Saturday 13 June 2009

Ancient Taoist Ritual Scroll (古董道教法會掛軸)

Dear All,

In here, you will see 3 Pictures (being cut-up) of an Ancient/Antique Taoist Ritual Sroll.

In the Scroll, you will see Deities as followed:

1) Dou Mu Yuan Jun 斗母元君
2) Bei Dou Xing Jun aka The Seven Lords 北斗七元君
3) Xuan Tian Shang Di 玄天上帝
4) Zhou Gong & Tao Hua 周公桃花女
5) Heavenly Marshals of the Thunderial Department 雷/火部諸大天君
6) Earth Deity 土地神祇
7) City Deity 城隍尊神
8) Reporting Officer 傳表功曹

For High Res Pics, please proceed to this link:


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