Monday 18 January 2010

Chinese Zodiacs Luck in Geng Yin Year 2010 – Tiger 03 (庚寅年生肖運程之虎)


Tiger (虎)

It’s the Tiger’s turn to get in Conflict with Lord Tai Sui. This Year, due to the Conflicting, there wont be able Lucky Star to get into the Life Plan to perform any blessing. But do not worry, for those who have been performing requesting from Heaven & Deities for the past few Years/Months, once your requesting are being accepted, your Credits & Merits will be recorded.

In-order to break thru the Curse of the Conflicting, this Year, Tiger shall try to perform more Charity or providing necessary assistances to those who in need of help.

Charity not necessary to be involved with Money. Charity can be, using your Hands to do Cleaning or Carrying Contributed items to the needys or Donating of Blood in Hospital for the back-up use.

Do not hesitate in lending your Helping Hands to the Others.

This Year, for Guys, please be more aware of things you say while you are Working, Gather with Friends or while you are Outside. Some of your Harmless Words may bring Mis-fortune to you and also the people around you.

For Ladies, try to control your Emotions. Your anger will bring un-necessary Conflicts to you and also, Family Members & Friends.

To Block Off the Effects of the Conflicting, please visit Temples on the Eve of Lunar New Year. Try to visit at least 3 Temples in a Month till end of Geng Yin Year.

Deities that Tiger can look upon:

3rd Star Lord in Bei Dou Group - Star Lord Lu Cun (北斗七元第三祿存星君)
Lord Tai Sui of the Year (當年太歲星君)
Heavenly Lord of Three Realms (三官大帝)
Deity of Wealth (財帛星君)
Heavenly Lord Pu Hua (普化天尊)
Fu De Zheng Shen aka Deity of Earth (福德正神大伯公)

Spiritual Beings to Avoid:

Nether World Deities or Beings (冥界神靈)
Tiger Deity (虎神)
Five Ghosts (五鬼)


  1. Hi Jave, what u meean by Spiritual Beings to Avoid?? Is it mean we doesn't pray them??

  2. Yes, not to honour them for the year.

  3. Mean.. Even if a normal temple visit when we also can pay a respect??

  4. Mean.. Even if a normal temple visit when we also can't pay a respect??

  5. I think what jave could be saying if happen inside the temple got hell gods, just pay respect but dun ask for things from them will do.

  6. Okay.. Icic.. Understand liao.. Thank


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