayer Merchant Association will conduct Grand Celebration for 7th Month, but out of my expectation, this year, the Association is holding a Bigger Celebration, this is a Good Sign.

Upon finishing our Dinner, my Mum and I walked towards the Tentage. Just as we were crossing the Road from Greatwall Coffee-shop, we saw the Salvation Lantern being Set-up at one of the Corner at Blk 335A, so I decided to stop by to take some Pictures (Pic 01 - 03).

Upon the Arrival at the Tentage and from the Set-up, we noticed that Cantonese Taoist Priest Group, Nan Wu Rong Xin (南無榮新) was being engaged for the Salvation Ritual, which I always thought that was Cantonese Taoist Priest Group Nan Wu Xiang (南無祥).

Due to the Celebration has not yet started, so most of the Paper Figurines were not yet being Dotted (Pic 08 -09) and the Spiritual Notice was not yet Enhanced (Pic 19 - 24).

After a round of taking of Pictures, my Mum decided to make a move and so, we headed home.

PS: Something sad to know is that, some of the Information given on the Explanation Display Board are Not Accurate.

For High Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:


  1. Hi Jave,welcome back.
    can share some info about this picture..this is the first time i seen this.


  2. This is Cantonese Style of Pu Du, so in the Tentage, at one side, you will see Paper Figurines dedicated to Bai Wu Chang (白無常), Yi Guan (驛官), Cheng Huang (城隍) & Tu Di (土地).

    They are invited to take charge of the Order of the Wanderings.

  3. New Pics added (chinatownpudu_29.JPG - chinatownpudu_49.JPG)

  4. 此為祖先香位。供奉著理事們或前輩的仙靈。

  5. 此二座乃是金銀山。共幽魂平分作為盤產。

  6. 此乃普度告示。向三界告知何許人出錢出力以及由何方法師領導普度。

  7. 此為中元普度三寶。無此物﹐哪就不算普度了。

  8. 以下幾位皆為傳說中﹐元始天尊之十二弟子。正統道教之中卻無此說法。

  9. What is the purpose of this talisman?

  10. This is for Cleansing purposes.

  11. 元始天尊之十二弟子和中元会有什么关系呢?

  12. 這是粵籍道士之作風。嚴格來說﹐確實無相關。


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