Monday 10 March 2008

Manifestation Anniversary (Birthday) of Lord Wen Chang (文昌帝君聖誕)


Lord Wen Chang, in Chinese known as Wen Chang Di Jun (文昌帝君) or Zi Tong Di Jun (梓潼帝君), full Official Title known as Jiu Tian Fu Yuan Kai Hua Zhu Zhai Si Lu Zhi Gong Zhen Jun Qi Qu Ling Ying Bao De Hong Ren Da Di Tan Jing Yan Jiao Xiao Jie Xing Hua Geng Sheng Yong Ming Tian Zun (九天輔元。開化主宰。司祿職貢真君。七曲靈應。保德宏仁大帝。
談經演教。消劫行化。更生永命天尊。) one of Five Deities that appointed to look into issues and blessings of Academic Studies and Career Luck for the Chinese & Taoists.

This is the Solely and Accurate Deity to look for or request for Luck of Academic Studies & Career and not other Characters of our Religions, this is one Big Mistake that a lot of our Chinese & so-called Claimed-Taoists made (and due to Incorrect Promotion & Teaching some of our Local Taoist Groups).

Back to Topic, on the 3rd Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初三日), it is considered as the Manifestation Anniversary or so-called Birthday of Lord Wen Chang (for Year 2008, it falls on 10 March). On this Day, the Chinese or Taoists will visit Temples that dedicate Altars or Statues to Lord Wen Chang to make their respect.

And so, what to prepare?

According to our Chinese Custom & Folks Practice, here are some recommended items to be prepared for the paying respect:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Longevity Noodles (壽麵)
3 Longevity Peaches (壽桃)
4 Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿)
5 Huat Kueh (發糕)
6 Rice Wine (米酒)
7 Chinese Tea (茶)
8 Paper Offerings (紙料)
9 Candles (蠟燭)

Besides that above-mentioned items, here is another list of items that needed to prepare, here it goes:

1 Spring Onion aka Cong – to represent Intelligent or Wisdom (青蔥-取義聰明)
2 Chive aka Jiu Cai – to represent Long Lasting (韭菜-取義長久)
3 Beancurd aka Dou Gan – to represent Getting Promotion (豆干-取義升職)
4 Bean-sprout aka Ru Yi Cai – to represent Everything is Prosperity (豆芽-如意菜-取義如意)
5 Celery aka Qin Cai – to represent Hardworking & Wise (芹菜-取義勤快)
6 Brown Rock Sugar aka Ye Tang – to represent Smoothness (紅椰糖-取義順利)
7 A Chinese Calligraphy Brush (毛筆)
8 A Jotter-book or any Writing Pad (記事本)
9 A Red Ribbon or A Red String (紅繩)

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, then one self can proceed to the Temple.

What to do next?

Upon reaching the Temple, place the Offerings in List One on a Red Plate or Tray and then place it on the Altar dedicated to Lord Wen Chang, and then, take out the other items from the List Two and do according to the following procedure:
Step 1:

Take a stick from the Spring Onion, Celery & Chive. Make sure that they are clean and dry.

Step 2:

Roll the Jotter-book or Writing Pad into a Cylinder Form, place the sticks of the Vegetables & the Brush on the Cover Page and then tie them up with the Red Ribbon or String.

Step 3:

Use another clean Red Plate or Tray to hold the tie-up Object and place the Beancurd, Bean Sprout, Brown Sugar around the Object and then place it on the Altar.

Once everything is ready, then one self can sincerely light the Incenses and Candles.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & Main Deities in the Temple and then last, proceed to the Altar that honoured Lord Wen Chang.

Make a Bow in front of the Altar and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage (for those who know how to recite the Bao Gao of Lord Wen Chang, can recite it first before reciting the following Passage):

Jin Feng.

Wen Chang Zi Tong Di Jun (Bow)

Wan Shou Sheng Dan Zhi Qi.

南洋新加坡共和國。 (你的住址) 。
Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo. (Your Address)

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

Wen Chang Zi Tong Di Jun (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

Wen Chang Zi Tong Di Jun (Bow)

Wen Cai Ci You Xue Zi Shen. Chang Long Chang Zhao Shou Ye Ren.

Yi You.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yi Nian Zhi Hui Chang Kai. Yue Yue Xin Si Zheng Zai.

Si Ji De Ren Gui Zhu. Wan Shi Xiang Gao Jin Mai.

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

Wen Chang Zi Tong Di Jun (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai. Zai Bai. San Bai. Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

Once the Paper-offerings are being burnt, go back to the Altar, make another sincere Bow and then retrieve back the Offerings and Tie-up Object, bring them back home and share with the other members in the Family.

For the Tie-up object, once reached home, hang it up in the Living-room or the Study-room, only take down after 3 Days or when the Vegetables turned brown.

As for the Beancurd, Bean Sprout, etc, after bringing home, can make a simple dish by cooking them altogether and then eat the dish with the rest of the Family Members.

Do not throw the Vegetables away, only burn them off with the Incense-paper or cut them up for making fertilizer for any Potted-plant at home.

As for the Jotter-book or Writing Pad, use it to do some writing, if not, give it to kids who need it, hope that by giving to them, the kids will be blessed with Wisdom & Knowledge.

And so, the whole Paying Respect to Lord Wen Chang is considered end.

PS: Information on Lord Wen Chang:


  1. shifu, may i know which temple has dedicated altar to Lord Wen Chang? Which are your recommended temples? Thank you

  2. In SIngapore, it's not easy to find a Temple dedicated Altar or Statue to Lord Wen Chang.

    One is at Xian Zu Temple located at Amoy Street another 1 is Lian Shan Cheng Huang Temple located beside Shuang Lin Temple.

  3. pray for wen chang - go to 萬壽山觀音堂 (or Ban Siew San kwan Im Tong)
    Add : No. 2 Telok Blangah Drive, Singapore 109256
    Tel : 6271 2914
    in front of block 54


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