Tuesday 9 June 2009

What your Dreams tell you? Series 21 (夢中景,現實情)


Upon request, in here, I will share with you a series of various Dreams & the Meaning behind each Dream.

Due to the Recording of the Dreams are done in Zhou Dynasty, so some of Dreams & the Meaning are somehow Out-dated. For those Out-dated Dreams, in here, I will not do any form of Introduction on it, in-order to minimize misconceptions.

Here it goes for Series 21, dreaming of seeing Spiritual Animals & Creatures (龙蛇禽兽等类)

龙当门者大吉昌。Dreaming of Dragons outside One's Home or transform into a Door, meaning that Oneself will be bestowed with Great Fortune.

龙飞有官位大贵。Dreaming of seeing Dragons flying, meaning that Oneself will be getting Promotion.

龙蛇入门主得财。Dreaming of seeing Dragon or Snake sneaking into One's Home, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Wealth Luck.

龙蛇入灶有官至。Dreaming of Dragon or Snake sneaking to Stove, meaning that Oneself will be getting a Good Job or Promotion soon.

蛇咬人主得大财。Dreaming of People got bitten by Snake, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Wealth Luck.

孔雀者主大吉利。Dreaming of seeing Peacock, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Luck.

鸡在树上主生财。Dreaming of seeing Rooster up on a Tree, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Wealth Luck.

白象江中官位至。Dreaming of seeing an White Elephant standing in water, meaning that Oneself will be getting a Good Job or Promotion soon.

虎入宅中官位重。Dreaming of seeing Tiger in One's House, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Job-prospect in the Future.

豺狼恶狗有盗贼。Dreaming of seeing Wolves & Dogs, meaning that Oneself will met with Robbers/Thieves in no time or One's Precious Items will be gone.

山猴主有争讼狱。Dreaming of seeing Monkeys, meaning that Oneself will be encountering Legal Cases in no time.


  1. Master Jave, what about being bitten by a scorpion? Is that good or bad?

  2. For the cases of bitten by Insects, usually are Negative Issues going to happen, but normally are minor ones, so do not get too worried on that.

  3. Come to think of it, I've never dreamt of animals...

  4. Hi Javewu,

    'My brother had a dream of me.In his dream there was a kind of Indonesian shaman/witch doctor,me and my brother.The shaman was looking at me,smiling and at the same time a green snake was crawling towards me and then up my body,according to my brother's dream,he had the feeling that the shaman was controlling the snake,and i could not done anything else,only smiling.
    The shaman smiles and look at my brother and then the snake goes towards my brother but then a white cat or rabbit(or the animal had white paws) appears and jumps in his defence,everytime when the snake comes the white cat/rabbit appears,So the snake is not able to come close.

    Also before or after this dream he dreamed of giving our aunt food offering/food she accepted it,she looked young and fresh,happy.

    Before this he also dreamed of me being attacked by something or someone.

  5. 3 things you need to do:

    1) Honour Tu Di outside your house
    2) Honour Door Deities at your house
    3) Place a small Mirror at the side of your Bed, facing when you sleep

    After doing all these in your own house, your bro's dream might change.


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