Wednesday 16 March 2022













Manifestation Anniversary of Duke Kai Zhang & Father Marshal Chen Zheng 2022


15th Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月十五日) is known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Duke Kai Zhang Chen Yuan Guang of Tang Dynasty (大唐開漳聖王陳元光) – the Ancestor Patron of the Hokkien Tan Clan (閩南陳姓先祖) & 16th Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月十六日) is the Anniversary of Marshal Chen Zheng (聖父陳政), whom is the Father of Chen Yuan Guang (開漳聖王之父).


In same Places/Context, Duke Kai Zhang’s Manifestation Anniversary will be celebrated on the 16th Day of Lunar 2 Month (有其他記載記錄開漳聖王聖誕為農曆二月十六日).


For Year 2022, 15th Day of Lunar 2 Month falls on 17 March


16th Day of Lunar 2 Month falls on 18 March.


To know more info on Duke Kai Zhang, feel free to visit the following links:


Info of Duke Kai Zhang (開漳聖王簡介):


Kai Zhang Sheng Wang (開漳聖王) aka Duke Chen (陳聖王), real name known as Chen Yuan Guan (陳元光) or Chen Yan Ju (陳延炬) or Chen Long Hu (陳龍湖), born in Tang Dynasty Emperor Gao Zong period (AD657 唐高宗年間), 15th Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月十五日), hometown at He Nan Province (家鄉河南省).


At the age of 13, Duke Chen had been following his Father, General Chen Zheng (陳政大將軍), to fight against the Southern Barbarians (南蠻). After his father passed away (died on the way to another Battle with the invaders), Duke Chen was being appointed to take over his father's position to fight against the invaders.


After several months of battling (after taking over the position), Duke Chen defeated the invaders and successfully took over the Southern Part of China (which is Hokkien Province 福建省) with the help of his grandmother, Old Madam Wei (魏老夫人/俗稱魏媽), by leading extra Armies to join-in the Battle.


AD711, Tang Dynasty Emperor Rui Zong period (唐睿宗年間), Duke Chen died in the battle (戰死沙場).


From then, the folks in Southern China dedicated Temples to him and respect him as a Deity of Loyalty (忠義之神) and as a memory of having him to develop Hokkien Province (開漳有功).


In Taoism, Kai Zhang Sheng Wang got a few other Official titles, here they are:

1 Shun Ying Zhao Lie Hou (順應昭烈侯)

2 Guang Ji Wang (廣濟王)

3 Wei Hui Sheng Wang (威惠聖王)


Till today, in Singapore, the Tan Clan (陳姓族人) still pay respect to Duke Chen and most of the Temples that financially support by the Tan Clan will dedicated an Altar to Duke Chen.


Duke Kai Zhang Praise Incantation Video 2013 (大唐開漳聖王寶誥短片):



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