Wednesday 27 January 2010

Chinese Zodiacs Luck in Geng Yin Year 2010 – Rooster 10 (庚寅年生肖運程之雞)


Rooster (雞)

For those who have encountered a Low Luck Year in Ji Chou Year, in Geng Yin Year, Rooster will be enjoying a Great & Prosperity Year. But never take it for granted, cos there are still Minor Issues happening if Oneself neglected or being too careless.

So who are the Lucky Stars?

For Geng Yin Year, Yue De (月德) appears to take Overall In-charge of the Life Plan of Rooster, meaning that in the whole of Geng Yin Year, Rooster will be protected by Yue De Star.

Once Yue De appears in the Life Plan, most of the Obstacles & Negative Energies will be eliminated unless Oneself is being too careless, reckless or purposely hurt the others, then Misfortune will befall on Oneself.

So what are the Negative Stars appearing in Rooster’s Life Plan for Geng Yin Year (庚寅年命盤)?

Even though Yue De is there to bestow protection for Rooster, there are still a few Negative Stars appear waiting for chances to take action to jeopardize the Life of Rooster.

Here are the Negative Stars:

1 Yue Sha (月煞)
2 Si Fu (死符)
3 Xiao Hao (小耗)

Yue Sha, a Star that will lead Oneself into unexpected Legal Cases. Rooster must be aware on the actions that Oneself taking, do not get too reckless or careless, always study thru documents before signing or listening carefully to what the others said before taking any actions.

For those who are going Overseas to study, please do be more careful on the School that you registered for.

For Si Fu to appear, Oneself shall avoid or prevent going to Funerals, if not, Oneself will encounter Negative Entities following or pestering and end-up getting seriously ill.

Xiao Hao is a Star to make Oneself spend un-necessary or spending money on Medication. Do be aware of Ones physical health and try to make planning on Ones earning/money.

Deities that Rooster can look upon:

4th Star Lord in Bei Dou Group - Star Lord Ju Men (北斗七元第四文曲星君)
Heavenly Lord of Three Realms (三官大帝)
Heavenly Marshal Wang Ling Guan (王靈官天君)
Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張祖天師)

Spiritual Beings to Avoid:

Nether World Deities or Beings (冥界神靈)

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