Tuesday 20 September 2016



於此﹐與各方同道好友分享另一組更為少見的資料 -九皇星君夫人個別名諱。







這些名諱是收錄於由東晉南朝黃琳道人所著(整理)的《 太上飛行九晨玉經(或稱太上迥元九道飛行羽經)》之中。

以下便是各別九皇賜福星君之” 玄諳”名諱﹕


1st Lord Madam, Yuan Dou Palace, Official Title is Kui Jing Xuan Shang Zhen Huang Fu Ren, Name is Ming Tong Ying Yu


2nd Lord Madam, Xuan Kui Palace, Official Title is Ling Jing Shang Xuan Huang Fu Ren, Name is Xuan Jing Yu Bo Guang


3rd Lord Madam, Shang Jing Palace, Official Title is Ling Fei Yuan Huang Fu Ren, Name is Chang Ming Hua Yun


4th Lord Madam, Gang Ji Palace, Official Title is Shang Ling Shen Fei Hua Huang Fu Ren, Name is Kai Sheng Yun Ming


5th Lord Madam, Ling Guan Palace, Official Title is Bei Shang Jin Gai Zhong Huang Fu Ren, Name is Yuan Fang Shen Wu


6th Lord Madam, Zi Ji Palace, Official Title is An Shang Chen Hua Yuan Huang Fu Ren, Name is Yu Yuan Hua Gen


7th Lord Madam, Yun Tian Palace, Official Title is Yu Hua Ling Huang Fu Ren, Name is Qing Yuan Zhong Hui


8th Lord Madam, Zhen Kong Palace, Official Title is Tai Ming Huang Fu Ren, Name is You Sheng Yuan Yun


9th Lord Madam, Chang Bao Palace, Official Title is Kong Xuan Bian Ling Shang Huang Fu Ren, Name is Ming Tong Wan Guang

While everyone is busily preparing for the arrival of the Ninth Month Festival that dedicated to Dou Mu Yuan Jun (中天大聖九天大羅斗姆元君) aka Mother of All Dippers & the Nine Star Emperor Lords of the Great Northern Dipper (北斗九皇賜福星君), in here, I will like to introduce the very Rare & almost unknown Nine Female Deities to all of you.

So who are they?

They are the Nine Wives of the Nine Star Emperor Lords of the Great Northern Dipper, which in Taoism, we addressed them as Jiu Huang Xing Jun Huang Fei Fu Ren (九皇星君皇妃夫人) or literally translated as the Madam Lord Concubine of the Nine Star Emperor Lords.

During Big Official Taoist Celebration, such as the Honouring of Dipper aka Li Dou (禮斗法會) or the Ninth Month Festival (九皇朝期), these Nine Madams will be evoked or invited to witness the Rituals/Ceremonies conducted in-order to request Blessing for the Beings in this Mortal Realm.

For those who wished to find out more on these Nine Madams, you are able to find the full set of records in the following mentioned Text:

The Old Ancient Scroll of the Nine Madams, the Official Titles & Names were being recorded in Taoist Canon, Book 33, Page 819 (《正統道藏》正一部).


此九皇星君夫人諱字收錄於隋朝《天微儀象秘要》之內﹐後在宋朝由蘇頌重新整理為《 新儀象法要》。





元子同- 北斗第一陽明貪狼夫人。

元光同- 北斗第二陰精巨門夫人。

元靈同- 北斗第三真人祿存夫人。

元月同- 北斗第四玄冥文曲夫人。

元玉真- 北斗第五丹元簾貞夫人。

元黃真- 北斗第六北極武曲夫人。

元華真- 北斗第七天衝破軍夫人。

元熒- 北斗第八天蓬元帥夫人。

元猌- 北斗第九天猷元帥夫人。

In here, you all will be seeing a group of Taoist Secret Characters dedicated to the Nine Madam Concubines of the Nine Star Lords of the Great Northern Dipper.

Which till now, many Taoists have yet to know or use them.

This Group of Characters is used during the Lunar 9th Month Celebration for the Honouring of the Nine Emperors, besides this Group, the Characters of Souther Dipper, General Qin Yang Tuo Luo, Lord San Guan will also be used.

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